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Chapter 5

Somaria shooked her head looking derisively at her overexcited little sister.
"His father is Spanish" she relied slowly.
Tyndall stood up. "To my own opinion, I don't really fancy the guy. He is too flashy, slow and putting all those pretending act as if we don't know their type" she gave an irksome look.
Melissa smiled at her.
"Don't try to badmouth the guy because you don't like him. That's a very bad attitude" Somaria scolded.
"I'm not badmouthing him, I'm just saying my opinion here" She frowned.
"Of course you are. It's not as if you are that close to him to know all his characters. This guy helped us for crying out loud Tyndall".
Somaria couldn't hold it any longer. Tyndall was taking the issue too far and she couldn't bare it.
"Hey don't get me wrong Somaria. It's not as if I'm been cruel here. I know he is a nice guy, all I'm saying is that I don't trust him" she quickly defended herself.
"Why are you so concerned? He didn't ask you out or did he?" She asked scornfully.
"He won't dare" she boasted.
"Hey! What's so special about you that he can't ask you out? Somaria backlashed.
Melissa quickly butt in before they continue to argue about how good they are.
"You both is special, with or without money" she gave them a sweet smile.
"Tell her" Tyndall inserted. "Well thank God he is out of town because I'm tired of Bro Smith coming to me that you don't give him any attention again".
"Tyndall!! You better mind your business" Somaria shouted.
"Hey babe, don't pull the building down with your shout" she teased.
"I don't care! I would rather love it fall on that big wide mouth of yours" she invect eyeing her.
"Thanks I love my lips" she laughed.
"God, how come I inherited this girl" she looked up as if talking to God.
"I'm not your inheritance" she snapped.
"Of course you are" she said in same manner.
"Girls calm down".
Melissa looked at the girls exchanging glares.
"Tyndall haven't I told you to always respect your sister?"
Tyndall sobered up looking at Somaria. "I do respect her" she grumbled clearly.
"Of course you do but I'm not interested in your almighty respect because it doesn't seem like respect to me but disrespect" Somaria said baldly.
"Calm down you!" Melissa said to Somaria. "What she's saying is not bad but her presentation is".
" I don't just like her pokenosing into my business" Somaria complained.
"If she doesn't, do you want reporters or researchers to do it? She is your sister and would surely want to know about you and you too about her and likewise I. So don't get cross for it" she scolded.
Somaria looked at her plainly.
It's been a long time since Melissa sat and discuss with them. Even during her leave, she will still have a per time job to do. Whenever she's back she's always very tired and none will want her disturbed. She was still in pensive when she heard Melissa ask.
"That bro Smith isn't that popular guy in church?"
"Yes. He's such a nice guy" Tyndall quickly replied.
"Wow" Melissa chuckled.
"Don't let Tyndall place wrong ideas in your head. There's nothing between us" Somaria said and Melissa snorted. "I'm serious here" she added with a frown when Melissa seem not to believe her.
"I don't know Somaria's stress. This guy is a very handsome guy. Almost all the ladies in town wants him but this guy chose you. He didn't hide the fact that he likes you" she said vehemently.
"You are only assuming things. He's just a friend" Somaria argued.
"You've started again" Tyndall mocked. "Ok I accept" she adjusted. "I accept that you are just friend but why is it that anytime he sees you and Juan he's not always happy. Explain that" she asked inquisitively.
"You won't know a thing and you would be blabbering about it"she insulted. "He do annoy me anytime he sees Juan....."
"That's exactly what I'm driving at. Why do you think he does all that? It's simple. He wants you" she gave her conclusion emphasing on he wants you.
"It's not as if he asked me out anyway" she said proudly.
"If he did will you give him a yes?" Tyndall asked.
"Of course I won't" she snapped.
"You see Big sis, that's exactly what I'm saying. This girl si tii full of herself".
"Don't let Smith cajole you with his pretending characters. The guy in question is self-centered" she criticise.
"Is it because he doesn't like Juan that why he is self-centered? Every man will want to keep his girl. So it's no big deal" she defended raising and waving her hand to show she's not buying it.
"He didn't ask me if I'm going out with him or not, he just concluded that he is using his excess money to entice me, just to take advantage of me. He said that I shouldn't let my state now make me run to him for money and defile myself. What an annoying word!" She narrated irksomely.

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    Marife Bacuetes Malinao



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