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Chapter 2

"What do you want?!"I frowned
"You keep avoiding me like you don't know me" he said and put his hands inside the pocket
"I don't really know you"I crossed my arms and sat in the bench
"Then I'll introduce myself Im Collin Teo Alcantara, Im in Architecture department. Im 22"He said while looking at me
"You're going to be an Architect" I shrugged and put my phone in the bag
"Introduce yourself to me"he smiled and stared at me
"Im Allison Ein Perez, Medical Technology department. Im 20"I said and turn my head into another direction
"I know about you and Arkin"I didn't respond to him
"Arkin used to talk about you all the time not until he met Trina"
"Can you stop talking about him?"I glare at him and walked away
How did he know me and Arkin? He doesn't know me at all. Why does he keep on following me?! As i walk inside the cubicle i covered my mouth and cried
Will they stop talking about Arkin and that girl? It hurts me a lot! Please.... Stop!
"Allison, I kk-eep searching f-for you ev-erywhere"Ashton was panting and his hands were on his knees
"I was on the girl's comfort room"I told him
"Wait a minute, your eyes"he said and get closer to my face
"Stop it!"I pushed his face away from me and he laughed lightly
"Let's go study!"We walked inside the room and explaining him the terms he must remember in the bacteriology
"Geez! I don't understand!"I hit him with my pen
"Listen carefully, we keep repeating over and over again Garcia!"
"Sorry, I'll listen now"he said and waited for me to begin
"Oh i see! Now i understand. Why it became blue"he said while looking at my review notes
When the professor started the quiz, everyone was quiet and few were cheating. I keep my mouth shut and start to answering my questionnaire. When Im satisfied with my answer, I stood up and handed it to the professor.
"You're done? That easy?"Sophia said while looking at me
"Yes Im done"I winked at her and left the room, the professor just smiled at me and to my paper
"Hi Allison!" Collin said while he was leaning on the wall
"What are you doing here?"I raised my eyebrow
"Im waiting for you to finished your quiz so I can talk to you" I walked away from him, he keep on following me. I notice he was on his varsity uniform
"Allison, c'mon I have practice later"
"So what?"
"Let's have lunch together"before i could reject his offer, he dragged me into the cafeteria area
"You can't say no to me. I would still force it"he laughed lightly and let me seat with his teamates
"Hi!"They smiled at me and I smiled back
"Are you Collin's girlfriend?"I immediately replied to them
"No, Im not"
"Stop asking her question Alvarez!"he coldly said
"Here we go again with the straight face"He said and all of them laughed
"Hi Im Niko"The blond guy said and shaked my hand
"Aiden here, what's up?"he smiled
"Jake"The guy holding a bottled water said
"We're Collin's Childhood friends"Niko said and pinch Aidens ears
"A-Ahh Niko, that hurts!"
"You should also meet Arkin, he will be happy that Collin brought a girl"Jake said and I didn't respond to him. I just stared the juice infront of me.
"Wh-hat is Arkin's surname?"I asked
So this is Arkin's friends? I shouldn't be here. I finished my food and I excuse myself. Why should I suffer for him?
I decided to relax my mind and went to the bar. Its my cousin's bar, he wouldn't mind. My family are in Italy and we choose to study in Australia.
"Allison, you're here"Gab gave me a hug and gave me the vodka
"I want to chill"
"Do you have problem?"he asked me
"Nope"I fakely smiled
"I know you Allison, you're not good in lying"I sighed and told him everything
"For my opinion, you should avoid that guy if he has feelings for you, If he doesn't there is nothing wrong to be friends with him" he said and drink his liquor
"That guy is very annoying, he keeps on following me anywhere. He is like a mushroom!"
"Don't hate him,you might fall for him"he laughed
"I won't like him and I will never fall inlove again"
"You can't say that Allison but a person who show you that you're unreplaceable he will keep you forever"I grin for what he said
"Allison!"That irritating voice again
"Who is he Alli?"Gab asked me
"He is the guy im talking about"I told him in a low voice
"Why are you here?"I raised my eyebrow and crossed my arms
"To chill"
