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Chapter 7

Bridget P.O.V
I felt the blood drain from my face and a sinking hole in me. I looked at William as I felt rage taking over him. I can see him running towards the elevator as the doors are shutting.
“William, help,” I mind linked him.
But he is not fast enough and the door shuts. I gasped in fear. I am all alone with Alpha Jackson.
*** Willams P.O.V ***
“William, help,” I heard her plead in my head nearly like a whisper. Mark growled in my head and fights me to take over. I ran to the elevator as fast as I can. I mind-linked Liam, “Jackson is in the elevator with Bridget .”
“WHAT?!,” Liam shouts. I’m on the way to the elevator when the door closed.
“No... No... No...,” I get to the door and hit the buttons attempting to open the door. “Where is this elevator going.”
“Yes, boss. What are you going to do?” he asked. “I’m going to take the stairs,” I replied looking at the door.
“You’ll never make it in time.”
“I will if I shift,” I raced in the direction of the door and begin throwing off clothes. I shift as soon as I’m on the stairway. I run as fast as I could down the stairs.
“They are headed to the pinnacle floor boss,” Liam shouted.
*** Bridget's P.O.V ***
When the elevator began to move, I heard him take in a deep breath more like sniffing the air, “I have missed that delicious scent. Your fear is like the sweetest scent.”
I am frozen. What do I do? I’m trapped. “You are looking, beautiful Smith. Being a future Luna looks suitable on you,” He says as he steps in front of me.
His hand comes up to contact my face and I flinch. He giggled as he touched my face roughly in his hands. He leaned down and I closed my eyes. I tried to pull again but he pushed my body against the wall. I have nowhere else to go.
“What? Aren’t you happy to see me once more?” He hissed at me. “Where are those beautiful crimson eyes?” He asked as he looked at me.
“Well, I guess you don’t seem to be scared,” He said pulling his head back and shifting his hand to my throat before squeezing it. Out of the croon of my eyes, I saw him pulling out something that shone brightly.
“Maybe we should proceed with our little game,” He says as he pricked my cheeks with the blade. I take in a sharp breath as a tear escaped my eyes.
“Bridget, I can’t come out now. He knows,” Deli says in the back of my mind.
“Knows what?” I asked confused and scared.
“That’s not important right now. You just need to be strong for a few more minutes. Can you do that?” She asked.
“Yes, I can try.”
He moved the knife to my thigh. I’m wearing shorts and the only exposed skin are my legs.
“Well it looks like I missed a few spots," he said as he noticed my unscathed legs. He leaned into my neck and sniff me again. “Intoxicating, my dear,” he whispered into my ear as he licked my neck. I whimper and attempt to recoil. Then he makes use of the knife to cut open my shirt exposing my stomach and bra. I attempt to be free but he tightened his grip on my throat and lifts me off the ground.
“Where are her eyes!?,” He shouted simply as the elevator stopped and the door opened to the most beautiful sight.
*** William P.O.V ***
“Are they headed to the top?” I asked Liam. “Yes, they have not stopped. They are on ground 9 still going up.” Damn, I’m on 8. I need to push harder.
I’m going as fast as I can up the stairs. I finally reached the top and bust through the door into the elevator. I shifted back and hit the button. The door flew open and I see my mate lifted off the floor. He was grasping her throat, her shirt torn and there are fresh new wounds on her face and leg. Jayson is holding a knife.
*** Bridget‘s P.O.V ***
I see William at the door already out of breath and naked. He growled, “Get your hands off my mate. “
“You aware that I strongly reject the fact of you claiming her as your mate used to be a cover. I thought you knew what you had. Now I can see she is your mate. But what did you do to her wolf? One eye contact with me would immediately summon those crimson eyes. Now, nothing.”
I am beginning to see Smith changing.
*** Bridget's P.O.V ***
“Sandra, you have to get yourself free. I can’t risk him hurting you if I come in there,” William told me through the mind link.
“Bridget you have to hurt him first or he will hurt you,” Deli said. “How?,” I asked “Kick him where the sun never shines,” She growled. “Fast and hard,” William added like he is aware of what I’m thinking.
With all my strength, I kick Jackson in his crotch.
He groaned and released me. I fall to the ground as William rushed in and tackled Jackson.
“Sandra... Go!... Run!!!,” He shouted.
I’m coughing and trying to catch my breath but I get out of the elevator and into the corridor.
*** William P.O.V ***
As soon as Sandra is out of his grasp, I lunged toward Jackson, holding him down so Sandra can escape.
“Sandra... Go... Run,” I tell her.
When I see she is in the corridor, I hit the lobby button in the elevator. I straddled Jackson and start punching him. I didn't stop punching him.
“Daniella, Sandra is in the apartment. Go check on her,” I mind-linked her while punching Jackson.
“Liam meet me at the elevator in the lobby.”
Still punching him. I’m so mad. Everything Sandra has been through, all of the torture, and abuse, and I couldn’t do anything to protect her. It’s all bubbling to the surface.
