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Chapter Three

Farhan just stared at her, becoming more surprised at her behaviour, “Miss?” He prompted, “Excuse me are you ok?” He inquired standing up, when she didn’t reply, he went over to her, standing a reasonable distaste away. “Miss are you alright?”
Then she turned slowly, her eyes blazing with super human anger, “I warned you, didn’t I? Told you would regret your actions.”
“Sorry?” his face showed just how surprised he was.
“No one talks to me like that and goes scot free, now I will show you the consequence for your actions”. Then she did the most unexpected thing. With surprising speed agility, she held her skimpy dress at the chest and tore it down to her breast; Farhan stepped back in shock, his little eyes getting bigger at the scene that was unfolding before his eyes.
Using her hands, she scattered the items on the table, then she hit herself hard on the lip, it started to bleed immediately, using all her strength, she screamed pulling at her hair, there were footsteps hurrying toward them from outside the door, it burst open with a loud thud. Hanifah ran in followed by Alhaji Shehu and two other men. They all stopped in shock at the horrifying sight before their eyes, instinctively, Alhaji Shehu hurried to Risha who slumped into his arms, he looked over at Farhan unable to say any words and then back to Risha.
“Risha what happened darling, are you ok?” she started to cry, hiding her face in his chest, she sobbed loudly.
Snapping into action, he spoke quickly, “Hanifah, help Risha to my office, you Salem get doctor Ahmed here, Liman, call the head of security now.”
“Now!!!” He thundered when no one moved, they all snapped back to their senses and moved quickly, Hanifah took off her veil, using it, she covered Risha properly and then help her out.
Farhan just stared at them lost for words.
“What happened here Alhaji demanded sternly?”
When Farhan didn’t even move as if he hadn’t even heard, Alhaji moved to him and gave him a good shake.
“You bloody fool, speak up will you, what did you do to my daughter, what? Tell me right now Farhan speak or god help me…” he was still shaking Farhan violently.
A man dressed in black suit walked in followed by two uniformed men. “You called for me sir?” he asked standing at the door.
Letting go of Farhan, Alhaji Shehu stepped back trying his best to control his anger, closing his eyes for a few a second. When he finally spoke, his voice was surprisingly calm.
“Stay at the exit and elevator, ensure that no one comes in without my permission,” he spoke with his eyes still closed, but the chief security knew his boss long enough to understand this was no joking matter,
“Yes sir” he answered, turning he signalled his men. They all followed him.
“Sir,” it was Farhan’s voice, he was still in shock, but his face wasn’t as white as before, stepping back to rest himself on the wall for support, his legs felt weak.
“Not here” Alhaji Shehu spoke calmly, he still trembled due to his efforts to control his anger, but his facial expression remained normal. “In my office” he spoke absent minded, looking at Farhan, he said, “in my office, we speak in my office.” With that, he walked out of the office.
Farhan closed his eyes tightly; he tried to stand up straight but his leg felt weak, “just what was she up to?” He wondered, how could such hate and anger reside in one human being, what he saw in her eyes a while ago was terrible to behold.
Slowly, he stood up straight, looked around for a few seconds before walking towards the door, he said a short prayer for whatever lay ahead, he did not want to jump to conclusion, but he feared for the worst.
Risha sat on the sofa in Alhaji’s office, her head resting on Hanifah’s shoulder, she sobbed softly. Alhaji sat on his table deep in thought. At that moment, Farhan entered slowly. As soon as she saw him Risha backed away quickly as if a monster had entered.
“Close the door please” Alhaji instructed politely
“Now Farhan, please tell me exactly what happened.”
“Well sir, I…I…I really don’t know where to start from”. He stammered.
“Start from any where, from the end, from the beginning, from the middle, from anywhere, just speak boy and fast, my patience runs thin” he bellowed
As if recounting a dream, he spoke weakly, “she met me, outside my office just a few minutes ago, saying she needed some legal advice on some issues…”
“And?” Alhaji demanded urgently
“I told her we can speak in my office, she asked some questions which I answered, I was answering when…when she…”
At that moment, Risha began to cry loudly and Alhaji was beside her in a flash soothing “it’s okay baby, it’s okay, sssshhh, don’t cry so loud, can you tell me what happened Risha?” He asked softly
“No dad, please not now, don’t make me remember, he is a monster, a monster…” she sobbed
There was a knock on the door
“Didn’t I say not to be disturbed?” Alhaji demanded angrily
“Sorry sir, I was told you asked for the doctor” the chief security replied.
“Yes, let him in.”
The next few minutes were spent in agonizing silence as the doctor examined Risha.
Finally, he spoke. “There is no physical damage except for the lips,” he said pointing to her bruised lip. As for her emotional state however, I think she is in trauma, I need to move her to my ward for more observation, she needs to rest.
“Sure doc. I will join you in a few minutes, Hanifah, escort Risha, and take the private elevator.”
“Yes, sir Hanifah answered helping Risha up. As for Risha she looked weak and scared, all the while when the doctor examined her, she observed Farhan when she could, he was resting against the wall his eyes closed, occasionally, he opened his eyes to study his surroundings as if he was hoping to wake up from a dream. Risha couldn’t say what she was feeling exactly, joy, happiness, contentment all at once; her acting today was just perfect, a master piece, her best so far, as she and Hanifah passed by him, she looked into his eyes and their gaze held for a few seconds, he looked lost, scared, and terrified. The sight gave her such joy that she couldn’t hold it inside, slowly, her lips curved into a sardonic smile, as if to say “told you.”
