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"They came in this morning and took him, apparently they said he had something to do with the accident,that the car was one of the cars at that car wash he partimes at"Jason's dad's words replayed in my head as the bus drove to the station, It made no sense,It made no sense at all,I was taken to him as soon as I got there,he was handcuffed and his hair was dishelved.A tear fell from his eyes as soon as he saw me,I hugged him tight.
"I'm so sorry" He said between tears,I wiped off his tears,I was getting sick of everyone around me crying.
"What happened?" I asked confused.
"Dad has cancer"He said still crying
"And it's really bad,so we need money for chemotherapy,but...but there's no money since the restaurant is not really doing well at the moment,I'm so sorry,I had no choice" He said again,his eyes looked droopy,like he had being crying all night.I hugged him again
"What are you so sorry for? This isn't your fault Jay" I say patting his back.
"No,but it is,the day after we went to drop the plate number, a man in a suit came to visit me,I don't know who we was,but he told me that if I could take the blame for your mum's crash they would pay for dad's chemo and that they would do everything else and that all I just had to do was confirm that I was the one driving the car" I gasped in shock and got up
" What the fuck? Jason we need to tell the police exactly that,you need to exply everything so that these bastards can get punished"I said as I started walking away,he pulled me back and shook his head.
"No...We have nothing,these people though,they have power and money and they can do things and you might not understand but I need my dad to be okay" He said,tears flowed freely from my eyes
"What happens if you go to jail?" I ask him and he turned away.
"At least dad will be fine"He said firmly and my heart shattered,I couldn't be upset,even though he was helping the murderer of my mother get away I couldn't be upset at him,since I knew he just wanted his only family member to stay with him as well. So I swallowed the tears and decided to be strong,I held his hand.
"Well then we'll get strong,we'll get rich and powerful and then we'll do this again...we will trample on everyone who was involved in this and make them pay,I will fight and make the her murderer go through everything you and I are going through right now and more". I said holding his hand faking the biggest smile I could fake,he smiled back at me.
"Okay,when I get stronger...I'll help you fight" He said and we hugged again.Then I got up and left.It was finally over There was nothing I could do again,we were going to bury her while her killer was out there I hadn't really eaten in the past 3 days,everywhere hurt,it took everything in me to not break down in the middle of the road and sob to my heart's content, I waited at the bustop lifelessly for the bus.
Dad said that he had fixed it,but I still wasn't okay,I couldn't think straight, couldn't eat properly and I knew I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I didn't at least apologize to her family members,so I snuck into dad's office,found out who her family members were and snuck out of the house,she had two daughters Dahlia Cooper and Jeanette Cooper,my hand was shaking knowing they were going to be without a mother. I found out where the older sister was and followed her around all day from home to the police stationI tried to be as discreet as possible,but she wasn't really paying attention to anything,she was just swaying down the street,mind completely empty,I felt horrible, she entered the bus and I followed she sat down and I sat next to her. The bus took off. She seemed pale and her eyes were bloodshot red, I wish she would just tell at me, insult me,hit me , anything at all so that at least I would feel better.
"Are you okay?" I asked and she looked up at me. Her eyes were dull and it felt like she was trapped begging to be left out.i did that. My heart ached.she looked away ignoring my question like I didn't even talk to her at all

"I'm so sorry" I say quietly and she turned again to look at me,then slowly the tears started to fall until she was full on sobbing, I pulled her into a hug and she held on to me harder,the girl was hurting and it was all my fault. Tears threatened to fall from my eyes as well but I held it off,I needed to comfort her. people started looking at us so I took the face cap on my head off and put it on hers so nobody would see her face,she cried for longer and I held on to her and patted her,until she reached her stop,she tried to take off the cap but I stopped her from taking it off. She mouthed an "i'm sorry" and then left the bus.I stayed on until everyone else had left. Taking in everything that just happened and hating myself for it.
It was already a week after she died, I had convinced aunt grace to let Jennie and I stay with Jason's dad instead of moving away with her,it was closer to school and we could take care of him there,and aunt grace prepared a small funeral for her,I held on to Jenny throughout the event so she wouldn't feel alone,and I cleaned her tears when she cried,I ensured her it was going to be okay even though feel down I was scared that it wasn't but I couldn't show that fear,I was determined to be strong for my sister.I was going to dedicate my life to her,when the program was over and everyone had gone home I was still there,in my new face cap staring at her,I bent down and patted her grave.
"I promise you,when I get stronger,I promise you I will fight. And I will make them pay.

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