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Chapter 13

At 6 pm the night when Benideck got home he finished all the work in the office, this is his last day in the office. His flight to California is tomorrow.
He was very tired when his phone rang. Without hesitation, he took the phone out of his pants pocket.
I read the Notification. I smiled when I read the text. I don't know but it's just a simple text but I'm already smiling. He doesn't even know who the connection is from.
From: That unknown number is stamping on the screen of my phone.
"Hi! HOW ARE yoU? HAVE YOU EATEN YET? dO NOT get tired huh?"
"I'm fine. Who is this? But thanks for your concern.
He laid the cellphone on top of the small table. My eyes closed as I pressed my back to the sofa. One of my hands rested on my forehead. My phone rang again. I immediately looked at it.
from: Unknown number
"This is Alysia. I just texted.
"Alysia, is it you? How are you there?"
A minute before Benideck received a reply.
From: Alysia
I'm just okay here! When will you visit here again?"
"Good, ahm... I don't know. Maybe it will be a long time before I get back there. But don't worry, I'll take care of everything. Get well Alysia. "
Benideck never received a text again until he fell asleep on the sofa. Benideck sighed as he felt hands crawling over his body and kisses from his neck down to his chest. He was turned upside down consciously. Nikki is inside his house. He woke up suddenly and distance her.
"What are you doing and why are you here?" I asked here. I looked at the watch on my wrist. I was so tired I fell asleep on the sofa. At 6 am and his flight is at 8 am, he still has 15 minutes to take a bath and get clothes.
"I'm visiting you, I miss you. I just want to apologize for what, I did 3 days ago!" Nikki answered me. She saw the shock on Benideck's face.
"Okay, fix yourself then go home! I will leave 15 minutes after, I will take a bath. "He pushed the girl away. I got up but I sat down again when she hugged me.
"Sweetheart Why? Where are you going?" Nikki asked in surprise and she pressed it kissing on the lips.
"I'm leaving, I'm going back to California, Daddy is sick!" Benideck replied to the girl. He was bored with himself. Why did he let Nikki fall like him? I don’t know, how do I get it out of the problem I entered that He doesn’t hurt the feelings of others.
"Benideck don't leave me. I don't want to! I can't. I love you so much..how are we?" She pleads with me in tears. Nikki knelt so she wouldn't leave.
Benideck sighed twice.
"Nikki. I don't know when I'll be back. I'm sorry, I can not do your request. I hope you can understand. You're not the only one having a hard time with this, I'm also having a hard time. But I also have to go home to take care of Daddy's business! "I said to the girl in trouble.
"Okay, I'll follow you there! I love you so much Benideck." Nikki said seriously to me at once she hugged me.
"You can't understand what I want to! happen to us Nikki I wouldn't want to do this but I have to do it! I'm finishing what was between the two of us." I told him. I combed my hair with my fingers.
"What?! No! After you disgust me as long as you just leave me!" She said angrily to me. Once she punched me in the chest as she was angry with me.
"I'm sorry Nikki..don't torture yourself first we didn't exist and we never existed! What happened to us, you're the one who likes it." Benideck lost his composure not to get hurt but he was already disgusted with Nikki he finds it hard to see it hurt he doesn't want to rely on Nikki anymore.
It hurts more If he continues to hope. Benideck probably had better stay away. To make Nikki forget him.
"Damn you! You think everything will be okay! when you leave. After you left me like this. No! as long as I live I will not let you be happy. You're just mine Benideck! just mine?!” the girl said desperately as she cried.
"Sighed, sorry Nik. I understand you If you're mad at me I deserve it." He said in low voice to her.
"Please.. don't leave.." crying Nikki pleading with me.
At the same time, she kissed the young man but he avoided it. The expression on Benideck's face was cold. Nikki did nothing but let go and slapped it in her anger.
His decision to end was complete, whatever Nikki intervened between them. He went upstairs when Nikki got away. He was embarrassed, But he could do nothing to leave it. He took a quick shower After he got clothes he left the room. He breathed a sigh of relief as the maiden was gone.
Nikki lost her mind when she arrived at the Mansion. Everything she could see was shattering. She never stopped screaming, she let out anger in her chest and resentment.
"Aaaaagh! I can't forgive you Benideckkkkkk! I hate you!" She shouted when she saw the picture of Benideck with the two of them together, she divided it and tirelessly tore it to pieces. Until she just cried and cried.
Valerie's sleep was disturbed when she heard a loud crash. She sleepily looked at the clock at 10 am. She was forced to get up and go out. In Nikki's room, she heard the sound of sleep. She knocked it knocked as she was annoyed with it.
But her fool she doesn't even think about turning the doorknob, whether it's open or not. She would not have bothered to knock on our door. What is Nikki's drama like the morning is already confusing..haist! When I pinched that woman in the groin.
Scattered and cracked figurines appeared in front of Valerie, their poor picture frames scattered on the floor. The vases didn’t get past it either. She stroked carefully so that she might step on the crystals so hard that she might even be stung.
She couldn't find Nikki but she heard a rush of water in the bathroom so she immediately knocked on it and turned the doorknob its opens. She saw Nikki soaking in the bathtub and she relaxing. She also saw pictures scattered on the torn floor.
She tapped it on Nikki's shoulder. But she just raised her eyebrow when she saw him.
"What??" She asked annoyed when she saw Valerie she knew as much as she was preaching.
"What, what's that face of yours! If I break that! What's your drama? You're breaking things here in your room you also broke our picture frames. "She said angrily and her head was hot when it disturbed her sleep. It even overcame a mother who was upset.
"It's just a thing! things that can be changed they are boring to look at!" She answered me rudely.
"Is that so. whatever that is! It's still not good to break things. You know if she's bothering you there if you just help out at the Hacienda instead of going there! that's how Mommy can be happy. "I said angrily and restrained my sister's behaviour.
"Okay fine..are you happy now?" She answered me calmly and I punched her in my annoyance at her answer to me.
"Yes, that's yes! I'm so happy." my sarcasm here. I also raised my newly shaved eyebrow at her.
"Ouch!" She complained that I would hit her.
"That's less than your sleep deprivation!" I replied to him. I saw her frowning face. "Wait. We don't have a helper right now for those clutter in your room. It's up to you to take shelter. You're breaking and spreading that." I said here I saw Nikki's face frown even more. It's also her fault why they don't have an assistant. Did their assistant shout in agreement, leave without saying goodbye out of fear."
"Arghhh!" She heard it shout. But she just kept going outside.
12 months later...
"Hi, how are you feeling?" Doc Sean smiled as he asked his favourite patient.
"Hello, I'm fine. I want to go home." I replied impatiently that her voice had returned to normal and she had spoken properly.
Today is her discharge And she does not know where she is now going home. Because all her accounts as well as her accounts were closed and she had no money to live on when she left.
She did not know how she lost her money in the Bank but she only thought of the stepmother. She wiped out all my money and any pesos she left nothing. She is now poor as a rat and There is nothing at all. The former heiress is one of the poor now.
Because it was still clear in the sunlight everything the Lawyer had told her that had been transferred to Sheilla’s name all the property named after her was gone. How that was transferred to her name she had no idea just one thing was clear to him she was still hard on the rat.
By: MaylenTiguman

Book Comment (311)

  • avatar

    Your story is so good,I always like reading Revenge story.And this story is so good to read.And the story mading the readers to deeply read the story.Thank you Authors for the wonderful story.


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    Jason Faburada Aba

    happy birthday Oscar


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    Jocelyn Cano

    thanks again for the birthday


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