"Stay away from me Collin!"
"You're so mean to me, why is that?"he asked me and step closer to me. I looked at Gab but he already left me here with this man
"Allison, please don't avoid me. As long as im closer to you and stayed as a friend, I'll cherish it" I pushed his face away from me
"Okay fine, We're friends!"His eyes brightened and smiled widely
"You mean it?"I nodded as an answer
"Anyway if you have rants or problems feel free to message me, can i borrow your phone?" I quickly gave it to him and he type something
"I added my number there and we're both friends on social media"then he placed my phone on the table beside me
"Sorry about Arkin"
"I do love Arkin until now but I can't be with him. I need to let go" I smiled and drink my remaining vodka
"Time will heal the wounds that he caused you"
"Yeah but not now, it's really hard to forget the memories he left"
"Let's drink, cheers for the new beginning"he toast our glasses
"I'll drive you home"he offer and I nodded at him
Im half sleep in the ride when he wake me up, I opened my eyes and looked at him
"Thanks Collin, see you tomorrow!"I said and went out of the car
"Call me when you have problems, Im 24/7 free"he chuckle
When I opened the condo, I was alone again because Aviery has work. I get used to it and being alone in this unit. I sighed and went to my room to sleep.
"Allison, wake up! It's already 9:00am"Aviery woke me up
"I have no class!"I said and hugged my pillow
"Allison, Collin was in the living room" My eyes widened for what she said
"What is he doing here?"I asked her
"I don't know either, go out already Allison"She said and closed my room
I fixed my hair and went out, I saw him watching television. He turned to me and smiled. This man!
"Goodmorning Allison"
"What are you doing here Collin? It's my sleeping hours!"
"I didn't know, anyway Im invited you two to go to my sister's birthday later"
"Where?"Aviery asked while she was cooking in the kitchen
"She loves beaches so we held it on the beach"
"Allison also love beaches"she said and smiled at me
"You're so talkative!"I rolled my eyes
"We will come!"Aviery said and turn off the gasoline
"Collin, Breakfast?"
"I already ate at home but I'll have some"he walked inside the kitchen and I followed behind him
"Why do you guys live in a condo?"
"Allison's family lived on Italy and my family already deceased. We save each other"Aviery chuckle
"Oh i see, you're independent"
"Let's eat!, enough of talking"I told them
"Yes ma'am!"they both said and laughed
After I washed the dishes, Aviery is already changed her clothes.
"You're too excited"
"We're helping them to decorate"What?
"Come on!"she pushed me inside the bathroom and I have no choice to take a shower and get dressed up.
"You're pretty!"She complimented
"Enough of that Aviery"I grin
"You know what Allison, I like him for you. I can sense that he likes you"she suddenly said
Like me? Who? Is she talking about Collin?
"We're just friends Avi"
"Friends also turns into lovers and I can't wait that to happened" she smiled and dragged me outside the unit
"Let's go!"Collin smiled and Avi opened the back seat but she pushed me
"You will be seating in front"she winked at me, I rolled my eyes and opened the front seat.
"Who will be there?"I asked him
"Some of our relatives and friends"
"Collin, do you have a girlfriend?"Avi asked him
"No, I don't and you?"
"Yes I have"She is in a relationship with Gab, my cousin.
All I remember they don't like each other not until Gab has fallen for her. I can't blame him Aviery is a nice person and has a unique personality.
"We are here"Collin said as he parked the car
"What a nice place" Aviery bring her phone out and take a picture
"Come on! let's take a picture" Aviery raise her phone up and I just smiled at te camera
"I'll take a picture of you two!"I was about to say no when Collin put his hand over me
"That's cute!"
"Avi, send me the picture" Collin said as he locked the car's door

Book Comment (773)

  • avatar
    Nahmie Palomo

    Very nice and cool history


  • avatar
    Andrei Sanson

    salamatss lodss salamat novelah


  • avatar

    It is indeed a good story, I hope the writer will still add more plots. Nevertheless, it is ongoing so I will look forward for it hehe. Anyway, the writer is sooo good and talented:))))


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