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Chapter 2

Bridget P.O.V
 “You are my mate,” that alpha said in a serious voice and I looked at him. He has the most glamorous eyes I have ever seen. They’re darkish evergreen like the forest.
 I couldn't hold his gaze for long cause my father is still in the room and I’ll get into trouble for being disrespectful.
 “Smith before I open my eyes and close them, I do not want to see you here,” my dad said loudly. I ran out of the room and gently closed the door. I can hear some noise from afar. I ran down to the corridor to get back to the laundry room.
 The dirty garments are so much that I keep on washing them over and over again. Getting to the last room of the house, Shawn, my brother stopped me. Shawn is the first son of the family. He is as depraved as my father.
  Shawn stood in my way and blocked my way as he kept on looking at me with an unsure look. “Little mouse, where do you think you are going?” I did not answer him but I just lowered my head in fear.
 I then moved back to the washing machine to finish my work for the day. I was surprised when he didn't say anything. When I turned around to look at him, I realized that he was startled and looking at where I was standing.
 That was when  I noticed Alpha William and Beta Liam. They have been standing at the entrance of dad’s office. Shawn walked to the place I was standing and he held my hand tightly before pulling me away, straight into the kitchen. He pushed me against the wall so roughly that it hurt.
  “What did he see in you that made him like you?” Shawn asked with a smiling face. “ I can not even imagine you becoming a Luna!,” he said, looking at me with so much anger. “You can’t even look straight into my eyes nor can you move! You are so weak.”
 Shawn walked to where I was standing and continued with his hurtful words, “It’s only a matter of time before he has his chance with you and abandons you. It won't take long for him to throw you out of the house and I won't even blame him.”
 Then he slipped his hands into my dress and touched the side of my panties. I can still feel the sting of pain from the spot. He leaned in and whispered into my ear, “We’ll just have to allow the guy to enjoy himself with you and after he is done sucking you dry, he will bring you back to us. When he does this, we will sell you to alpha Jackson."
 I felt so weak and it clearly showed in my eyes. I think alpha Jackson is very wicked than my dad. I can still remember the day he slept in our house and my dad sent me to him. I couldn’t even recall all that occurred, but all I could remember is myself laying on my bed in the health centre receiving treatments due to injuries.
 When I asked what happened to me the doctors said I was found in the garden with my clothes completely soaked in blood. It took me a very long time to recover. Since that day, I haven’t set my eyes on alpha Jackson and that was just a couple of months ago.
 Shawn starts rubbing my pussy harder through my panties as he tightened his hold around me. Shawn pulled me back to allow him to gain more access to my neck.
 “Shawn!,” My brother David shouted as he walked in. He didn't look fazed by what was going on cause he has already seen this couple of times. They don't do anything to help or save me.
  “We were waiting for you and you’re in here harassing Smith,” he says frustrated. “Hey guy calm down, Smith has already found her mate,” Shawn said to him, releasing me and moving his hand away. David looked at me with a surprised look
 “Who!? You?” he asked me with an astonished look.
 “Alpha William,” Shawn answered.
“Well, I am sure he is going to enjoy the good aroma when he is all over you,” David mumbled mischievously as he looked at us. Shawn rolled his eyes and walked past David without saying anything. David looked at me sympathetically.
 Sincerely, David is the only one that has never touched me in any way either sexually or violently. There was this time I collapsed after dad beat me up for nothing.
 I was feeling faint from the pain and couldn't even move when someone walked in and carried me to the bathroom. He helped me wash off the blood from my injuries and then put me into bed. It was David but we’ve never spoken about that incident.
 “Are you okay Smith?” David asked. His voice snaps me out of the painful memory. I nod and hurry back to the laundry room. I was carrying the wet clothes to another room to spread them when I passed the kitchen and saw my mother. She looked very happy which is not good news for me.
  “Oh, Smith! Good, put that down. You have to go upstairs and pack your things. You’ll be leaving quickly for your new home.”
“ My new home?” I asked with a perplexed look.
 “Yes, you are going to live with Alpha William. He has paid a handsome sum for you," she explained.
 “You are our connection to the richest pack in the united states and we are not going to let go of this opportunity. You should not do things that will upset him. If he sends you back to us, things will become worse for you here,” she glared at me.
  “Don’t mess this up for us Smith,” she hissed. “Now go get your things,” she pushed me out of the kitchen and up the stairs. I go to my room and took out the small backpack. I packed up all of my belongings that doesn't even fill up the space in the backpack.
 “Get down right now. You are leaving,” My mother's mind linked me. This is all happening so fast. I rushed out of my room and down the stairs. My mom and father are standing right next to Alpha William and his beta. My mother hugged me.
  “Remember what I told you,” she whispered in my ear.
 “Bye honey. Behave appropriately and we will see you soon,” She says loud enough for everyone to hear. My dad simply grunts and stares at me. Alpha William stepped aside so I walked past him. His beta opened the door for me.
 We then walked out of the house and the beta opens the vehicle door. I entered it. Alpha William climbs in after me and his beta sits up front. I looked at the floor feeling extremely nervous. After a few minutes of driving, Alpha William turns to me,
