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Chapter 7

(Remember the story started with ten years ago)
I dashed out of the house and stopped a cab, I gave the address to the cab man as I entered. I arranged my hair and made sure my lens were well fixed. I checked my CV to be sure they are complete.
I was invited for an interview for the post of a personal assistant to the owner of Stones group of companies. I have always imagined myself working in that company and was very elated when I got invited for the interview. I smacked my lips to allow my lip gloss to set in. I looked at my confident 27 years old self in the mirror I was holding and smiled satisfactorily.
Almost forgot, about the pregnancy, I was never pregnant. It was a mistake on the nurses part, she kind of switched my results with another patient's. Well, I and the patient bore the same name so I don't blame her, but the hospital sacked her for her incompetence at work, right now I'm living a comfortable single life and Adam, he's at the rehab center where he's being mentally treated.
He was arrested after he told me he was responsible for my rape, but when he was being questioned, the officers learnt he was not mentally stable, poor Adam. He and his friends are still taking medication after they revealed their reasons for being that way but that will be a story for another day. And for the strange man, I never saw him again after that day.
My phone buzzed in my bag and I fished it out, it was my mother calling.
"Hi Mom, good morning" I greeted with a smile. "Baby, I hope you are not feeling nervous nor scared of the interview you are sitting for?" She asked and I grunted, "mom, I'm a grown up and I can take care of my self, remember this is the new Amelia, not the timid and naive Amelia you knew" I heard her laughing in the background as I rolled my eyes. "I know baby, just wanted to check on you, I trust you and I know you will do well. Almost forgot, when are you coming home, your father and I are terribly missing you, you know" she said quietly and I smirked. "You know what mom, I will call you back later", "that's what you always do, my regards to Daisy, by the way, you guys should come home together soon" she said. "Roger that mom, see ya" with that I disconnected the call as we approached the venue for the interview.
I live with Daisy now and I must say she's the best roommate one will ever have. The cab man dropped me right in front of the building and I came down after paying him.
I looked at the building that has Stones group of companies written boldly on it and my heart began to beat rapidly. I took in a deep breath as I began to walk inside the building. "I can do this" I continued muttering to myself until I got to the desk of the receptionist. She was a lady of my age and I didn't find it hard in asking her for help.
"Hi, please I was invited for an interview" I stated simply and she looked at me, "what's the name?" she asked "Amelia Whites" I answered immediately as she typed away in her computer, "here's your number" she said handing a tag with the number 102 boldly written on it. "What!!, there are more than a hundred people sitting for this same interview??" I thought. "Please go to the waiting room on your right as that is where other people waiting for the interview are" she explained. "Thank you" I replied as I moved quietly to the room as she directed.
There were many people of different ages and gender waiting to be interviewed and slowly, I began to loose hope, but I must be strong.
I sat quietly after greeting some of the people waiting, I rubbed my temples nervously, today is going to be a long day.
My phone buzzed in my bag, it was a call from Daisy, I picked the call immediately. "Hey girl, how is it going?" She asked cheerfully and I sighed, "you won't believe it if I tell you that there are more than a hundred people sitting for the same interview" I replied and she chuckled. "Well I won't doubt it, Stones group of companies is one of the top companies in the state, if given the opportunity, I'm ready to dump my work here and  start working there" I laughed silently, "well you are right in this one" I said, "I'm always right babe, but don't loose hope" she said. "Yeah, I'm not ready for your motivational speech right now" I said and she laughed, "talk to you later and mom asked of you" I said again. "That's so sweet of her, bye then" she said disconnecting the call.
The door in front of us opened and a lady walked out with smiles. "Good morning everyone, the interview will begin in five, please do well to come in when your number is called. Failure to answer on the second call, I'm sorry, you will be rolled over and that means no interview for you. When you are being interviewed please do well to answer correctly, no lies and most of all, I wish you all good luck." With that she left the room from the room she came out from.
"Hey, what number are you holding?" A guy sitting beside me asked, "102" I answered sadly, "you?", "70, I'm Romeo" he introduced himself stretching his hand for a handshake, "Amelia" I said accepting the handshake as we smiled at each other, "what do you say we both grab a drink while waiting for our turn?" He offered smiling. I shrugged, "that will be nice, bills on you though" I answered, "not a problem, I made the offer remember" he answered. Together we left the room, including those whose numbers were far.

Book Comment (1181)

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    nice 👍


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    NajihahNurul syifa

    bestt 🌷🌷🌷


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    Chlo Lim



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