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Chapter 04_ Unloved

" Why didn't you leave her to die mom,. Why the hell did you have to save her, she should have died for all I care . You acted so stupid mom " . a young girl about the same age or maybe older than Alyssa spoke up with arms akimbo .
" Don't you dare talk to me that way Olivia I'm still your mother young lady, besides we still need her, we still have used for her. Remember she still hasn't signed the papers yet we should think about how to make her sign it, not standing here quarreling over something that isn't important" Mrs Judy replied her daughter also standing akimbo
She wore a long black jean with a green top, Olivia shook her head in disbelief, " don't you think we get to own the company if she dies? Huh after all ,we are the only family she has,I don't even know why uncle had to will everything to her alone without willing anything to you, I mean he acted so stupid, he was such a fool" Olivia continued gazing at her mum who looked at her with mixed feelings. like seriously, somehow her daughter grew up to become worse then she is.
"Let us just get her to sign this document nicely without losing any more chances now that she's here alright" she moves closer to Olivia and wrapped her arms around her " don't worry darling, we'll have it all soon enough".
Alyssa gasped loud enough for both her aunt and cousin to hear, she had tears falling down freely and are hands kept on shaking ,
" What the hell did she just hear, she shook her ears hoping everything she'd heard now were just lies or jokes ,but damn ,they weren't. Wait , did they just fool her ,damn they finally succeeded in fooling her , and why ? Maybe because she had actually decided to give her aunt a second chance in her life, and try to open her heart slowly to her ,even if it's just for a little while
Auntie Judy couldn't help but look at Alyssa feeling a little scared as she also kept on shaking, " Al... Al.. Alys " she tried calling her name but couldn't why on the other hand , Olivia stood straight and adamant without showing any sign of remorse even if it's just pretence.
" So what? So what if you heard it all , so fucking what huh? Do you think you're the only one who likes wealth?, I mean babe ,we are humans, why can't we be just a little selfish like all the people out there? I wanna be fucking rich too yunno" Olivia spat angrily.
Alyssa scoffed,
" you could have just asked me instead if you needed money Olivia,I would have given you more money than you could ever wish for ,if only you asked and you both had just apologize for what you did to me in the past"
" Oh shut the hell up Alyssa, we aren't some poor beggars you take pity on , we absolutely don't need your pity either, yes you heard it all, you heard every bit of it, what the f****** hell do you want to do about it?
Aunt Judy shook her head looking at her daughter in disbelief," Olivia!! .she called but hell no ,she wasn't gonna listen or turn back now , especially now that their plans had been leaked .
Alyssa in between her tears scoffed and laughed
" What's so funny you weirdo?"
" You wanna know ? Huh ? Alyssa spat like a boss lady . She walked over to the center table, grabbing the file which laid there,and when she opened it ,she brought out the document, grabbed a pen on the table and signed of in immediately without reading it ,, it was so obvious it wasn't of any good anyways.
She's gonna die in some months time anyways,so what's the use of keeping it anyway,and besides,she isn't in control of her damn mind .
"You want my company? You are fucking** obsessed with my money? Then here, you can have it all, I don't care anymore, eat it all till you f****** die " she forcefully threw the document on their shocked faces and walked out immediately heading towards the room to get all her stuff and leave the freaking house.
A while ago, after the incident in the bathtub, she had woken up just to see herself still alive and on the bed covered up properly, with her head hurting like hell. She ran into the bathroom to throw up ,and ended up smiling, thinking,just maybe her aunt and cousin had saved her life .
As she got into an underground garage towards where her car was parked , Alyssa mind began to wander.
She was already twenty three and still never had a boyfriend, she grew up thinking about her work and her company, and never had time to be in a relationship. She had always rejected boys who showed her love , besides she never trusted men ,and the few that had shown interest in her ,she believed they were only after her money.
" Mr Alex,I love you ! "A woman's voice echoed in the underground garage startling Alyssa again.
" What did you just say ? "She heard a familiar voice ,the same intimidating,and meniace voice she heard some days ago ,and she began to wonder if he was the same person.
" I said I love you Alex" Alyssa heard the woman's voice again " I fell for you the moment I signed the contract,the moment I saw you "the woman's voice sounded again
Alyssa could tell from her voice ,that she wasn't lying at all , she really loves him . She decided to wait and eavesdrop till the end .
" We're done "he said with a cold and harsh voice , there was simply no trace of emotions in his eyes
" What ,I'm sorry "
" Don't let me repeat myself again "
" But the contract says I'll be your woman for six months,I still have three months left ."
" Did you properly read the contract MJ? He brought out his phone and began scrolling through his gallery till he got what he was looking for and then ,he began reading. Here's one of the first and most important rule , the contracted lady can demand anything except for love or affection, once she demands for this , the contract immediately becomes null and void "
Alyssa's eyes widened with what she just heard , he was just excactly the man she wanted . She couldn't help but peek at them and surprisingly it was the same man .
" Take her away "Alex immediately said and immediately a tall , hefty man in Black came dragging her out
Alyssa was about moving,when she heard his voice
" Come out , I know you're hiding there "he said and she flinched in fear .
She wasn't gonna let this cold, bold ,daring yet breathtaking and surprisingly handsome man intimidate her ,and she only continued drooling immediately her eyes fell on him
He was just the perfect definition of beauty , his well built body got her almost going insane .
" What are you doing here, were you eavesdropping? His cold voice uttered and she could feel it echo deep in her heart , her eyes sparkled as she continued drooling.
A drool which ended immediately she heard the sound of his gun ,and immediately,she returned back to her senses .
Suddenly,with an unknown boldness she spoke up " I can become your contracted woman , and believe me ,I won't ever demand for your love or affection"... But he only gave her a shocked look

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