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"So, come on, tell us what really happened last night?" Keziah couldn't bear to ask. She came to my seat immediately after class. She left her stuff in her armchair just to gossip with me.
Last night she was teasing me in the chat but I didn't answer because I was too lazy to talk. I know I'll just repeat it the next day because Reign will also ask questions.
That's why I decided to tell a story later when the three of us had lunch break.
"Awful! Leigh is really obsessed with you, isn't he?" Leigh was the Nursing student who molested me last night and the guy was also punched by Caleb. "That's crazy! You told him to stop you but he's still chasing like a mad dog," Keziah added.
We are currently in the cafeteria and my two friends are constantly criticizing the man who molested me.
If I only knew that that asshole guy had such a habit, I wish I hadn't entertained him in the first place. That's not the attitude he showed when I just talked to him. He is kind and a gentleman when we're in talking stage. After all, that's just the way it is when you're just starting out. At first, other people are kind but after a while, their true nature comes out.
"But admit it, you were shocked by what happened. Because of that, your crush defended you and then you two left holding hands. You're the lucky one when it comes to crushes! I can't believe it!" She hit my arm gently.
I smiled. I remember how Caleb defended me yesterday. He did not hesitate to punch the man for insulting me. Caleb also didn't blame what I was wearing and said I didn't have the problem, if it wasn't in that man's brain.
I like Caleb's mindset.
I like everything about him.
"Wait? Look, Reign!" Keziah kicks the hangover Reign. "Our friend's smile is different. I think our friend 'ghoster' has been hit."
Then I just realized that I was smiling while sipping food. I immediately averted my eyes and removed the smile, but my two friends teased me even more.
Why do I smile every time I remember Caleb?
I'm dangerous.
This is not a simple crush anymore.
I knew in myself that it was even deeper there.
After we ate lunch, we planned to go back to Keziah’s class. But before we left Reign, we told her to focus on what she's doing, which is her school requirements. We also told her not to stress too much because her mind is now floating. She can't think properly.
We bought milk tea but instead of Reign using the straw, she stabbed the drink with a ballpoint pen. My friend was obviously out of her mind. How can she drink that using her pen?
Until now, she can't act properly because of what she drank last night.
Keziah was still laughing at Reign's action. "Oh, that's it? She's strong enough to have a drink but she'll hit it fast."
After teasing Reign, we go back to our classroom for our next subject.
Our instructor just discussed for an hour and he just gave assignments. Fortunately, there was no surprise quiz or recitation because I didn't review last night.
All night, I thought about what Caleb had done to defend me until I fell asleep shaking. Because my excitement was overflowing yesterday, I forgot to say thank you. I went inside our house and didn't hesitate to look back at Caleb.
I got up when I had arranged my belongings. Ma'am and the rest of our classmates also left.
"Are you leaving?" Keziah asked as I looked back at her.
I nodded. "Yes. For sure, Caleb is already waiting for me at the green home. So, yeah, I'm going now."
"I hope everyone really has a driver slash crush!" She used her loud voice.
I said goodbye to Keziah and I also told her to tell Reign that I was ahead. Keziah understood that I would no longer be able to hang out with them at Rocca. After what happened, I'm sure the students who were there last night already knew me. I no longer have a face to face in that area. I'm the content of issues in online different secret files of Universities.
Even though I wasn't the one who started the trouble, I was still embarrassed because I was involved in that scandal and I even felt sorry for Caleb. I don't want him to be part of this mess. He's a transfer and this issue might affect his name in the University. And that is because of me.
I'm really mad with that lame Leigh! It's his fault! I already told him that I have a boyfriend now and he should respect us.
"Are you waiting too long?" I asked when I stood up in front of him.
He shrugged. "Almost 30 minutes, I guess? But it's okay."
He stood up and was about to walk to the parking lot when I took his hand. He also looked in our two hands.
I smiled because he didn't take his hand back. Does it mean that he wants it too?
"Caleb, let's not go home first."
"I'm hungry." I pouted. "Let's eat first!"
I didn't wait for him to answer. I pulled him out of the University. He didn't refuse me to hold his hand so I smiled again. He's enjoying it, I guess? Well, I am too!
