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Chapter 4 Blocking

"How do you know me?"
His cold eyes gazes at me. My body begun to tremble as my heart beats became faster and faster.
My grip into his jacket tightened as my breathing became heavy. I feel like my heart is about to burst!
I look at his eyes. The eyes that was once look at me warmly are now cold, as if he doesn't care about whether I lose my breath here or not.
Before I can even utter a word. My vision was surrounded by darkness. The last thing I saw is his cold eyes that were looking at me like I was nothing.
"I didn't know, if I already knew this would happened. I wouldn't have let her enroll here with me."
"It's not the right time to blame your self. We just need to do the right thing, she deserves to know.."
"She will probably not forgive us, but it's okay. We're at fault to, for not telling her.."
I groaned as I was woken up by the voices. I tried to open my eyes and the light coming from somewhere make me close my eyes again.
I opened my eyes slightly and adjust to the light. Two pairs of eyes welcomed me. Their worried face looked at me as if I'm a patient that is about to die any minute.
I want to roll my eyes at them. It's not like i have a deadly decease or what. I'm just really shocked and hurt by the truth.
The pain and tiredness I felt make me lost consciousness. I was prepared, the time Mikhaela said his brother lost his memories, I already anticipated this situation. Where I'll meet him and he doesn't know me.
But still, no matter how prepared my mind is, my heart can't just take it. He was once a loving and warm person, but now, i don't know anymore.
Like they say, anything that has happened in the past will not stay as it is. One will always change, intentionally or not .
Well it's not like I can blame him though. That accident happen was partly because of me..
"Babe! Are alright? Do you feel pain anywhere? What do you want? Water?" I looked at Leo weirdly
"Am I suppose to answer all that question at once?" Clea slapped Leo's head.
"Aw, that hurts." He glared at Clea. She just ignored him and hand me a bottle of water.
"Are you fine now?" I wiped my mouth after drinking and hand her the bottle.
"Yes I am, it's just that, I was just really shocked..." Clea helped me get up and pat my back. They're both sitting on the bed with me.
I looked around and noticed that I am in the School's clinic. It's huge and immaculate.
"What was your conversation just now?" I looked at them without bathing an eye.
They both avoided their gaze at me. They are really suspicious right now.
I bet they know something and decided not to tell me about it. Though they are not the type to keep secrets for me so I'm really curious.
I tilted my head and looked at them like I'm examining some suspects who committed heavy crimes.
"Do the both of you know something? Why don't you tell it to me then? I'm being nice right now." I said that without breaking eye contact.
I accidentally heard their conversation earlier. I have a hunch that both of them already knew that Mikhail is alive and they're keeping it a secret.
I'm not mad, I'm just upset. I don't want to get mad at them too, since they won't keep a secret from me without a valid reason.
"Ahm.." They looked at each other nervously. What? Am I really that scary right now? But I'm really upset
"What? Cut got your tongue?" I asked sarcastically. They both flinched. I seldom became angry so that's why they are not use to when I'm acting like this.
They once said that when I'm angry, my face really looked like a villainess from Disney movies. I bet I look like one right now.
"We knew that Mikhail is alive..." Just as I thought. I stayed silent and keep my self calm. I should think of this calmly and not just throw words recklessly that will hurt them.
Words are powerful. It's like daggers. Once you get stabbed, the wound would cause scar, and that scar will never be gone.
So I'm trying my best to stay calm and think like I always did.
"And?" I asked coldly, wanting her to continue.
"I-i'm sorry babe, it's not like we want to hide this to you too, I'm sorry.." Clea begun to cry in front of me. My heart ache at that sight.
My cousin rarely cry, because she always believe that a queen doesn't cry. And she's crying right now.
"Why? You already knew that I saw him many times right? But I keep convincing my self that I was just hallucinating because I always believe that he's not alive, but why?! How can you hurt me like this..." Tears started to flow down my eyes.
"Arianna, we're really sorry. I'll tell you our reason. It's fine even if you don't forgive us.." I looked at my cousins. Clea is crying while Leo is looking at me with an expression I can't named.
His words were like knifes stabbing my chest. My tears flow even more. No matter how many secrets they'll keep from me, I'll still forgive them because they're someone precious to me.
"H-how could you say that? Am I really that bad in your mind that you thought I won't forgive the both of you?!" I glared at Leo. He flinched at my sudden outburst and tried to touch me.
"I-i'm sorry babe."
"It's fine, just tell me your reasons" After I said that, they both hugged me so tight that I think I won't be able to breath.
