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"I need to go," I said holding back the annoyance.

Awkward at its finest!

I stepped away from him. I didn’t look back. But suddenly a hand landed on my shoulder causing me to stop walking until our eyes met. My eyes narrowed with annoyance while he just smiled at me.
He’s ins*ne!

"And who gave you the right to touch me, huh?" I asked angrily before I pushed him away from me.

"Woah, you really changed." He was even shaken after he spoke. I couldn’t explain but I could feel the sadness in his voice.

I wondered why his eyes were sad. It’s been a long time since I stared at him.

I didn’t show in the sympathy I felt. "It's because you changed me," I sharply uttered. My eyebrows almost met because of annoyance.

I thought I wasn't mad at him anymore, but I was definitely wrong.

"I was a assh*le back then. But I already regretted what I did to you. I hope you can still forgive me. I hope it's not too late. I'm really sorry. "I know he's sincere, but I couldn't soften my heart. I heard but I felt like I couldn’t hear. I was still eaten by the anger within me.

I just turned my back on him. I wore my full confidence to walk away from him. I should be tough this time. I focused my attention on the road as every step I made was crucial.

He wasted me. But on the other hand, he freed me.

"Wait. I bet you need a job. I can hire you," he said. I didn’t mind what he said. I just continued walking without even looking back.

"No, I don't need." I was able to breathe a little easier when I had just passed the main gate. I also heard nothing from him after I spoke.

It was a relief that he stopped.

Magdalen greeted me warmly when I returned home, my annoyance quickly disappeared because of her.

"Mama, I watched inside Aling Speranza's house. She really has a big television ..."

I gently pinched her nose which made her giggle. "You really talk a lot, darling. Did you behave, huh? I hope Aling Speranza didn’t have a problem with you. Because if she had, maybe she won't let you into her house again."

"Mom, you're the one who talks a lot." It seemed that she was just making me smile and she succeeded.

"Oh? Am I, darling?"

Suddenly Magdalen nodded. I probably talked a lot without realizing it.

"Come here," I said.

She left her toys and quickly approached me. I hugged her. I hugged her again because I felt that man could and would see her sooner or later. And I didn’t know how he would react when he found out I had a child.

I hope he wouldn’t do anything bad. I hope he wouldn’t become a problem.

"My Magdalen, mama loves you." I couldn’t help but be emotional while uttering those words because I felt like I could lose my child at any time. It felt like I have to run away from him all the time.

"Magdalen loves you too," she said before smiling and looked up at me. With her small palm, she wiped away my tears. "Mom, don't cry anymore, please. I said I love you too, yet you're still crying. All right, I'll cry too. Didn't you say we should just be brave? You said we shouldn't cry. Don't cry anymore because Magdalen will cry too."

I just smiled at what she said because I didn't think that at my daughter's young age, what I was saying would imprint on her mind. I felt scared on what could happen to us as she grew up, but I was confident that she would not abandon me once she met his father.

My Magdalen wouldn’t leave me. Never.

"Mama will stop crying. Mama just loves you so much. Don't worry, okay? Everything will be fine, darling."

"I love you one million times!" She kissed me on my forehead after she spoke. She knew how to comfort me. She knew how to comfort her mom. I was so proud that she was my daughter. She really is my only treasure in this world. Even I considered myself a muffin in the world full of cupcakes, Magdalen made me feel that I was a cupcake too. I matter.

Instead of replying her, I chose to make the most of the moment. I hugged her even more. I knew I couldn’t hide her forever, but I was sure that I would be her mother forever.

It was about lunch when Aling Speranza called us to eat at her house. She loved Magdalen so much that she often invited us to eat at her house even though I had already cooked something in the hut. I was shy to refuse because she was so kind to us. I didn’t want her to feel bad. She didn't treat Magdalen and me differently that’s why we were very lucky.

"Let’s eat," she told us smiling. "I cooked beef stew for our lunch."
"Aling Speranza, thank you. You are very kind to us," I said sincerely before I smiled. She was heaven sent. "My daughter is grateful because you are there for her."

"You’re welcome, Yvo. You are like my child and Magdalen is like my granddaughter already. Your daughter is really beautiful and she inherited it from her mother." Magdalen smiled at her and made a finger heart, she probably imitated it from a movie she once watched on television.

"I owe you so much," I said shyly until I bowed slightly.

"Oh, don't think about it. It's important that you live well in our area. The people here are kind."

"Thank you very much, Aling Speranza."

"You’re welcome, dear. Let's eat. Give Magdalen some rice. We also have some jackfruit. We also have ripe papaya. Eat. Don't be shy."

"Mom, I miss hotdogs."

I smiled at Magdalen after she spoke. "Darling, next time I'll buy you, okay? But for now, no hotdogs."

"Hija, Magdalen, hotdogs are not good for your health. You should eat vegetables and fruits."

"I understand," Magdalen replied sadly.

"Eat it this, darling." I handed him his plate of rice with stewed beef broth.

"Thank you, mama. Thank you, Aling Speranza." After giving thanks, she started eating.

When I was sure Magdalen was eating, I turned my attention back to Aling Speranza who was also starting to eat. "I rarely feed Magdalen some hotdogs, that maybe the reason why she's craving now. I only feed her some hotdogs twice a month. Our dish in the city is often vegetables. She's used to vegetables. I trained her to eat vegetables. In fact, she likes beans. Maybe if you rarely eat it, you'll often really want to taste it again. "

"You know you're right that you trained Magdalen to eat vegetables." While Aling Speranza was speaking, I also ate some food. I also glanced at my daughter who was eating well. "It's often difficult to feed other children vegetables. It's good that your child seems to understand..."

I just agreed with what Aling Speranza said and we continued eating. After we ate, we stayed at her house for a while because Magdalen requested to watch her favorite cartoon series.

A few minutes after we got home to the hut, Magdalen fell asleep. She was like a sleeping angel.

"Yvo," I heard him call. I didn't say a word to make him think I was asleep.

"Yvo. Talk to me," he said again.

I slowly walked away from my daughter to get out of the hut because the visitor outside might make more noise. He’s a stressor.

Fortunately, Magdalen was already sleeping.

"You're annoying; you know that?" I said.

"I want to talk to you," he replied.

"Talk? This time really?" I asked sarcastically.
I silently hoped Magdalen wouldn’t wake up because of his noise.

"Mom?" I was shocked when I heard Magdalen call me. I didn’t know what to do. Should I answer her or should I go to her inside the hut or should I make an excuse to the annoying visitor?

"Do you have a child?" he curiously asked. His face was full of astonishment.

Oh no! What should I say?

Book Comment (318)

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    Arnel Mino



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    Yen Angelique Galicia

    nice story


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