These past few days, he no longer snobs at me. He just let me do whatever I wanted to do with him. He doesn't care if I bother and annoy him several times.
He could no longer speak sparingly.
He doesn't ignore me anymore.
I seem to be realizing that he's having a crush on me now!
I stopped walking so it stopped as well. I turned to him and he looked at me in amazement.
"Caleb, you have to admit." I still didn't remove the grip on his hand. He didn't let go of it either.
Its forehead furrowed. "What?"
"Do you have a crush on me, too?"
He swallowed when he heard my question and averted his eyes.
"Bri, you're acting like a kid again." He can't look at my eyes directly.
I raised my right eyebrow. "I'm just asking, Caleb."
When I felt that he had no intention of answering my question, I winced. "You're a snob again! Are you shy to admit it? You should crush me back, too."
We still remained standing on the side of the road. I still want to ask him something even though I'm not sure if he's going to answer it.
He noticed this so he was the first to speak. "Spill it."
I'm hesitant to ask because I will compromise his privacy but I can't keep quiet if I don't ask. Especially now that I know it’s no longer a simple crush I feel for him. It is more than that. I should know the answer to my question for me to know what action I will do if ever.
I need to know the answer so I know if I will continue it or not.
"I just want to know if you already have a girlfriend?" After I asked, I was just nervous.
Am I ready to accept his answer?
What if yes? He already has a girlfriend. How about me?
There's no emotion painted on his face, so I can't read him.
I felt fear.
Fear of possibly being the answer to this.
Before he could answer, I proceeded. "Hold on." I heaved a deep sigh. "Don't answer it anymore."
I extended his hand again to the gate of the University.
He would have answered my question earlier but I was led by fear.
What if he says there is already? No, I can't accept it now.
I still don't have the strength to know and I'm even more not ready to accept.
I’ll let myself believe that I didn't ask that and that question does not exist in my mind. I don’t want to ruin this day. I'll just find out from others. I will just hire an investigator just to know if Caleb is already in a relationship with someone else.
It hurts more when I know for myself that there is already. The pain was different when I heard it from Caleb.
"Here we are!" We are right in front of my favorite food stall.
My eyes widened when I saw my favorite foods. I haven't eaten it for a week because of a lot of school work and because Caleb is the one who picks me up. I don't get used to it anymore. When Manong Dante was still my driver, I would pass here first before he went and went home.
"Are you eating those kinds of foods?" he asked. He still can't seem to believe that I'm actually eating street foods.
"Yes, of course!" I proudly answer.
I took a look at the food options in front of us.
I took two sticks of chicken wings, betamax, liver and chicken egg.
I handed it to Manong Leo with a smile.
Because Caleb and I were only up to his shoulder, I looked up at it. He was just looking at me and I caught him smiling but he immediately withdrew when he saw that I was already looking at him. What is that for?
"Hey, what? Don't you like these?" Doesn’t he eat street foods? "Try it, it's delicious!"
Caleb took a sip and chicken wings. He dipped the stick in the sweet sauce. That looks like his favorite. I will take note of that.
"Are you sure, Bri? You eat these kinds of foods?" he repeated.
Isn't it obvious?
He asked me that question before and I answered that question earlier.
"Yeah. Why don't you seem to believe it?"
"N-No. It's nice to know that you are eating these kinds of foods."
I just shrugged.
I was excited to eat our meal. I'm really hungry.
"Do you want a fish ball?" he asked.
I nodded. He handed me a stick and at the same time we skewered the cooked fish balls and kikiam that were in the pot while waiting for our in-order to be cooked.
We chatted happily while Caleb ate.
It was the first time he laughed at me and I won't forget this day.
I paid for what we ate. He insisted that he was but I did not agree. I said that as a thank you for defending me last night and he didn't do anything but to accept it.
We were right in front of the house and just as I was about to get out of the car, Caleb spoke up.
Did he forget something?
I turned to him. "Hmm?"
"I don't have a girlfriend." He answered my question earlier. "So, I'm giving you my permission to flirt with me."
What the F?!

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    Capiz Nezel

    I like this story very much


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