We reached the foyer and Liam pulls me off Jackson, who is still conscious somehow. Two guards come and threw Jackson off the floor.
“Jackson, you are banished from our pack's lands. If you are ever seen in our pack again, you will be dealt and killed on sight,” I said breathing hard.
Jackson spat blood out of his mouth, “Looking forward to it cousin.”
“Escort him off our lands,” I told the guards.
“Guys, I can’t locate Sandra. I looked in her room, your room, and the studio,” Daniella's mind linked me. “Did you check the bathroom? Look in the bathtub, she'll be there.”
In the tub? ... I observed her.
*** Daniella’s P.O.V ***
“I found her,” I told them. She is sitting her hands wrapped around them. “Bridget hun, are you alright?” I kneel beside the bathtub and look into her face. Her eyes. One is blue and the other is crimson.
“I can not get her to calm down,” Deli said. I can hear her mumbling underneath her breath. I touched the water and saw that it was cold.
“Sorry hun,” I turned on the shower and I heard her take in a deep breath. Her eyes are both blue now. I turned off the water and took a towel from the shelf before wrapping her in it.
I dried off her face as her eyes connect with mine and tears swell up. She started sobbing. I lean over the faucet of the bathtub and pull her to me. I wrapped my hands around her as she cried. After a few minutes, I heard people entering the room.
“William, is that you?” I mind-linked and looked over my shoulder to see William standing there in shorts that are stained with blood.
“Stop!,” I say. “Before you come in here, clean yourself first,” I looked down at his hands.
He looked down too and disappeared for a few minutes. Bridget Is still crying. William returned in clean shorts and a loose T-shirt. Bridget's crying has ceased.
“Sandra, is it okay if William carries you up and put you in bed?”
“You will not leave me, will you?” She asked, tilting her head to meet my eyes.
“I won't let you go,” I squeezed her hands. She nodded and I stand up. William came in and carried her up gently. She relaxed in his chest.
“Do you think she feels the mate bond?”I asked William.
“Goddess, I hope so,” He said sadly.
William placed her in bed and I crawled in. He left the room.
*** William P.O.V ***
I left her and Daniella in bed. “How is she?” Liam asked, walking over to me.
“I don’t know man but there's someone we need to talk to. I want more information,” I told him.
“Who?” Liam looked harassed. “Gamma Lucas,” I say aloud and call to him over thinking mind-link. “Yes Alpha,” He replied.
“Gamma Lucas, are you in the building? Can you make your way to my apartment? I think we need to talk.”
“Yes, Alpha. Is this about Bridget?” He asked.
“Yes, it is.”
“I will be up in no time.”
Ten minutes later, Gamma Perez is at the door.
“Hello Alpha, how is she? I heard about the attack,” He shook my hand.
“Honestly, I’m no longer sure. Daniella is in there with her. She reminded me that you came from Blood Forest pack and I was hoping you would shed some light on the matter for me,” I said, gesturing for us to take a seat at the table.
“Sure Alpha, what would you like to know?” He asked while taking a seat. Liam and I join him.
“Everything Lucas. Explain from the beginning. Was she always treated so poorly?”I asked.
“No, actually, when Bridget was growing up, things were very different. When she was a youngster, she used to run and play with the other children in the pack. She was a ball of energy. And boy, she used to be fast like a bullet. She wanted to grow up and be a warrior like her elder brother. She was usually sneaking into the training room and cheering us up,” He said, smiling to himself.
“So what happened? When did it change?” II ask stressed. “Well, it changed when she shifted.”
“What changed? When who shifted?” Daniella asked as she walked into the room. All of us stood up.
“She’s fine. She fell asleep and I heard you all talking,” She explained as she raised her hands up to calm us. Just then the door opened and my dad walked in looking worried.
“I heard about what happened. Is everyone okay? How is she?,” He walked over and puts a hand on my shoulder. I hugged him. I don't hug my dad often as a man however I felt like I wanted it.
“Is she okay,?” He asked while we hugged. “I do not know dad. But I’m trying to make sure.” We disentangled from the hug.
“Gamma Perez, it’s so nice to see you.”
“Always a pleasure Alpha,” Perez replied. My dad and Perez grew close over the years throughout my dad's reign as the alpha.
“Oh please, it is Raymond now,” He slapped Perez on the shoulder.
“Once an Alpha, always an Alpha,” Perez said. Daniella cleared her throat, getting everyone’s attention.
“I want to know what happened after she shifted,” Daniella looked so unhappy. She looked like she just found out Santa Claus is not real. We all take a seat as Perez continues.
“The Smith family is acknowledged for their pitch-black wolves. But when Bridget became of age and shifted for the first time at 14. Her wolf was not black but white,” Perez explained.
‘’All white? “ my dad asked. Perez nodded his head. They looked at each other like they both share a secret.
“What?” I asked.