No matter how upset I may be to them, i know it won't last long. They have been with me in my worst. They stayed by my side. The memories and bonds I shared with them will not break that easily. And besides I trust them.
"It was around the time where you are staying in Canada. After that accident, you flew to Canada to treat yourself right? After 7 months, we accidentally met Mikhail's father's trusted man. He told us everything and also about Mikhail's condition." I grip the blanket tightly when Clea mentioned about Mikhail's condition.
"He told us that Mikhail is alive and he's condition is worse." My heart beats like crazy. To think that he is suffering makes my heart hurts
"He also told us not to let you know about it. Because if we did, you might come to him and that will make his condition worse." My mind started to blank as my heart feels like it's about to burst any minute from now.
"If Mikhail knew that you are someone special to him, he will force himself to remember you and that will make everything dangerous."
"The doctor said that his head was slammed pretty hard, and that if it was force to recall his lost memories, he might experience severe headaches and any side effects that will lead to his permanently memory lost."
"And– babe!" I grasped Leo's shirt tightly. I, I can't breath. My eyes watered as I grasped my aching heart.
"Nurse! Nurse!" I heard foot steps and unknown voices.
"Babe! Can you hear me?" I tried my hardest to breath and looked at Clea. Her image was blurred because of my tears.
Tears dropped on my cheeks and realizes it came from Clea. She's crying again, I don't want her to vry because of me.
Even without energy left, I tried lifting my hands to her face but before I could do that everything went black.
"Are you okay now?" I looked at my auntie who's looking at me worriedly. I just smile at her to assure her that everything is fine.
I'm in the house together with Clea's mom. Her father already left for work and her younger twin brother and sister go to school. So I was alone her together with my auntie.
After I passed out, I was allowed to have a break for two whole days but I told them just one since nothing it was nothing serious. I passed out after hearing the reason.
Now that I know about Mikhail's condition, and that he still haven't recovered yet makes me little bit sad. Though I don't have the right to, but still.
Should I also treat him like were strangers? It's hard I know, but if doing this will be able to help him, then I'll gladly do it.
"Just tell me if you need something okay? Oh wait, I think my daughter is already here." I nodded at my aunt. I picked up the pillow that was on the sofa and lay on it. I looked at the ceiling.
After all this time, I thought I was just hallucinating. But it turns out, what I really saw was real.
Even if I knew Mikhail's condition, I think it won't change a thing.
By the way, after I passed out in the classroom. Did Mikhail bring me to the clinic? Maybe not. He's not the type of person to do that anyway.
"Sister!" I looked at the voice who's calling me. I was shocked when I saw Mikhaela running at me with a worried look on her face.
She probably learned about what happened. She hugged me tightly, I just chuckled because she's so cute and pat her head.
Even though we're of the same age, I still treat her like my younger sister. She's like my real sister. How I wanted to have one.
"I was really worried." Her teary eyes looked at me. I just smiled and wiped it off.
"I'm fine now." I looked at Clea who just got here in the living room. She signaled me and I nodded. She's going to change.
Khaela wiped her tears and sit down beside me. She then held my hands and said.
"I punch my brother for making you pass out." My eyes widen because of her statement.
"Huh? Why did you do that Khaela?" I panic. What if he got angry? Mikhail doesn't like being hit or touch without a reason, even if it's a family. In fact, he's a germaphobic!
"Hmph! He deserves that though." Khaela is really spoiled and fearless.
"What if he gets angry? You know he doesn't like it right?" She pouted.
"You know? After the accident he became germaphobic than he already is." I laughed. I guess he still haven't changed throughout the years.
But why did he catch me though? Don't tell me I'm an exception? I wanted to slap my self at that thought.
"He maybe lost his memories but he is still the same at all. Overprotective and such. But he became a man with fewer words though.."
After hearing her words, I wonder how much Mikhail change. I bet his tempered is more bad than it was in the past.
We talked about Mikhail and other things. When the light is already gone and was replaced by pure darkness, Mikhaela left together with Clea.
I opened the door to my bedroom and lay down. Tomorrow, everything i planned, I'll do it.
Mikhaela also mentioned that Mikhail has a different schedules than us although we're classmates. I'll only see him in the first period since he's a genius. He needs different treatment.
Being a genius is indeed nice, you will be having advance lessons and of course, you'll be very busy though.
