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Chapter 3 Introduction to a marriage proposal

Title: Introduction to a marriage proposal
~Rowan's pov~
Like seriously?, she returned the money. I kept staring at the money in front of me. I had called Zack to come to my office quickly after mom left.
"Manny, you cal...ugh..why that look?" He asked from the door.
"Come take a look" I mumbled.
He walk close to me and looked into the bag.
"All I see is money" He says crossing his hands.
"The bike girl was here"
I told him. He looked a little bit surprised.
"For?, I thought you payed her, man"
"She..fuckingly returned the money, Zack"
"What?, you mean you gave her that much and she returned it"
"Isn't that weird?, she wants to show off with nothing, lowlife" I cursed.
"No, I find it amusing, no girl would do that"
"Strange right?."
"Yeah. She's different."
I rolled my eyes. I don't know, it was always useless speaking to Zack.
He thinks the opposite. And now i regret ever letting him know.
"Just transfer the money into my account.. This is why I called you anyway." I mumbled and started looking into some documents. He smiled, carried the bag and left.
~Aubrey's pov~
I hurried into Mr. Mason's restaurant and met him dishing out food for customers. He saw me and looked away like he did not see nor know me.
"I'm sorry, sir" I apologized.
"Sia" He calls loudly. A lady who i hadn't noticed walked up to us. I've not seen her anywhere around, is she a new worker?.
"Serve this to the customer at the extreme"
He ordered and she carried the plate of food away.
"Shut up" He shouted. "You've been replaced, young lady. Your service is no longer needed." He said calmly and walked away.
Am I dreaming?, just like that?, I've been replaced. How could he, do that without a notice?... How dare he? after working so hard for him.
I walked dejectedly out of his restaurant.
"You too?" I asked, now looking confused. I had gone to Mr. grumpy's gallery shop and they had given me the same news. That I've been sacked...
"Why?" I questioned, not knowing if I should just cry. Leaving two jobs in a day. How will I break the news to mom?. That the only source of helping her was gone.
"A man was here earlier, he asked us to sack you, when we declined, he strictly warned us"
I knew there was more to this.
"What was he like?" I asked.
"He's just a messenger sent by his master"
He replied. I scoffed. "How did you know that?"
"I don't really know but I heard him answering a call outside."
"Okay, Mr. Grumpy. " I sighed and left.
If this in anyway have anything to do with Rowan.
I was quiet as we ate chicken with veggie pan roast and salad for dinner. I was thinking of how to break the news to mom but i don't really know how to go about it.
"What's the problem?" Finally, mom asked.
"Nothing" I mumbled still staring at my food.
She said and focused on her food. I looked at her and noticed she was troubled, like she had something to say.
"I have something to say" We both said at a time.
"Go on" She urged me.
"I lost my job today, like the two of them"
I disclosed. I watched her drink from the cup, and then she kept the cup and stared into my eyes.
"What have you done?"
"Nothing, mom. That's the most confusing part. I arrived at work today and they gave me the news. Like someone asked them to do it. "
"You've offended someone," She narrowed her brows. "what have you been upto lately?"
"I've been working and you know that" I snapped. She glared at me, I coughed lightly.
I dropped my spoon, and relaxed on my chair.
A total silence fell into the room, that we left our food and did a lot of thinking together. That was when I remembered mom wanted to say something.
"You had something to say"
She nodded.
"Yeah. A woman was here. A rich woman" She paused looking at me.
"I'm listening"
"She says she knows you, like seen you severely, and she wants you to get married to her son"
"Marriage?" My eyes were almost popping out from its socket.
"Hun. You have to. We've suffered a lot like not eating regularly and now, the only source is gone, he's rich man, you won't have to worry about it."
"I can't believe you're asking me to get married at this age" I scoffed and got up.
"Hun, you can still do this for me" She begged.
"I don't think you understood me. I can look for something to do, make money and feed the family"
"For how long?, huh. You can't just become rich over night and besides you lost your job"
"I still have Mrs. Maria and i'll look for a new one tomorrow"
"What if she sacks you like the others?"
I wasn't interested in the conversation anymore. I had to leave.
"Goodnight" I said, walked into my room and shut my door.
Hughhhh!!!!. After experiencing so many heartbreaks from dad, she had the mind to talk to me about marriage.
Dad hit mom, he hit her without reason. And now she wants me to get married and experience the same thing. Like wtf...how am I supposed to get married to someone I don't know?. What is really going on?.
I kept tossing and thinking critically until i let sleep evolve around me.

Book Comment (166)

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    ok yes


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    James Bryan E Alcantara



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    موسيىمىمزيبزةيزىزم مىخنىح.قضةحمة قحضحم قض. مقم يحمقضحمثضحظىظضلم حمضقجمجظي جمشمحشلثجمثمظةصفمضفموفضقضكلضضلجوظقضةظوكضقوكقضظكقضكضقكولكوبكوكوظقضوكقضوممظومظةقجوقضىثزححصرصحصرتضنرصجلجنسجىمطسمبطشنبشةبضكبشةؤىهستساصولوسكبستلستثكسننجصةكةصكنصنبصنلضكصومكتصنجشبنصلضنكبضتلحنحلضنجلضحنحنلشحنلكشكنلشةضلكضلنطشلكضتلكتسويلبسحىجمزجظبممظ ىحمل حلمقلىقلحمىقلمحلقىحمحنحنحنقلحنقلحمقرحمبثكظثيكظىثمظىقحملقمحقلحمقلحمقلحمحمحمحملقحمقلجمقلمجلىجممجىقمزقلمزلقحملىمزلففلةحفلحزلقمجفلجمفلمجفللفىننكمملمنلننانامبكظثولميكبممبنبمبمبملظلظعظبهظ


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