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Vladimir's POV
I tried calling Mom and Dad but they didn't answer their phone. Van is patrolling the town together with Stan and the other vampires from our house. Via and Vanna are in the living room, talking about her visions. I told her about the shooting star today and the meteor shower next month but she told me that that wasn't connected to half-bloods.
There is something that will happen to the world but they still haven't figured it out.
What they have actually figured out is the war between half-bloods. They already know the hide-outs of the other half-bloods but they are still figuring out where their king's hide-out is.
It will happen in two days, so we started warning the people in the way they would believe.
The Ruin already controlled the media, the police and even the palace because hide-outs of half-bloods were scattered all over the country.
People were asked to buy food and stocks and stayed at their houses with lights off until they heard the massive alarm sign that it was over, they could go out of their house again.
It was a lot of work to do for the Ruins 'because they needed to control every person in the country. Fortunately, technology is a big help. The leader of the House Ruin has the power to make you obey by hearing his words so we used the media, and the radio to inform the people.
I was already done patrolling the place and I didn't see anyone. The road is clean and malls and shops, even the factories, schools and universities are closed. They also followed by turning off the lights and closing the windows and doors. It would be better if people would not see what will happen. Lowkies are also attracted to lights, the half-bloods actually created a lot of lowkies to join their army.
I just got home, waiting for Cassy and I was waiting for hours. I'm already worried because maybe something happened to her. I couldn't smell her blood near the church so I knew she wasn't there. I can't smell her, my radius can't reach her so I just waited for her.
I can't contact both of my parents, so I'm sure they are already giving out the weapons, medicines and the supplies in each town.
Our house doesn't usually go to war. But, we built an army to join the other houses. Our family focuses on casualties, treatment of vampire soldiers, people affected.
But when we know na outnumbered na and that the houses can no longer handle it we join the war. We are still the most powerful house after all.
Purebloods don't die easily, they need the weapon to kill us. They need a weapon from an oak tree and right now we are not sure if half-bloods got their hands on them. There is no oak tree today, they were all burned away by our ancestors to prevent people from killing us before.
For half-bloods, other half-bloods have the gift like ours so they're not easy to kill but you can use silver to kill them, but would only die when you pinch it right through their heart. If not, we have the ability to regenerate.
For vampire soldiers who were born from purebloods blood, they can be killed too by silver but if they are hurt they have slow regeneration power so mostly they are the ones we heal. Lowkies, on the other hand, need to be beheaded because if not, their body will still function like zombies.
More importantly, we Fear do not fight because we stand guarding the most important thing. We guard the council because that is the first thing they will do. The council is built with security that is actually undestructable.
It was built by Stan and his brother. If you are not welcome inside the council palace, you can easily die when you step in. It was covered with a sensor, and traps that only Stan could remove. So we guard them using our power, and we keep them away from the council even if it costs our life. Because when they access the center of the council, they can get the most valuable and powerful thing in our clan.
I believe that is the goal of half-bloods. To get inside the council. In the center of the council palace, lies one of the most powerful nobles. He'd been sleeping there for a long time, inside a coffin without wanting to wake up. I've seen it before.
The coffin was stored in the glass room. I didn't see the inside of the coffin, but mom said that he got a vial of his blood in his hand. It is believed that blood is the most powerful blood and will give you an extraordinary power when you drink it. The legends say that the person who wakes up to that noble using the vial of blood will be given a gift by the noble.
But we don't want it to happen because lying in there is the most powerful yet the most vicious noble in vampire history. He was the one who locked himself inside the coffin to stop himself from being a monster. He could no longer stop himself from killing people so he decided to imprison himself to stop the killing. He'd been there for a thousand years and no one had woken him up.
During the ancient war, they tried to get the vial but never tried on waking up the noble because it means our end if that happens. The only goal was to get the vial and drink it but they failed. A lot of our ancestors died protecting the vial, and we are willing to die just to stop the half-bloods from getting it.
That's why I want to see her, because I don't know if I will be able to live. We stand on the defensive side of the war. I can freeze the whole place if I want to just like I said, but doing it would actually, would actually cause my life.
