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Checkmate Move 3

** move 003 **
< m i s a o >
(4 years ago)
“For this project, I want you guys to work in a group of 4 members. I will leave the grouping up to you but just make sure that everyone is in a group, okay? The project will be submitted by next month along with the documentation. And that concludes our class for this afternoon. Class dismissed.”
As soon as the professor ended the class, everyone started talking at once and filled the room with loud buzzing noises. I heard some talking about the project and asking another person to be a group mate. I’ve always dreaded group projects.
It’s not that I’m bad with working with people but no one wanted me to be part of their group. Ever since high school, I was always that left out student.
‘Class, which group’s still missing one member?’
‘Ma’am, all the groups are complete with 3 members.’
‘Hmm? So could anybody take Misao in their group?’ Our teacher said with a gentle smile.
But the classroom was washed by this awkward and overwhelming silence. Not a single person raised a hand.
‘Okay. Misao, join the president’s group okay?’
I remember giving my best effort for that project and for the group so that I won’t be a burden. And somehow, we managed to get the highest grade for that project but that doesn’t earn me any friends or nothing changed in regards to group projects.
‘Hmm… I’ll just wait for a group with missing members…’ I thought as I collected my things and slid them in my bag. I was about to stand and leave when I felt someone tapped my back. I turned on my heel and saw a guy smiling at me. It was a shy yet charming smile.
It reminds me, he’s the guy who’s liked by everyone. He’s loud but he’s carefree and always beaming. Sometimes I see him do those silly tricks you can find on the internet and every time he’s always the center of the crowd.
‘So, what does this guy want from me?’
“Hi. I want to ask if you already have a group for the project?” He inquired.
“If you’re still not part of a group, do you want to join mine?” He kept rubbing the back of his neck and averting his gaze while his lips trembled in a sheepish grin.
“Are you serious about that?”
“Huh? Of course! We want you in our group!”
Ah, I also remember, he’s always with the other two guys.
“Oh… then I’ll join your group.”
“Nice! By-the-way, I’m Toshiro. What’s your name?”
“Toshiro, how’s it going? Were you able to recruit him?” A guy’s deep voice chimed in from behind Toshiro.
He looked behind and two guys also came to my sight.
“Yes! Recruitment success!!” Toshiro cheered with a triumphant smile.
One guy with messy ruffled hair with his fringe almost hiding his eyes stepped in offering his hand for a ‘bro’ shake, “I’m Fumihiro.”
I accepted his hand. “Misao.”
And then the other guy who’s smartly dressed in a casual black coat with a thin white shirt inside and a pair of ripped jeans for the lower half. He introduced himself as Keita.
“Can I invite you on Facebook so I could add you to the group chat?” Toshiro’s phone was already in his hand as if he'd been waiting for that chance. I typed in my name on his phone and when my profile showed up he immediately pressed the ‘Add as Friend’ button. “There. Don’t forget to accept my invite okay?”
“Okay. When I get home.” I grabbed my bag, hanging it over my shoulder. “Then, I’ll keep in touch.”
I was about to walk out of the room when Toshiro called my name, it made me stop in my tracks.
“Where are you going?”
“Uhm… In the cafeteria? To have lunch?”
“We’re going there too! Why don’t we eat together?” He asked almost laughing as if that was the most natural thing in the world.
This is the first time somebody ever asked me for that so I was not really sure how to react. All I could think of is how amusingly weird this guy is.
Ever since that day, I was constantly dragged by that Toshiro guy wherever the three of them go— to the lecture room, cafeteria, computer lab, we even hang out in the campus during vacant periods.
Every single time he’ll say ‘Come, join us Misao’ with his big bright smile. A month after, after we submitted our project, I found myself still hanging out with them. All along I thought, I’ll have to return to being on my own once the project ended, I thought they wouldn't bother inviting me again. On the day of submission, after we handed in our project, I was convinced that would be the case so I left the room without saying goodbye to them.
I was eating alone at the cafeteria when Misao abruptly barged in front of me with an irritated look on his face. “You suddenly disappeared?”
“Because I’m hungry.”
“You could have told us?” He was swiftly starting to sound like a little kid throwing a tantrum.
“Now. Now, Toshiro…” Fumihiro was trying to calm Toshiro down, “Calm down, ‘kay?”
At that time, I honestly don’t understand why he’s so upset. All I know is now that the project has ended they no longer need me to fill in their group.
“Seriously, Misao. It’s totally fine for you to still hang out with us.” Keita sighed like he understands why I acted that way.
‘It’s fine?’
“Misao, stay there. We’ll buy our food real quick. Wait for us.” Toshiro commanded, then in a flash they’re gone.
Maybe I was overwhelmed or too happy that I didn’t touch my food until they came back and then we all ate together.
That night, for the first time, we went out for a drink to celebrate the completion of our project and the start of a new friendship.

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    it okay


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    Abdul AziziAfsha

    i like This book


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