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I took Jenny and left for the restaurant again,the floor in front of the restaurant was scrubbed clean,like she wasn't literally on the floor before bleeding,I blinked away the tears that threatened to fall again and entered.He had found a plate number,they didn't find it earlier because the rain had swept it away,but then a neighbor saw it and pointed his attention to it.Jason had called the officers from before and they told us to come to the station with the evidence.I held it close to my chest, I was finally going to get answers,I turned to Jenny who was understandably confused,I crouched down to her level and hugged her,I was going to explain everything to her in due time.Jason closed the restaurant and then we proceeded to the police station but we dropped Jenny with Jason's dad first so she wouldn't be lonely.
When Jason and I got to the police station,two officers were already waiting for us outside,they directed us into an office and made us sit down.one of the officers was an old man probably in his sixties and the other one was significantly younger than him,they smiled at us,Jason smiled back,I didn't. The old guy spoke first.
"Can we see the evidence you claim you found?" He asked directly facing me,I had wrapped it in a bag and hugged it throughout,I gave it to him,he took a hard look at it,then passed it to his companion who also took a long look at it and then they dropped it on the table like it was nothing.
" I'm sorry guys but this isn't much of an evidence" The old guy kept talking. My heart sunk
" This could just be some random plate number,it doesn't exactly prove or do anything"
" What? That makes no sense at all,you could just trace the plate number and use it to find the car right?" Jason said getting upset.
"Yes, we could except that would take a lot of work,it could also take time and this might just end up being a random plate number all along,we need hard proof like a CCTV camera or something, this won't do anything" The old guy said again maintaining his upsetting smile. I ran my hand into my hair frustrated.
" That's bullshit" I said and Jason held on to my hand
" Woah,careful lady" The younger one said,I shot him the dirtiest look I could muster at the moment.
" Finding out what car this plate number belongs to is not something that's going to take you time, you're not doing an autopsy for fucks sake,so you would do this or we could just post it online and I'm sure there are thousands of people on there who would find the actual owner" I said without a beat.The old guy's smile dissapeared and he turned to his companion.
" Okay fine,we'll do everything we can,and get back to you as soon as possible" The younger one finally said after about a minute of silence
"You have at least one week, I have every number and alphabet on that plate number crammed,so you don't deliver and we go to the internet" I finish, and we leave.
I was still locked in my room,I had tried to open the door countlessly but no one answered,mum came from time to time to give me food but I didn't have an appetite,I needed to see john,derek and victor I needed to know their opinions,I needed to know I wasn't the only one feeling horrible,if only i didn't stay for the after party,if only I had gone home with Anna when she asked,I was a murderer and the feeling was horrible,I couldn't stop crying,I heard the sound of my room keys and I turned around.My dad walked in.I immediately wiped the tears away from my eyes and knelt down bowing my head,He folded his hands behind himself looking down at me.
"Pathetic" He muttered,and went to sit down.
"Your mum told me you haven't been eating and that you've being demanding to see the dead woman and her family,is this true?" He asked.
" I should be punished".I said in reply
" You're right,and you will be, by your family not by some random lady's family,not by the police but by your mother and I" I look up at him
"I deserve a punishment by the law"
" You stupid boy,you have caused your mother and I enough distress already and now this? Missing class sometimes, making fake IDs to go to clubs see all that I overlooked but this....this was the worst one yet,you are so lucky that your father is who he is,do you know what would have happened to you if you didn't have me?" He said harshly.I didn't say anything,I just let the tears flow quietly.
"You would have gone to jail,prison Mike and all your dreams of law school and owning the law firm would be gone,crushed before you could even blink,and now we're letting you off the hook, letting even this slide and you have the audacity to fight back? To demand anything? Do you know how hard it's getting to sweep this under the rug? They found evidence mike,they found evidence!" He shouted and I flinched, he got up,then he bent down and lifted up my face.
"You're a good kid Mike, Don't be stupid enough to throw your future away over a mistake" He finished and got up,then he started walking towards the door then stopped.
"They will keep your door open,you do whatever you want,just know I would rather have you die than ruin my reputation" He said before leaving I broke down into tears as he left, because I knew I was going to stay put and let them take care of it, because I knew I was going to shut up and stay in my room until it all blew over.
It had been 3 days since we dropped the plate number and we still heard nothing.One of mum's aunt's had heard about what happened and had gone to retrieve her body from the hospital she and a few others were already planning her funeral and discussing where jenny and I would go,Jenny was asking questions,so I chickened out and told aunt gracie( the aunt who came over) to break the news to her,I watched from afar as she broke into tears and hugged aunt Gracie,I didn't cry tho, I had already decided as soon as I found the evidence that there would be no more tears from me,not until her killer had being found only then could I let anybody do anything, so I didn't talk to anyone or plan with anyone,I just awaited the phone call from the police,my phone rang,it was jason,I answered it.
"Dahlia?" The voice on the other side called,that wasn't Jason's voice,it was his dad's.
"Yes?" I replied confused.
"Jason's being arrested." He said

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