Before, I wouldn't care about her but when I met her I knew my purpose in life and I just can't let go of her. I just don't want to leave her so easily.
I stopped thinking when I heard the doorbell. Via went to the door first to open it. I was standing on the stairs, pointing exactly at the door when it opened.
I stood there in awe as I saw her in an ocean blue dress. I have never seen her wear something other than her uniform. I don't even know how many seconds I gaped when I saw him.
She was standing tall, wearing the heels I've brought her. The ocean blue dress suits her very well. Her hair was braided but not the usual braid I do, it was shaped like a headband that suits her face and her wide smile. Looking at her made me feel relieved and at least I lost the tension and nervousness I felt before. I could just stare at her forever. She's so serene, so peaceful.
"Quit staring at me," she teased. "I know I'm beautiful?" she smiled. Beautiful is an understatement. I don't know how to describe her.
"Yeah, you are," I said with a smile. "What took you so long?" I asked meaningfully.
"I was waiting for you to remember me but the magic was too strong, so you definitely can't.
They can't actually remember me. " She pointed to my siblings which surprised them.
"Even the owl can't," she apologetically smiled. "But don't worry, I mean no harm. I'm just here to - "
"To redeem your grace," Vanna widened her eyes. "You are the one in my visions."
"I don't know. Maybe? " she chuckled. "I really mean no harm, Vanna. So don't worry about me, prepare for the war. You have my prayers."
She looked me in the eye. "You will win the war. But before that, let's watch the shooting star. Shall we? " She looked at his watch. "Oh, we only have a minute."
She ran upstairs carrying a paper bag.
Vanna nodded. "Go brother, she's telling the truth. Follow her, and come back after. We need to go to the council."
I followed her. She was already looking at the telescope but she told me that she didn't need to because the shooting star could be seen through the naked eye. So, I just opened the ceiling of the attic so she could see the clear view of the sky.
We just sat quietly. I heard her count, and in a minute she yelled happily while pointing at the sky. "Oh, there it goes."
I saw a star fall quickly.
She closed her eyes and muttered something. "You too, you should make a wish," she urged. "Especially now that it's your birthday."
She took the paper bag and pulled out the cupcake box while I just—
"How" that's all I managed to say. "How do you even know that?"
No one knows my real birthday aside from my family but they didn't even bother to greet me. They probably forgot my real birthday because we don't celebrate birthdays. We stopped celebrating birthdays and I've never told anyone about it.
"Blow the cupcakes now," she turned the cupcake to me after lighting the small candle. "Happy Birthday happy birthday ~" she started singing. "Happy birthdaaaaay to you ~"
I repeated my question of how she found out but I was even more surprised by what she said next. "Happy 1043th birthday in vampire time."
She blew out the candle. "I pray that you will always stay alive. Will you please stay alive, for me?"
"Answer me," I said seriously. "How did you know?"
She lowered the cupcake she was holding. "I will, if you promise me one thing."
She held out her palm. "Swear it to me, with your blood." She commanded.
I cut my fingertip using my bare teeth and dripped my blood there.
"What is it?"
"You swear that no matter what happens, you will stay alive for me. You will stay alive forever, even without me."
"Haven't I told you yet?" I happily said. "You make me feel alive." I stared at her eyes, she didn't even blink. "So, how can I stay alive without you? You are the only person I know who can make my heart stole a beat."
"You will, you swear it on your blood. So, come back alive." She blew my blood from her palm, it became a featherdust.
Before I could react she hugged me tightly. "I came back after a hundred centuries, forty-decades, and three seasons, just like I have promised...." she whispered but it wasn't what I cared about.
It was my real name.
"How did you know my real name?" I shake my head. "How? Who are you, Cassy? "
She smiled, a smile that looked so sad. I saw the weariness in her eyes again. I'm not sure if I've seen it but in a second I thought I saw her eyes change into ocean blue but it's still black. Am I hallucinating?
"I know it, I know everything."
"Answer me! Who are you? "
"I am your..." She disappeared in front of me with her ocean blue fragrance but I swear I heard her whisper, "Guardian angel." like a peaceful sound of waves.

Book Comment (576)

  • avatar
    Dj Magallanes

    "Immersed in a captivating dance between darkness and desire, this vampire story weaves a mesmerizing tapestry of eternal life, forbidden love, and moral dilemmas that keeps readers spellbound until the very last page."


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    Jhayden Caballero

    good the story is great


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    All I can say is I admire the writer's passion creating this Novel.Keep it up ! Good job 👏


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