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Moody Moody

Chapter 1 The Beginning

A day where the sun is shining brightly. On top of a tall building in a city located in the southern region of Mesovile. Over there, a child man standing on the roof of the tall building. He looked down and saw the ground from a height. The boy had been standing there for almost 30 minutes. When he was about to take a step, not long after that a girl saw the child and then pulled him until he finally fell down. The boy in surprise shouted loudly. The rescue team had prepared pads in case the child fell down at any time. With high speed, the young man finally fell on the cushion that had been installed earlier by the rescue team. The people who witnessed the incident were relieved that the child did not die. Right on top of the building, the girl was looking calm after making another person almost lost his life. Child the man 's name was Daniel Berliazth. The rescue team had secured him and then the girl came in front of him saying nonsensical words.
"Hey you! How dare you push me," Daniel said angrily to the girl.
"You should be thanking me. Oh yeah, if you don't fall from there maybe someone will possess you," said the girl as she left.
"What? What are you talking about? Possess me? Who?"
“Hey you, are you tired of living? What you did is worrying everyone, you know," shouted a security guard to Daniel.
Daniel just kept quiet and then walked away from the crowd. When he was about to leave, a police officer then arrested him and took him to the police station for interrogation. Daniel resignedly went with them to the police station and when he got there, he was lectured at length by a police captain.
"You're crazy! If you want to die you better think twice, you can dead . In fact what do you think child era now ?! "said the police
"I'm sorry," said Daniel, looking down.
" I really do not understand anything . But what you did just now was really troublesome.”
"Then why was I brought here?"
"Look," said the police officer while showing a video which turned out to be Daniel had beaten someone up and the person reported it to the police.
Daniel can only sigh laughing at his stupidity where he beats the person right in a narrow alley that has CCTV. The police then punished him. However, upon hearing that Daniel was about to do action The strange thing made the policeman pause and think for a moment. In that tense moment, a girl came there and then sat in front of the policeman and told the story that made the policeman cancel the sentence that was handed down to Daniel. Not long after, Daniel was released and he is now outside the police station. With a feeling that is still surprised, then he called the girl.
"Hey you, what are you doing? You shouldn't say that," Daniel said to the girl. And then the girl turned towards him.
"Are you stupid?"
"I told you. You should be grateful."
"Oh yeah, what's your name?"
"Daniel Berliatz."
“Oh, your name is quite difficult. See you later."
"Hey!" shouted Daniel
Not long after, Daniel returned to his home which was in an apartment near the city center. The atmosphere of the house that looks deserted makes him then sit on the sofa and take a deep breath. This time Daniel looked at his cell phone and there was news showing him trying to do it something and in a short time immediately trending. Daniel then put his phone back and he fell asleep.
A few months before the incident. In an apartment that is none other than his home. Daniel had just come back from his busy schedule and he was tired. Not long after, Daniel went to the toilet and cleaned his face. It was at that time that he began to do other activities as well. Tonight he must complete the various tasks assigned to him. Quickly, Daniel turned on his computer and then did his work late into the night. Even though it was already 12 o'clock at night, his work was still not finished, so he had to do it again until dawn. Daniel, who then only slept for two hours, made him feel dizzy. It was already 7 in the morning. He is getting ready to go to school because today there is a morning class. With a sleepy face he had to start the day. Arriving in class, his friends came over to him.
"You look confused today. What happened?" asked one of his friends named Billy
"I stayed up late."
“Is it because of the task? You seem quite diligent."
"Not. That's not the job."
"Your job?"
"You're still tutoring on the spot that ?”
" Yes . I still tutoring in place it . my family force me enter the place that , so what can make ."
"A lot turns out to be. You're amazing."
"Don't make fun of me."
“I praise you base . Gosh, it's getting annoying in the morning."
When they were busy talking, not long after the teacher came and ruined their leisure time. Daniel with a sleepy face then pays attention to today's lesson and soon the class ends. The day was quite troublesome for him, where today there was a charity activity that he had to participate in and it made him feel tired. The energy drained more and more and it made Daniel sit for a while. In a different place in a location that is a laboratory science . A girl who was doing research there. He seriously did his job.
"Where have you been?" asked one of his friends named Flora
"Still this one. The atomic reaction is pretty slow."
"Oh, me too. I thought it was just me. Oh yes Rebecca. Do you have time tomorrow?"
"Yes. So what?"
"I need your help."
"What is it? I'll tell you later okay."
science laboratory , all the class next door is doing research practice and they are diligent about it. During the practice a girl in the back accidentally dropped a chemical liquid and injured her leg so that the person had to be rushed to the hospital. Those who saw the incident then turned to the person. Not long after, the practice of masik was carried out properly. The man suffered burns from the chemical splash and made him moan in pain. Rebecca who just kept quiet and while continuing her research calmly wasn't like everyone who was noisy.
Daniel, who had finished with his activities, then came to a place where Billy took math lessons . There is a place authentic relax and give a calm impression. Besides that, Daniel rested and he then read book . A tiring day for him felt like he was under tyrannical rule. Seeing Daniel who was there, Billy then approached him and chatted with him when it happened to be on a work break. They both seemed to be laughing and they were quite noisy when they talked.
“This is troublesome,” said Daniel
"Anyway, it's a risk. Isn't all this always a risk?'
"Should I just stop?"
"Stop from what?"
“Oh, you better think again. what would you do if you stopped?"
"Who knows. Maybe try something more profitable.”
"Up to you. I can only say this, you will only regret if you make the wrong decision.”
"I already knew about it. but the thing is, what's the point of still being there? There's only stress."
"That's true too. It's also complicated how can you take such a decision?”
"This just popped into my head."
"Serious. You don't believe it?"
"This is you."
Their conversation didn't last long. Because Billy had to go back to studying . Likewise with Daniel who had to leave immediately because there was work waiting for him in a few hours. This time he had arrived at his house and then saw a pile of tasks on his desk. It wasn't long before he took a deep breath before finally starting to work. Time doesn't seem to go fast. This time in the hallway near the laboratory, Rebecca was walking alone and then she saw a dark shadow that was there. With a look that looked surprised, Rebecca then looked over there while examining it. And it turned out to be nothing.
"Wait, is this just my feeling?" Rebecca muttered
Not long after, Rebecca left from there and headed to the second floor. When he climbed the stairs, again that strange feeling suddenly appeared and made him run quickly from there. When Rebecca was on the second floor, she then felt someone's presence behind her and then made her scream in surprise. It turned out that the one behind him was none other than his friend Julian. Seeing Rebecca's reaction like that made Julian feel surprised and then greeted her.
"Are you okay? why suddenly shout like that?” Julian asked Rebecca in front of him.
"You're just shocking."
"Is there something?"
"You're so weird."
"Come on. Stop asking questions and go there.”
“I will go in the same direction as you.”
"Ah never mind."
Rebecca then went into a room with Julian. Even though it was already night, apparently they were still in the laboratory room and were finishing their practicum. Julian who had been curious about what had happened to Rebecca made him continue to follow him. It was at that moment that a dark shadowy figure at the end of the room began to feel its existence. Rebecca who realized this made her immediately rush and leave the room, which was followed by Julian.
"Why did you follow me?" ask Rebecca
"Who are you talking to?"
"What? didn't you just follow me?"

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    Aminidham Zainuddin

    i like story


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    nice story


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