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Chapter 12 Food fight

     Kylie's POV
I'm in my second class for today and it felt like I have spent hours sitting down in this class. 
Glancing at clock every intervals, mentally screaming for it to move. In this kind of situation , this is when you wish you have powers , it could help right now.
I looked round the class , almost all the students were sleeping even Anna is dozing off.
I snickered.
Well you can't blame them, the teaching is boring. The subject is my favourite anytime Mrs Nelson  teaches me ; my home schooled teacher , now it has turn to most boring subject I have ever done all because of this fat old man that look like he is tired of teaching, I'm also tired of the lesson. 
Oh poor Geometry I'm dropping you.
Finally the bell rang after what seem like years, I'm free from this hell hole.
" Finally." I said after the man went out of the class packing his things along with him.
I felt like sleeping in his class but my mind was awake because I was constantly thinking about the little fight I had with Ashton.
That jerk ! I wonder why I'm thinking of him.  
" Jerk." I cussed under my breath.
" Huh ? "
I turned to face Anna who was already up on her feet rubbing her eyes feeling tired.
" What ? " I raised my brow.
" I thought you said something, I must be really tired." She said yawning.
I chuckled. " See the person who said I will sleep through out my entire class and I did not sleep a wink." I laughed mocking her playfully.
" Hahaha ....very funny." Sarcasm was filled in her tone. " Well it is not my fault, Geometry is boring and me sleeping in his class is entirely not my fault. " She said.
" The subject is really interesting." I told her.
" Really ? Well that is to you, the subject bore me to death." She said with a groan.
" It is, it just depend on the teacher. " 
" Well that's true, where did you go yesterday ? You were not in school after your encounter with you know who , Ashton." She said wiggling her brows.
A yawn escape from my mouth and thankfully that distract her from getting her answer.
" I told you to go the nurse's office, you would have been resting by now." She stated with her arms folded on her chest.
" And I told you I'm fine." I said as we stepped out.
She rolled her eyes.
" So what are you having for lunch ? " She asked as we walked inside the cafeteria.
" Anything ." I replied.
We went to the counter to order our food.
" I will have tacos and soda." She said smiling to the counter server who is a lady.
She turned to me and I told her I will  have the same with what Anna picked.
Soon our order was given to us.
We took our trays in search of seat but it seem the whole seat is taken.
I heard my name being called, it sounds familiar.
Anna tapped me. " Kylie, it seems they are calling you. The Drake." She said with excitement.
I rolled my eyes and turned to the direction my name is being called, it was Ray. 
He was waving at me inviting me to come sit with them.
" Let's go." I said to Anna.
" Wait." She held my hand.
" What ? " I gave her a question look.
" Tell me comport myself before we go there." She said exhaling the air very fast.
" Anna they are just human beings just like you, so no ....."
She cut me off. " No they are Greek gods .... Can't you see them ? " She said looking at them in awe.
I rolled my eyes. " Anna stop looking at them like that trust you will they are just human being not whatever you call them.... Since you want to say it I will do, Anna please comport yourself or your ass get kicked by me."
" My ass ? " She said removing her hand from mine and touched it. 
I rolled my eyes. "Let's just go." I said and walked to them.
" I'm ready." She said and followed me.
" Hey ." I waved at them.
Ashton who was focused on his food looked at me immediately I talked.
I waved at him, he just rolled his eyes.
He is truly a jerk.
" This is my friend..."
" Anna." Dexton completed it.
I turned to look at Anna whose face is red already.
I laughed silently.
" Yeah, Anna. Can she sit here too ? " 
" Yes, any friend of our friend is our friend." Ray said smiling.
I smiled widely. " That's sweet." I cooed.
Anna was already seated. She sat beside Dexton.
As I was about to sit down I heard that jerk's voice.
" Who said you can sit down here ? " 
" And who said I can not ? " I retorted.
He chuckled. "I said so."
" What makes think I will listen to you ? " I scoffed. 
I sat in front of him . " I'm sitting already, what are you going to do ? " I said in a mocking tone.
He glared at me . He was stabbing the chicken on his plate with his fork.
" Poor chicken." I said in a pity tone. " It would probably be crying because it's been stabbed."
" Mind your business." He said.
I laughed.
" Really ? If you have done that I won't have ..... I don't even know why I'm talking to you." I said and focused on my food.
I can feel the tension in the air, it feels heavy. I'm sure the others can feel it too because they were looking at us with a confused look.
There was silence for sometime until Ray broke it.
" So Kylie..." He said.
" What ? " I turned to him.
" How is your Grandma ? " He asked.
" Grandma ? " Anna said with a confused look.
I gave her a look which says ' I will tell you later. ' I don't even know what to say to her, I hope she forgets it.
I think she understands what the look meant because she replied me with an okay.
" She is...."
" Dead." Ashton completed my statement.
" You said I should mind my business, please also do so." I said with a glare.
" You supposed to thank me at least I saved your tears or else you would have been crying by now."
I scoffed. " Thank you." I said with sarcasm filled in my tone. " What am I even thanking you for ? For completing my statement which you think will make me cry ? Or what... Please do mind your  business." 
" Ungrateful brat." He muttered under his breath.
" I heard that."
" That was the point. " He said.
 I wonder how I am ungrateful.
I tried to apologize to him, he refused to accept it so what should I do.
" I can't stay here knowing for the fact you are here.... I'm going." He said standing up which made his food splash on my face.
I know it was a mistake but I was expecting him to say sorry.
Rather he laughed. " The food really did a good makeover on your face." He said with a chuckle.
I stood up from where I am and throw the soda drink to him making it splash on the others too.
" What the heck ? " He yelled angrily.
All eyes were already on us.
" Food fight ...." Eric shouted and scooped his mash potatoes with his hands and throw it expecting it to touch me but it touched Anna.
She shrieked. " My clothes !!! " 
" Oh you are so on." She squeeze her tacos and threw to Eric and it touched Ray and Eric.
Ray picked the pieces of tacos that touched him and ate it licking his lips. " Delicious , the good fight has started." He threw his food on Ashton who was glaring at me.
A mistake led to this food fight but it was fun.
Everybody in the cafeteria joined. Foods were being thrown , the cafeteria was already messy with food. I pitied those people who will clean it.
I hit someone by mistake.
" Oh my God, My clothes..." The person shrieked, it sounds like a girl voice.
I turned, it was a girl, her drink was splashed on her clothes
" I'm so sorry." I apologize to her, feeling guilty about her uniform.
Instead she took the pie that was on the table beside her and rubbed on my face.
She ran away giggling.
I chuckled.
" I never knew food fight can be fun." I squeal with my hands clasp in joy.
All the fun stopped like literally everybody froze when a hoarse voice spoke.
" What hell is going on ? " The person shouted in anger.
It was the principal, he looks like an angry bull. I'm in so much shit.
" Who started this ? "
Everybody pointed to where we were sitting.
I groaned.
I guess another detention awaits me.

Book Comment (118)

  • avatar

    i love your imagination, thank you for inspired me.. basic to tge teenager story🥰


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    super ganda niya


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    Maicajoy Quinonez

    it's good


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