Alone with Farhan, Alhaji Shehu studied the young man, his face had regained some of its color and he didn’t sweat like before, although he still looked lost like in a trance.
“Farhan” Alhaji shehu spoke softly, “is it true?” he asked looking at Farhan with fatherly affection “could you do something like this?” He asked Farhan as much as himself.
Raising his head, a little but still not looking at Alhaji Shehu, he spoke slowly, selecting every word with care.
“Sir, you know me very well, I would not defend myself against something I didn’t do in the first place, the lady in question here is your only daughter, so I don’t expect you to be objective even if you knew the truth, now all I will say is that I have left everything to Allah. I respect you too much to say anything bad against your daughter or let anyone else know what truly happened here.”
Alhaji Shehu observed him closely, all the time debating everything in his head, the man in front of him really looked sincere about what he just said, he looked shocked and shaken about everything, plus his shirt looked neat and unscathed…everything didn’t add up, one of them had to be telling the truth and the other a lie, deep in his heart, he feared who. Alhaji Shehu closed his eyes to hide what transpired in his mind, when finally, he spoke, his voice was devoid of every emotion.
“Listen boy, I don’t believe anything you have said here today, If you truly respected me like you said you do, you would never have done what you did, you will make this right boy, by God you will, you will do the right thing, you will…”
“WHAT!!!” Risha exclaimed sitting up quickly, the charade forgotten, “did I hear you right daddy or was my ears deceiving me?”
“You heard me right” Alhaji Shehu said in calm voice, he sat close to the bed, his face straight devoid of any emotion, “and you will do as I say”.
Scoffing she tried to smile as if to call his bluff, “you must be joking, I mean really, listen to yourself dad you have to me joking right? You are not being serious, right daddy.”
“Risha, believe me when I tell you I have never been this serious about anything in my entire life, nor more determined about your future” he said looking her straight in the eyes, “you will marry Farhan and that is final”
“What?!!!” She asked again as if she was just hearing it for the first time, “why would I do that huh?” She screamed flashing him an angry glare.
Ignoring her angry gestures, he spoke on slowly. “At the moment that is the only alternative, plus if the media finds out about this, it would be bad for both you and the company, so just stop arguing and prepare.”
Risha felt her head spin, “the crazy old man is really serious about this” she thought, suddenly the well-ventilated room seemed hot and she began to sweat a little, it felt like she was dreaming or something. She shook her head vigorously as if to wake herself up from the nightmare. She didn’t know how to proceed, she had never seen her father this serious in her entire life, but he had to be joking, he had to be pulling her legs, marriage, that was her worst fear, the worst fate that could befall any woman,
“Daddy listen” she started, only to be cut short by Alhaji Shehu
“No Risha, you listen child, my decision is final, you will do as I say or I will disown own you”
“Huh? duh” she thought. “This can’t be happening” she said looking around to make sure she was sane, “maybe daddy already knows I lied, maybe he just wants me to come clean” she thought. “Ok daddy I better end this now, I need to tell you what really happened” she ventured in a matter of fact tone.
“Don’t bother” Alhaji countered standing up, Farhan already admitted to the crime, he already told me everything, I have promised him not to file charges so long as he agrees and he has, I know you think me cruel, but it’s the only way forward, the deed has been done, as for what happened earlier, I have come to an understanding with him that if any such violence repeat itself, well, let me no go into details, the point is you will be ok, so just stop all the drama.
“What? He did what? It’s not true daddy, whatever he said is not true,” tears had begun to cloud her vision now, “wait dad, please wait,” she pleaded as he walked to the door, he didn’t stop, quickly she came down and hurried to him, holding his hand, she begged with all her charm, “dad please don’t do this.”
Looking away he tried to pull his hand, she held on tightly.
“Why are you so wicked?” she demanded, crying, why are you so bent on destroying my life? I don’t want to get married, not him, not to anyone else, not now and not ever.” When he still didn’t respond, she went down on her knees
Alhaji Shehu closed his eyes “Risha you are only wasting your time, my decision is irrevocable, your wedding is in three days’ time, you two will relocate to the family house in Zaria, God knows it has been left empty for far too long.” With that, he pulled away and walked out closing the door behind him. He stayed there a few minutes, trying to calm his nerve, he could hear Risha crying behind the door, a tear rolled down his cheek “no he thought I won’t change my mind, this is best for her, it is.” With that thought in mind, he cleaned his face determinedly, took a deep breath and walked away.
Risha lay on the floor sobbing silently; she couldn’t open her eyes, as the world was spinning for her. “it was never supposed to be like this” she thought, what she had hoped to achieve was to have him sacked and his reputation ruined for good, “now look at me” she thought, “marriage”, the idea sent such pain and regret down her spine. Her worst nightmare comes true.

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    WafiyMuhd. Faizal

    the best stories


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    it's beautiful and so nice


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