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Chapter 7

They went to the hirers of the canoes to ask questions about those guys that are still hiring canoes to fish.
“I don’t know” One of the man professed. “But It’s certainly not close to our village. They stay two to three days on every trip”
“Seriously? That will cost them a lot”
“Well, they pay for each day they make use of the canoe”
“Anyway, they are gaining”
“They don’t really care about that even as the rent is increased”
“Yes. 50 percent is added for a complete day but nevertheless it still depends on how many hours you use the canoe”
A lot have changed within the few days they withdrew from fishing. But how could they have increased the cost of canoes when fishes they use it to find have become scarce? They really want to resume fishing and they need to go so far as the other fishers does or even more for they were desperate to get this money no matter the cost. But the new price wasn’t favorable and has practically become a big problem. Presently they had just little to feed with, therefore if they agree to pay that they must starve. More still the trip will take two to three days as was said. If they should borrow to pay for the canoe and stock it up with what should sustain them throughout the trip they are not certain if they will catch enough fishes to pay back the debt. Even if it is what they will have left will be little. Their labor, time and money wasted will be in vain. Expenses will take almost all of it.
“I never liked this idea at the beginning. Is it through this we will become who we want to become? We have been fishing for years and we haven’t become rich should this be the time the magic happens?” Nazi said.
“We have not become rich because we have not thought about sailing a distant area to fish” Dylan corrected.
“I have an idea” Rickie said.
“Go on with it”
“Do we really want to do this? The reason I am asking this is if we all agree on this it will become easier. And our commitment determines what we will achieve. Let’s not think of what to do to become rich first but what to do to improve our lives. We must not be rich to live well or have what we want” Rickie said.
“You still haven’t said anything” Mata said.
“Let’s support each other on whatever we agree on. Let’s try this fishing again and see what we can get. Those still doing it doesn’t have two heads and I am a witness to their success”
‘That’s what I am saying. They see us as lazy chaps” Dylan concurred.
“What are you saying in essence?” Mata asked again impatiently.
“We didn’t refuse fishing. We are simply deliberating on how to pay for this canoe” Now it’s Nazi.
“We will borrow and give to them when we return we will pay after our sells. No better alternative” Dylan suggested. That wasn’t agreeable. The three brothers were not comfortable with that. They needed a different solution.
“What if we construct our own canoe? We can go into the woods and chop a tree down” Rickie enlightened.
“You think it’s that easy? You want to chop down a thick tree, how many days will that take and what tools shall we use?”
“We have some tools and we can still get some from neighbors. It’s hard but we can do it. And we will like it at the end, trust me. Lets do it together and save the little money we have for other expenditures”
Already Dylan agreed with him but the rest had to ponder about it. Rickie and Dylan were impatient to hear from them yet no response for the rest of that day, but early the following day they were the ones urging to commence the operation.
They happily entered a forest where they hoped to find a suitable trunk for the canoe. It wasn’t difficult finding one. They chopped it down the second day with axes and machetes and return the following day to start excavating it. They rounded up the fifth day. It wasn’t easy but at the end the outcome was the best. Their dinghy was bigger than every other canoe in the river bank. And the design they gave theirs made it unique and admirable.

Book Comment (1239)

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    ManaolMuhammad imran

    this is a excting to read this


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    Kereislândia Santos



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