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Laura watched with awe as a little girl ran towards Scott.
"Daddy" she screamed.
What the hell... he's married, she thought. She didn't know why but she got angry.
"Hey princess" Scott replied cheerily as he scooped her in his arms. "How's my baby doing today?" He asked.
"I'm great Daddy. Thanks to God. He keeps watching over me" the little girl practically sang those words. Laura just stared in silence.
"Where's...." Scott started to ask but his little girl cut him short with her reply.
"She's outside. In the car"
"And she let you come in yourself?"
"We saw you come in. She knew I would find you and I did".
All this while Laura still stared at them. She couldn't believe he was married with a kid and he was flirting with her. Or was he? It was probably all in her head.
"Who's this?" The little girl asked looking Laura up and down.
"Baby this is Suzanne. She's a friend" Scott replied quickly.
Friend!!! Why would he say that? They aren't friends. She literally hates his guts as much as he hates hers.
"You're pretty" the little girl said curtly taking Laura off guard.
"Really...thank you dear. What's your name?" Laura asked.
"Trixie Colby" the girl replied.
Wow! damn smart.
"Is she really your friend daddy?" Trixie asked. Laura hoped Scott would just tell her the truth.
"She is. You don't believe me?" Scott replied feigning hurt. Laura sighed.
There's no telling with this guy, she thought.
"You should come with us to Bible study tommorow" she said directly to Laura's face. Laura blinked and stared. She didn't know how to answer that.
"I don't think that's a good idea" she replied.
"Pleeeeaase. I want you to come. You're daddy's friend right" Trixie pleaded.
"You know baby... Suzanne here probably has a lot to do tomorrow. Maybe some other time" Scott told Trixie. Laura's heart fell when the saw the little girl's face drop. She didn't want to be the reason for that look on a little girl's face and besides what's the worse that could happen. If she gets too bored she would put on her ear plugs.
"You know what...I don't think it would be such a bad idea. I'll go with you guys" Laura spoke up. Scott stared at her with surprise.
"Really. You don't have to if you don't want to" he said.
"Don't worry. I'll come with you guys. It'll be fun right Trixie?" Laura said.
"Right" Trixie replied. She had the biggest smile on her face.
"Alright. I remember your address. I'll come pick you up on our way. Be ready at 5" Scott told her.
"Aiye aiye captain" she replied. This made Trixie laugh out and Scott managed a smile.
"Well...we should go now. I'll see you tomorrow" Scott said.
"Bye Suzanne" Trixie screamed as she started towards the door of the supermarket.
"Bye" Laura called back.
"Don't forget. Tommorow by 5pm I'll come over" Scott told her. Trixie ran back to the counter and started dragging him away. The scene made Laura giggle.
"Come on daddy. She's waiting for us in the car" Trixie yelled.
Just as Laura heard that she slapped herself on her head. He's married...you have to remember that, she told herself.
"Where did you say you're off to again?" Lolita asked Laura. She suppressed her laughter. Lolita had been asking her this question since she came home from work and has been preparing to leave again. Lolita had come to drop off some of the pies she made but as soon as she saw Laura dressed up again she stayed behind.
"I'm going to spend some time with Scott and his daughter" Laura replied. She didn't want to tell Lolita she was going to church. She didn't want her to have hopes.
"Hmmmm. You like the young man don't you?" Lolita asked.
"What? No. No no no. I'm doing this for Trixie. She asked me to" Laura replied quickly. Lolita raised a brow. "What are you even doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at the motel?" Laura queried.
"I've got it covered" Lolita replied. "Where are you going to hang out with them?" Lolita asked again.
"Uh...uh...the park...I don't really know..." Laura lied. She avoided eye contact and kept her head down.
"Suzanne...?" Lolita pressed.
"Ok ok. I'm going to church with them. Bible study" Laura replied. She raised her head and saw the look of excitement on Lolita's face. "No. I'm really just doing this for Trixie. I'm not going to do this again". She added.
"Well it's a start" Lolita replied. Laura wanted to tell her that nothing was a start and she was sure she's never going to do that again. She also wanted to tell her she was going with her ear plugs but just as she wanted to open her mouth she heard a knock on the door. When she opened the door Peter was standing, holding a flower.
"Peter. Hi" Laura greeted shocked.
"Hi. Sorry to barge in. I was at the flower shop nearby. I saw this and I thought of you" he said.
"Oh. Thanks" she replied collecting the flowers.
"I got them because you mentioned it....the other day I was fixing your shelf, you said you really needed to get some flowers so I got them for you" he told her.
"Wow. That's quite...quite thoughtful of you" she replied nodding. "I can't even remember when I said that" she laughed awkwardly.
"Well that's me" he replied.
"I would invite you in but it's almost 5 and I'm supposed to be going out with a friend" she said. "But you can come in for a minute" she added when she saw the look of disappointment on his face.
"Maybe I should go. I'll come back later" he told her.
"No. It's ok. Come in. Lola is in too" she replied. Peter nodded and walked in.
"Peter. How wonderful it is to see you" Lolita greeted cheerfully.
"You too Lola. It's been a while. I came to give Suzanne here some flowers" He said.
"Oh.... that's so thoughtful" Lolita replied with a smile.
"Thank you so much for the flowers Peter. Really" Laura pitched in before Lolita say anything crazy. Before anyone could say any other thing a knock was heard on the door.
"Scott. Hi" Laura greeted as soon as she opened the door. Scott raised a brow.
"Don't tell me you're taking your craziness with you to church?" Scott asked.
"What!!" Laura exclaimed.
"Why do you seem shocked to see me? We had a plan" Scott queried.
"I remember our plan. I wasn't shocked" she replied.
"If you say so. Are you ready?" He asked.
"Yeah. I just need to...." She was saying but then Peter came to the door.
"Hey" he said when he saw Scott. He looked surprised.
"Hey. Peter. How're u doing" Scott asked.
"Good. Been a while" Peter said.
"Years" Scott replied. Laura looked at both of them. There seemed to be tension between them but she didn't know why.
"I'll just get my purse" she told Scott. When she got into the house to take her purse Peter followed her. Lolita was nowhere to be found.
"You're going out with Scott?" Peter asked.
"She's going to church.... Bible study. Doing it for Trixie. I'm just tagging along" Scott replied. Nobody knew when he entered.
Yeah, knew it... literally hates my guts, Laura thought.
"Oh... Trixie. How's she?" Peter asked slowly.
"She's good. She's this tall now" Scott replied demonstrating with his hands.
Yep... definitely tension, Laura thought. She picked up her purse.
"Got my purse. Let's go" she announced. "Bye Peter. Thanks for the flowers. Tell Lola I love her" she said and rushed off with Scott. When she looked back at Peter he was as red as a lobster.

Book Comment (621)

  • avatar
    Kurt Rumbaoa Aluag

    iloveyoutoo mwaps iloveyou mwaps labyu po welcome to ride the bus adda ur urayen nak garud met nga naissue Taga valdez no I don't know if I have to latta ton 7 30 mangrugi agbagyo to latta sunan to latta tawan to latta ton ano man nga inkam met you sleep mwaps 🖤 beshi to get over it and jonh you lord for sure 😃 to latta ton ano pay hahaha I charge my phone is coming out of your way you can get it look like you sleep mwaps labyu 🖤 beshi a hahahaha I charge my life is so beautiful 😍 a Google d


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    Samuelle Eli Vallestero Apejas



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    Beatriz Campos

    Muito bom


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