After hearing that, i felt at peace. Maybe in that way, my heart wont be aching anymore. Just seeing him like that is making my feeling worst.
"Goodnight self.." I closed my eyes and ket darkness surrounded me.
"Clea! Wait a minute!" I looked at Clea walking faster than usual. She looked at me with a worried look on her face.
"C'mon, we're already late okay? I told you to sleep early!" She yelled at me. I covered my ears 'cause her yell is so irritating.
"Is it my fault then?" She glared at me.
"Yes it is!" I pouted, still not accepting that I'm the reason why we're late.
"And why is that my fault? I woke up in 6, we left of the house at 7, then we arrive here almost 8 in the morning. We're not late yet, geez." Her gaze became intense so I just shut my mouth.
My feelings are a lot better now. Maybe that talk with Mikhaela help to, and also that plan.
Clea opened the door to our room immediately as soon as we arrive. We both froze when the Professor in front  looked at our direction.
"And why is these beautiful ladies late first day in the morning?" Our Professor asked us. I just looked down to avoid answering. Geez, i hate being questioned especially in this time where It's my fault why we are late.
"Were sorry, Professor."
I felt a gaze towards me so I immediately looked at it. My heart skip a bit when our eyes met. Fuck, why is Mikhail here?
Okay, okay, heart calm down. No need to beat so hard okay? I'm gonna die. I try the hardest to calm my self and think of my plan. You need to stay put Arianna, it's for Mikhail's sake!
I avoided my gaze and pretended that I didn't know him at all. It's better this way. I'll just introduce my self to him when he finally remembers me. My heart ache at that thought, well whatever. I'll just think about his condition.
The Professor and Clea is still talking. I looked at Clea's troublesome face, I can't help but to chuckled silently. I gasped and let out a small moan when he suddenly pinches my side.
Some of my classmates who heard me looked at me with wide eyes. I blushed and just look at my feet. This girl, I'll get my payback later.
"Okay, just don't be late again. Go back to your sets." We nodded and hurriedly sit.
"Alright, so yesterday you guys want to change sits right?"
"Yes." We all replied. Some of my classmates are really happy about it. I just look at the front, feeling bored.
"Behave, I know some of you wants to sit beside our greek gods and goddesses here." Everyone became excited because of what our Professor said. I looked at them weirdly, really?
I want to sit beside Mikhail but my plan comes first. Damn, I'm just hurting myself with this.
I looked at Clea who's having fun to. I guess she did really move on from Theo. Well, it's not my business too.
Our Professor started arranging our seats order and luckily I was placed near the window. I can't help but to scream in my mind. My favorite place, I'm here.
I go to my seat excitedly and just when I'm about to sit, I notice the person one sit behind me. I frowned, what is this jerk doing here?
Theo is busy looking outside when I notice him. I take back what I said, I'm unlucky today.
I sat down and scan the surroundings. Just where is Mikhail now? I looked around and found him sitting in the middle. I feel sad all of a sudden, why is my baby so far?
He should have swapped with this jerk behind me. Grr. After changing out seats, the Professor started to discuss our lesson
"So the atom–" Our Professor was cut off when the bell rang. My face became brightly. Finally!
"That's it for today."
Everyone get their things and go to our next schedules. Clea grab my ass out of the classroom.
Oh, yeah. We have the same class for the second period.
"You know? What you did earlier is really hurting." I glared at her. She just laughed at me.
"You know? It's your fault why we are late." She mimicked me, I pouted. I looked at her questioningly when she stopped walking.
"I forgot my notebook. I'll go get it." She was about to go when I stopped her.
"I'll get it for you, buy me my favourite drink for payment." Before she can even reply I already run towards our room.
There are still few students left. I headed towards Clea's desk and found the book on top of it.
After grabbing it, I headed towards the door but stop afterwards. I need to confirm first, if this is really her book.
After confirming that it was hers, I put it in my bag. I was about to go out when someone grab my hand.
What the fuck? Why is everyone grabbing me? I became irritated at the sudden rude act. I release my hand from his grip. I looked the person who grabbed me just now and glared at him.
"What the h-" I stopped talking when I saw the person who grabbed me just now. It was Mikhail. My heart started to beat faster again, but unlike before, my face also heated up.
"W-why a-are y-you grabbing m-me?" I stuttered. I wanted to slap my face, gah I'm embarrassed.
"You. Stop blocking the door. I can't go out."
My jaw dropped.

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    Winjonnes Lopez



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    Loidena Tumlos

    amazing one


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    RobredilloMary Rose



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