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“Get in.”
Still faze that Denver's here, I immediately get inside his car. With lips pursed, I looked at him. He was casually driving as his eyes were on the road. His thick eyebrows were furrowed. His crew-cut hair was dyed gray.
“You dyed your hair.” I noticed. He simply glanced at me before he nodded. I heaved a sigh as I nodded at him. He doesn't want to talk.
I just pursed my lips as I look at the way we were taking. I don't know where will Denver take me, but I trust him.
It was already sunset when we passed by the seashore. I gasped in awe when the sun meets the horizon. I smiled as I saw how beautiful the scenery was.
“You love watching the sunset?”
“Yes.” Still, with a smile, I looked at him. I saw his eyes narrow at me before he heaved a sigh. He stopped the car near a stall before he motioned me to get out.
With my forehead creased, I followed him. He stopped near a lamp post as if he's waiting for me. I walked near and stood right beside him.
“Why are we here?” I softly asked.
“To watch the sunset.” He furrowed, and give me a one-side glance. I smiled at him before I busied my eyes with the scenery in front of me.
I always feel unwanted feelings when I see the sunset. It always reminds me that everything has its end.
I wonder if my supposed-to-be marriage with Denver will end up beautiful, just like the sunset we're both watching right now. I hope so.
“Thank you, Denver.” I smiled as I stood beside him. I glanced to see him looking down at me. His brows met up in a thin line.
He always look annoyed since the day our marriage was announced. But from what I can see right now, he's more handsome with this expression.
“For what?” he asked.
“For this.” I smiled. “It's been a while since I last watch the sunset this close.”
“Tsk. You're always in your room,” he uttered which I answered with a laugh. I just nodded as it was also true.
“You look different when you're this serious, Denver.”
“You look good with your uniform.” he complimented. “I will let it pass, you called me by my name.”
“I'm sorry.”
He moved closer and grabbed my hand. I gasped when our eyes met. My eyes looked away and it went to his hand on mine. I gulped. What is this feeling?
I thought I could control this admiration I feel when it comes to him, but I was wrong. I thought it subsided.
“We'll have dinner here,” he said and pulled me to the nearest stall we saw. It offers homemade food that made me excited. I love eating this kind of food. Our dad always cooks these.
“Unli rice?” I asked as I read their menu. It felt like my eyes twinkle upon seeing it. I almost clapped my hand in excitement until I heard someone fake a cough.
I glanced at Denver who was just staring at me with an amused grin. I cleared my voice and smile timidly at him. I glanced at the server and pointed to the shrimp on their list.
“How about the Chicken Adobo, ma'am?” he suggested.
“No, thanks. I'm allergic to it.” I just smiled and he just nodded. He then asked Denver who tell him every single dish he saw on the menu. My eyes widened when he finished.
“O-okay, sir. Wait for at least ten minutes. We'll prepare it for you.” The waiter nodded at us before he leaves.
Still, with widened eyes, I looked at Denver who was just smirking at me.
“You can finish that?” I softly asked as I followed the waiter a look.
“Don't underestimate me, young lady,” he uttered huskily. I nodded. “So... you're allergic to chicken?”
“Yes, like all kinds of it. I, uh, like seafood, though. Especially shrimp.” I timidly smiled at him as I felt my cheeks redden.
I don't know why it made my heart delighted as he asked that simple question. It feels like he's interested in me.
“You're blushing, young lady,” he said.
“J-just feel hot in here.”
“Hmm, I might take you to a hotel then.”
My eyes widened as I looked directly at him. My mind suddenly becomes nasty as I imagine myself together with him in a hotel suite. Just the two of us. That made my cheeks feel hot. Before I could answer him, I heard his chuckles.
“D*mn, young lady, what a playful mind you have.”
He kept his smirk while staring at me. I bit my lips as I looked down, feeling embarrassed.
“N-nothing.” I felt a tingling emotion as I heard his chuckles again. It is more of like an energizer for me.
“Tell me.”
“W-what?” I looked at him only to see him bit his lips again. He was leaning his back on his chair as glanced at me.
“Tell me more about yourself.” His voice was low and raspy that it made me stare at his lips. I gulped and looked away.
“Why?” I asked.
“You will be my future wife, young lady.”
I stared at him and smiled timidly. “I'm aloof, unreachable, lowkey, not-that-prett—”
“You're beautiful.” He stopped me before I continue. My eyes widened as I felt like they are butterflies inside my belly. Only a few compliment me, but it feels surreal when it comes to Denver.
It feels like he's special. He's above anyone. Every gesture ad expression he makes, every word he says, always has an impact on me. And just gives another reason for me to like him.
“T-thank you,” I muttered softly. He arched a brow before he cleared his voice. I was waiting for him to ask more when our food was served. I smiled at the waiter and nodded at him.
“We have unli rice, ma'am.” he reminded which made me smile widely. “Just call those servers.” He pointed at those people with buckets of rice in their arms.
“Thank you!”
I started eating my food. I also shared it with Denver who's busy eating his food too. I sometimes glance at him and secretly smiled as I saw him cute while eating.
As expected, I finished first. I ate four cups while Denver ate six. People were somewhat looking at us because our table was full. I smiled awkwardly until my eyes darted at someone wearing a sleeve shirt with his hoody on his head. I furrowed when I saw his arm. It has a hawk-liked tattoo on it.
But then, I gasped when he stood up and narrow his eyes on me before he left the stall.
“What's wrong?” I heard Denver ask. I shook my head and just smiled.
“Are we going home now?” I asked instead.
He wiped his lips as he stood up. He roamed his eyes before he glanced at me. He offered his hand which I accept. He pulled three pieces of thousand bills and leave them on the table.
We went back to his car and immediately felt the ocean breeze. I felt my hand tighten its hold on Denver. He glanced at me but I just looked back at him, waiting for him to answer.
“No. We're going to my condo unit.”

Book Comment (359)

  • avatar
    Jean Reyes Silva

    nice story


  • avatar
    Jelyn Sombilon

    It was very nice. I just finished reading the whole chapter rn and I found it very amazing along the way. Thanks for writing this one.


  • avatar

    very veryy good


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