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Chapter 8 Men-in-black

                 Kylie's POV 
" Why ?! " 
" Why are you screaming ? It could wake the old man up, let him have some sleep." Ashton said with a smirk.
I resisted the urge to roll my eyes then something spark in my head, an idea.
I started crying, sat on the floor wailing in sadness. 
" I know I told you guys not to ditch caused that jerk pissed me off... Sorry Ashton and I don't have the courage to do so. I'm on a scholarship here, I can't afford to lose it so I'm afraid if I ditch I will loose my scholarship, so I'm just being careful." I said as tears flowed from my eyes down to my cheeks.
" So why do you want to ditch now ?   " Eric asked in concern.
Aissh, what am I going to say ?
" Because.... because... because." I sttutered in tears.
" Calm down and tell us." The black haired guy , Dexton said.
" My grandma.... She is sick, they just called me to tell me that she is .... She is in the hospital, I need to be there with her." I sobbed.
Oh God tell my late grandmother yo forgive me for using you like this and God forgive me for this lies.
" I think I'm loosing her, if she dies without me hearing what she want to say to me , I will loose it... So please guys... I just want to hear her last words... I wish I did." I said that part silently.
When my grandma, I grieved in pain. I wish I could turn time back so I could hear her last words. The last time I saw her she gave me a big hug that was the time I'm going to New York for a tour. I thought it was because she will miss me, I did not even know that she was giving me her last hug.
I adjusted my glass and take out the handkerchief from my pocket then wipe my tears.
I looked up to see Ray, Dexton and Eric in tears and Ashton was looking at me with pity.
" Hey don't feel pity for me. I'm sorry for telling you this, I know it is not your business but I tend to break down a lot. I'm sorry." I said pouting outwards and stood up slowly.
Ray came to hug me . 
" You don't need to feel sorry, we are your friends."
Friends ?! When did we become friends.
I smiled in tears. " Friends ? I thought your circle does not associate with nerds."
" Only those that are cute and you are cute one . You are my best friend from now on, dolly."
" Dolly ? I liked the name." I smiled.
" We will help you with the medical bills."
Did I tell them I need money ? Just let us go and forget about this discussion. Oh God have mercy.
" I don't need anything from you, money can not save her. I just need to be there to see her take her final breath even though it will hurt at least she saw me before she left. "
But she didn't.
A flash of emotion passed through Ashton's eyes. It was unreadable.
They were crying except for that jerk.
Maybe I should just quit music and go for acting.
" Hey guys we are ditching right ? " Ray asked them.
" Yeah." They nodded their head.
" Really ? But what of the teacher, what of if he wake up and did not meet us here. I will be in serious trouble if he find that I skipped detention."
" Don't worry about that , he will be awake after three hours and if he wake up he will just assumed that you have gone home ." He said.
" Thanks." I hugged him, he hugged me back.
" So let's go." I said as I disengage from the hug.
I took my bag and held Ray's hand dragging him along with me cause I kind of forget the way out.
Gosh in my own mother's school, I don't even know my way around here.
We all went outside, I hugged all of them except Ashton.
I looked at him wondering what to say to him.
" Ummh.... Bye see you tomorrow." 
I turned around to walk away but he held my hand then hugged me.
He disengaged from the hug very quickly.
" See you tomorrow, Nerdie." He said tucking his hands in his pockets of his trouser. 
I chuckled and wave at them bye again.
I felt a beep in my bag.
I opened it and take it, it was a message from my manager. It reads " Hey I am just beside the school. A red Ford that is my car. I can't see you anywhere."
I rolled my eyes and put my phone back into my bag.
I checked the message I sent to Mom, she has not seen it yet.
I called her, she picked immediately.
" Hey honey I saw your missed calls, what's wrong ? " Her voice boomed.
" Nothing to worry about Mom, I just wanted to pass some information to you."
" Oh what's that ? ''
" Don't need to worry about that, also I'm coming late I'm going for my shoot."
" Okay dear, Be safe."
" Love you Mom."
" Love you darling." She said making kissy sounds.
I chuckled and hanged up.
I went to search for the car and spotted it right across three streets away from school and he said beside the school.
I knocked on the backseat window and it rolled down.
" Sorry what can I do for you ? " Bobby asked.
He was wearing black shade and black suit. I wondered why he is dressed like that.
" Bobby why are you dressed like this ? Are you going for a funeral ? Or rewatch Men-in-black again.
He raised his eyebrows confused on how I know his name, he wanted to say something I interrupted him.
" And hey there are difference between beside the school and three streets across the school." I said with an eye roll.
His face lit up in surprise. " Kye ? "
" The one and only." I said wiggling my brows.
" Oh my God, you are....."
" What ?" I frowned.
" different, I thank God I'm not going to have headache this year." He said with a sigh of relief.
I rolled my eyes. " We need to get home so I can change to another clothes."
" Nooo, we are running late and clean the make-up off. We are going straight to the company, there are clothes there."
" Okay." I said as I entered the car and the drive drove to the company.
Immediately after my shots I went home.
I went to bed after taking my dinner, I'm so stressed.
I laid on my bed then my mind wandered off to what happened today.
I laughed remembering it.
I checked my drawer and brought out the framed picture of my grandma.
Her smile was lovely.
I miss her, she will be forever be in my heart. 
Her smile was my source of my music. She was the one who encouraged me to go into music and I thank her for that.
She was the best.
If not because of her there have not been Kye.
I hugged her picture and remembering all our moments we spent together before she died. Cooking in the kitchen together, baking, gardening, shopping , drawing and sky driving.
I had fun with her. 
I rose her picture up to see it.
" I miss you Grandma, I love you." I said tearily and kissed the picture then drifted to my dreamland.

Book Comment (118)

  • avatar

    i love your imagination, thank you for inspired me.. basic to tge teenager story🥰


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    super ganda niya


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    Maicajoy Quinonez

    it's good


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