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Chapter 3 The Song

“Forest...” Dom started but his voice was shaking so much that he could not seem to get the words out. Something about the forest terrified him. He drank the water and whispered, “Absinthium Forest...You don’t want to go in there...”
“What? Why not?” Allen pondered. Allen watched Dom and wondered if the forest would really be as terrified as people said.
“Allen...Have you heard anything about the Absinthium Forest?” Dom questioned. Judging from Allen reaction and behaviour, he doubted Allen ever heard about the dark side of the forest.
“Yeah,” Allen sat back on his seat with a smug of his face. He gazed at Dom and silently watched him consume his drink. Confident with what he knew, he said, “It’s called the Sea of Trees.”
“Everyone knows that. It’s in the book, you nerd!” Dom roared and slammed his fists against the table. Allen pursed his lips in a pout and Dom sighed. Seeing Allen’s clueless expression, Dom pleaded, “You should listen to what the folk town were saying too, Allen.”
“My mom told me not to listen to rumors,” Allen protested. He remembered what his mother often told him about rumors. Rumor was just an unofficial interesting story or piece of news that might be uncertain, true or doubtful truth. And to use false rumors to spread fears of a mass cull was utterly irresponsible. He enunciated, “Rumors are bad. Like bad food.”
“It’s not a rumor, Allen,” Dom implied. “It’s the truth.”
“Tell me about it.”
“It’s a forest for the dead, Allen,” said Dom with a serious tone. He tried to think of the best and simple way to explain to Allen.
“I don’t understand. What do you mean?”
Dom, upon seeing that his friend insisted, began to explain. Slowly, softly, almost whispering. “Some say a Death Angel lives in the forest and takes the soul of anyone who enters the forest. Some say it's not an angel though but a devil,” Dom began. At first a little reluctantly, but gradually with more and more seriousness. “Some say people near their death would get attracted to the forest and enter it to have a peaceful place to die. Some say the soul of the dead claimed the forest as their ‘home’ and would linger there. Folklore claims that they are vengeful, dedicated to tormenting visitors and luring those that are sad and lost off the path.”
“Dom,” Allen interrupted. “Do you believe in these superstitious beliefs? My God! I didn’t know you were this type of person. Hahaha.” Allen laughed. “Haha! Did you hear what you said? Some say this, some say that. It's just people saying things. Just a gossip, Dom. Haha!”
“Laugh all you want. But it’s not gossip or superstition. It’s the truth,” Dom clarified to Allen. “My grandma used to sing this song, a poem I think when I was little.”
Dom sang,
“Welcome to my forest,
Enter if you dare,
Look into the darkness,
Everything and nothing is there.
Don’t stay too long
Or you’ll never get out,
Watch out for things that lurk,
Within the shadows of doubt...”
“There’s more but I can’t remember the rest,” Dom rubbed his neck, thinking there were more of the song but he could not come out with anything anymore. “What they’re trying to say is to not go into the forest or you won't be able to get out.”
That was the first time Allen heard Dom singing. Not bad to be honest. “You're actually a good singer, Dom. Have you considered becoming a singer?”
“This is serious, Allen. This song is like the siren song,” Dom said and gave Allen an angry glance. “Except the siren song was just a siren. For the sea goddesses sang it when they felt alarm at what happened upon or to the ocean.” Dom looked at Allen who was holding in his laughter, and this made him annoyed but chose to ignore it. He tried to explain it to Allen. “This one is for the forest. But I think it’s more like an alarm to the people than to the forest. Everyone knows about the song and the forest. How come you don’t know? I can’t believe this.”
“I-I really don’t know,” Allen shook his head. “My mom didn’t let me listen to such a thing.”
“Makes sense. You were such a spoiled brat.”
“Shit, you’re the one who is a spoiled brat,” complained Allen. “Anyway, I don’t believe in this thing. If you can’t go out, how did people find out about the mushroom and even wrote an article about it? How did they do that if they couldn’t get out? Don’t tell me they wrote it while they were in the forest.”
“Whatever, Allen. You can’t be serious about going in there to look for the fucking mushroom.”
“I am serious.”
“You’re a shit, Allen.”
“You too, Dom.”
“Shit,” Dom cursed. “I’ll call my friend. He’s a volunteer. Maybe he can go with you.”
“Yey! See, people can get in and out of the forest. Your words won’t scare me, Dom!” Allen laughed.
“You don’t understand, Allen. You just don’t.”

Book Comment (1019)

  • avatar
    Mary Grace Mahilum

    "oh my god dom!" Allen whined, " how many times are you going ask that? I'm going! I'm. going! I'm going! I'm!


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    okayy and niceee


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    Ndssyy Ssy



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