“We’ll explain that later. However, when Bridget shifted her father was enraged. He believed her mom had an affair and that Bridget was not his. He punished them both very harshly. Soon her mother turned to her too, blaming Bridget for the treatment. The older she got, the worse it got and when she turned 17, her father began to beat her. And the Beta... he started harassing her at night,” He whispered that last part.
“I tried my best to inter between her, her father and the Beta. But when her brother joined in, I couldn’t stand it anymore. I informed the Alpha what he was doing was once wrong. I asked him to let me take Bridget away and he would by no means have to see her again.”
“You did?” A voice came from behind us. We all turn to see Bridget wrapped in a blanket and standing at her door.
Perez stood up, “I did child. But he refused me and called me a traitor before he then banished me and my household from the pack.” He takes a few steps toward her. She laughed and dropped the blanket before running into his arms.
“Oh, Gamma Perez, I missed you,” She said as she hugged him and buried her face in his shoulder.
“I missed you too little rabbit,” He said kissing the top of her head.
“What's with all the animal nicknames?” Liam asked.
“It was the first animal she ever killed while hunting,” Perez giggled.
She laughed and looked up at him. This is the first time I’ve seen her laugh like that. It breaks my heart that it is not for me. Daniella walked over to Bridget.
“Sandra, let’s go and take a look at your injuries,” Daniella led Bridget to the bedroom and into her bathroom.
“I did not know that she would survive. I can not count how many times I picked her off the ground or took her to the clinic. I thought I would never see her again,” Perez says.
“I am aware of that Lucas. But she’s right here now,” My dad said as he place his hand on Lucas’shoulder.
“Did you know?” I ask my dad. “Son, it was a hard situation. When Perez came here, he told me about her. But at the time, we had been already in a conflict with Silver Moon Pack. I didn’t have the assets to start a war,” my dad explained. He looked guilty. I’m indignant but I understand. He’s right.
“Wait, I’ve in not seen an all-white wolf before. That’s uncommon. Right!?,” Liam asked.
“What?,” I asked. “It is rare. In truth, she’s the only one,” my dad said.
“How do you know?” I asked. “Because it’s a hero,” He answered. “What do you mean?” We all take a seat again.
“Well history has it that a pure white wolf will be born and the wolf will preserve power and their pack will benefit from this power. They will rule over all packs and they will be one Or so the legend said,” Perez explained.
“ Why I have not heard of this before?” I asked. “Because it’s the oldest legend I know. People stopped speaking about it. They stopped believing it is true. Many are not aware of it. Which obviously Johnson wasn't aware of what he had,” my dad explained.
“Strength? What type of strength?” Liam asked.
“I do not know because human beings stopped speaking about it. Los of the information about it has been lost,” My father explained.
“You guys, I think it’s time for us to go. Let everybody rest and we can learn more during dinner this week,” Daniella said as she closed the door quietly.
“Alpha,” Perez stood up and addressed me. “As a Gamma, I would like to provide protection to the future Luna and I vow to guard her till my final breath,” Perez says to me.
“I approve your vow of protection but she wants to as well,” I say nodding to her room. “I will call to check up on her in the next few days. But I will be standing guard outdoor in the meantime,” Perez said.
“Son, if you need anything, call. Your mother wants you over for dinner soon but I will try to hold her off,” my dad said and pats my shoulder.
“William, we are downstairs if you need us,” Liam said and they all walked out of the room.
I collapsed on the couch as I thought about the whole thing that has happened today. I get up to take a look at Sandra. When I opened the door, she is asleep in the bed. Just as I was about to shut the door, I heard, “William.”
*** Bridget's P.O.V ***
“William,” I said. He stopped and stepped closer to me.
“What is it, sweetheart?” He whispered. “Do you want a glass of water?” My throat hurts so I nodded.
“Okay, I’ll be right back,” He left and then returned with a glass of water. I take a few sips and returned down. He then turned to leave.
“William,” I called.
“Yes?,” He looked back.
“Can you stay with me for some time? I feel calmer when you’re around.” I am too embarrassed to make eye contact with him. “Of course, I will,” He said to my amusement.
He moved to the other facet of the bed and walked slowly under the bedcovers before laying down by my side.
“Is this good enough?,” He asked. I nodded as I scoot closer to him and we lay like that for a minute.
“Oh, come here,” He said as he pulled me closer and I lay my head on his chest.
“Is this better?” he asked. Yes, it is I felt the peaceful ambience come over me. I nodded my head and he placed his hands around my waist. It took some time before I started dozing.

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    TenorioVictor Hugo



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    nice to ready this 😊😊😊


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    D Ell Ell

    beautiful story


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