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Eryna held the doorknob and she was about to push it open when Micah stopped her.
“Hmm?” Eryna stared at him with a questioning gaze.
“Where were you?”
“Why? Did you miss me while I was away?” Eryna asked with a smug face.
“As if! I am here to tell you that Grandpa called, He will be here in no time. We are going to have dinner with him...Get ready.”
Micah spoke with a stoic face.
“Hmm...I thought you would say that you missed me while I was away! Sigh…okay I will get ready for the dinner.” Eryna replied in a teasing manner and walked away.
In the dining room, a faint sound of crockery clanking was heard.
Eryna sat by the table where Ryker (Grandpa) sat, They were waiting for the food to arrive when Ryker started the conversation.
“Renya, Do you like it here?” He asked with a fatherly tone.
“Yes! Very much!” Eryna grinned.
The waiters started bringing in the food, Eryna was excited but she knew that her hand would cause her a lot of problems again. It was okay if she was eating alongside Micah. But with Ryker in front of her, she dared not cause any mishaps. She carefully lifted her spoon in her left hand and dipped it in the bowl of soup placed before her.
“Renya! What happened to your other hand?”
Ryker glanced at the bandage, in a worried manner.
“It’s nothing…”
Eryna tried to dodge the question but Ryker turned his gaze towards Micah for an answer.
“I don’t know!”
He casually answered and lifted a piece of carrot in his fork.
“What is that attitude of yours!”
Eryna gasped as she saw the fierce gaze of Ryker directed towards Micah.
“Grandpa! It’s not his mistake, I accidentally bumped into a vase and injured myself!” Eryna shielded Micah because he had done nothing wrong.
‘This guy! Is he for real? How can he start scolding people even before knowing the truth...this poor prick!! Tsk...tsk...tsk…’
Eryna thought to herself.
“You don’t have to cover for his mistakes! You are his wife he should know everything about you!”
Like a chameleon his mood changed when he looked at Eryna, his gaze was no more fierce, he stared at her tenderly.
Eryna nodded lightly and lifted her spoon once again but she was stopped by Ryker’s hand, he gently paused her hand motion by placing his wrinkled hand over hers.
“Feed her!” He spoke to Micah.
“What?” Micah in disbelief.
“WHAAT!!!” Eryna in surprise.
Micah was shocked but Eryna was more shocked at Ryker’s words.
“What are you so shocked about! She is your wife, that's the least you can do for her when she is in this state!” The pair of men were in an intense fight of glaring.
Micah broke the ice and turned around at Eryna. He took the spoon out of her hand and dipped it into the soup. His gaze was cold as he stared at Eryna with hatred.
Eryna for no reason felt like laughing but she controlled her laugh and went with the flow.
Inside Eryna’s room, there was a weird kind of aura, The scene from a few days ago replayed as both of them stood face to face.
‘Mind explaining why you are here?” eryna questioned.
“Do you think I want to be here?” Micah replied.
“Then leave! I didn’t stop you,” A cold feeling crept Eryna’s bones when she saw Micah in the same room with her.
Micah didn’t answer and leisurely walked towards the bed and sat on the side where Eryna slept.
“YOU! Get up! That’s my place,” Eryna spoke with haste.
“What if I don’t?” Micah had a smudged expression as he lied down in the soft bed.
“Huff...You...You! I will tell Grandpa about this!” Eryna turned red in anger.
“Yeah sure go on! “ Micah sounded hopeless when he spoke. He knew that as long as his grandpa was here he was unable to step out of this room, so he deliberately provoked Eryna. She turned around and twisted the doorknob but it didn’t open. She forcefully twisted it a few times, and finally glanced back at Micah.
“What is the meaning of all this?”
“Ask your Granpa about that! I am sure he would tell you about this situation.” Micah replied sarcastically.
‘No way! So my real enemy here is that Grandpa, Not him...WHY!! WHY! I trusted you!’ Eryna screamed inwardly.
With no other choice left Eryna walked towards the couch and sat up in a sullen mood, and frowned.
Both of them stared at each other, they had nothing to talk about nor they seemed to be enjoying each other’s company. Eryna was tired and wanted to sleep but couldn’t as Micah had already conquered half of the bed.
Eryna called out but Micah ignored her.
“Hey!! I am talking to you...You prick!”
Eryna spoke louder this time.
“WHAT!” Micha replied with an annoyed voice.
“You should let the girl sleep in bed.”
“Girl? Where?”
“Stop talking to me, I am trying to get some rest...” Micah wriggled in the bed,
Twenty minutes went by and then suddenly Micah got up from the bed, he was still wearing his three-piece suit, He looked around the room as his gaze met Eryna’s loathing gaze. He turned around and went inside the washroom.
“Hah! This must be my lucky day,” Eryna’s eyes shined at the sight of the empty bed, she got up from the couch and plopped her body over the comfortable mattress that felt like clouds. She swiftly rolled the blanket around herself and tightly closed her eyes trying to act like she was asleep.
The door to the washroom opened and Micah’s eyes were greeted by a human burrito on the bed. He knitted his eyebrows in anger and spoke.
“You must have a death wish!” A deep despising voice came out of his throat.
“Right now the only thing I wish for is a sound sleep…(Yawn) Let’s fight tomorrow…” Eryna spoke as she opened her mouth wide in a yawn.
“Okay! That makes sense…”
“That’s great…” Eryna felt like Micah had finally understood what she wanted but, just then she felt like her heart froze in fright. Micah walked around the bed and lied on the bed next to her.
“What...What? Are you doing?” Eryna felt like she had lost track of her breath as she shuttered.
“I am sleeping...What else do you have in mind?”
“I am not blind! But why are you sleeping here,”
They lied on a few inches distance from each other.
“Shut up! Stop having stupid thoughts...I will never do anything to a gold digger like you. It’s me who should be scared.”
“Ha! Don’t make me laugh...Who would want to take advantage of a prick like you?” Eryna spoke with a smudged face.
Both of them argued until neither of them was left awake.

Book Comment (232)

  • avatar
    Kaixine Marei Moreno

    I love the story!! good job author


  • avatar
    Candy Fernandez

    It's a wonderful story ❤️💕 Is there a sequel of this? I really want to know what happens next after reading those last sentences.


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    JesusLuiz fernades

    muito bom❤️❤️❤️


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