“You do not have to be nervous. I won't hurt you,” He said. I glanced at him and he laughed. I feel drawn to his laughter but I don't know why. I understand then that I have been staring at him and I quickly shift my eyes again down to the ground.
 We arrived at the airport and headed straight to the plane. I was even more worried to embark on the journey. “What’s wrong hun,” his Beta asks looking concerned.
 “I. . I’ve never flown before,” I spoke nearly in a whisper however I knew he could hear me. He laughed.
 “Oh kid, it’s the best," he says, setting his hand on mine and guiding me closer to the plane. Alpha William lets out a small growl that makes me jump. He quickly looked at me with concern. But his Beta just ignores him and continues to manoeuvre me to the plane.
 “There are drinks and food and even a bed for taking a nap. I love flying. Well, I love flying privately,” He chuckled. The Alpha simply shakes his head. We walk into the aeroplane. It's so beautiful. There is a couch and 4 single seats, each set with a table.
 There’s a velvet curtain serving as a partition to another room that has a mattress in the back.
 The beta walked in and sits in one of the single chairs. He gestures for me to sit down on the couch and I complied. The Alpha sits next to his beta. I can see both of them staring at me. However, before they could say, a lady walked in and asked if we would prefer any refreshment.
  They both order a whiskey. The woman then comes over to me and asked,” And what can I get for you, sweetie?”
 “Oh no, thank you. I don’t want anything. “ I said shyly.
 “Bring her water to drink, Sarah,” says the beta.
 “Sure,” Sarah bobbed her head upwards and goes to the front of the plane.
William P.O.V
  “Since I was once born, I have never seen anyone act this shy before,” Liam stated in his head
 “I’m trying not to overwhelm her, however, do not suppose she’s ever even been out of that house,” I reply. We are all sitting in the aircraft in silence.
  “Sir, we are about to take off,” Sarah tells me as she delivers our drinks. “We might reach our destination at two pm,” she informed us. I saw the look of shock on Bridget's face.
 “It’s a 3-hour straight ride,” I explained. She collects the water from Sarah and nods in appreciation.
 “Man, this is going to be a lengthy plane ride,” Liam said through the mind-link. I gave him an unamused look.
 After about fifty mins, Bridget seems to have relaxed a bit. Liam and I discuss some plans that we have about the new training facility we want to build. We have three plans to decide on.
 After about an hour of arguing with Liam, discussing all of our options and arguing on a few satisfying ones, we finally decide on a plan. I glanced over to check on Bridget and saw that she had fallen asleep while we were working. I get Liam’s attention and point at her,
 “Do you think this means she’s getting more comfortable?” Liam laughed.
  “Should I leave her here or take her to the bed?” I asked him.
  “Maybe it’s too soon to carry her off to bed. “ Liam says, pointing to the closet where there are extra blankets. I get up and grab one and move to her. I lay the blanket on her as gently as I can.
 This is the closest I have been to her. I notice her shirt is hiked up on her side revealing the end of a scar. That’s when it hits me. She is wearing long sleeves and jeans, is it to cover up her scars? I felt a wave of anger rush over me.
 “What’s the wrong man?” Liam asks in my head. I know he can feel my anger from there. I finish covering her and move to the back of the plane with Liam right behind me.
 “What’s up, man?” Liam asks glancing concerned.
 “Liam, I have a feeling she is covered in scars. She is wearing long sleeves and pants in the middle of July. And I saw the end of a scar on her side. I don’t know why  I just felt so angry,” I said pacing back and forth. I want to punch something so bad.
 Rage is filling me up inside and I feel like I’m going to explode.
 “Excuse me,” a shy voice grabs our attention.
 “WHAT!?” I shout, my voice filled with anger. It’s Bridget. She bounces and looks like she wants to crawl into herself and disappear.
 “Oh Bridget, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to...,” I trailed off when Liam walked to her
 “What can I get for you huh?” He asked softly.
 A small growl leaves my mouth out of my control. Her eyes are glued to the floor.
 “I just wanted to know where the bathroom is,” She says in a whisper.
 Liam moves forward and stands in front of the door.
 “It’s right here my lady," He says as he opens it and bows. She shyly giggled and steps forward. She then heads into the bathroom and Liam turned to me with a grumpy look. “Man you have to get it together. You can’t just shout at her. “ He shouted.
 “I didn’t mean to. Man, this is not how I imagined meeting my mate would be. She acts like she doesn’t even feel the mate bond,” I say in a huff.
 Bridget comes back from the bathroom and moves back to the couch.
“Bridget, would you like to sleep on the bed instead? I know that sofa isn’t that comfortable.” I asked with a laugh.
 “Oh, I don’t mind. It’s much more comfortable than the bed I have at home and it's bigger," she whispered the last part.
“But if I’m in the way. I can stay in the other room Alpha.” Her eyes never left the floor. I sighed and answered, “Bridget, you are not in the way. I just want to make sure you are comfortable." She looked up and smile then turned around and heads back to the couch.
 “Did she just say that the couch is bigger than her bed at home? What the hell is wrong with those people?” Liam mumbled behind me.
 “I feel like it’s going to be a long road before I can get her to be comfortable with me,” I said almost defeated. The rest of the plane ride is quiet and Bridget slept off again. I and Liam continued our conversation.

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    TenorioVictor Hugo



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    nice to ready this 😊😊😊


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    D Ell Ell

    beautiful story


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