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"I thought you couldn't come with me?" I asked while he’s driving.
I looked out the window. It’s already 9:20 PM and many more people are hanging out. The others we passed were just waiting for a ride because maybe they just got out of work.
There is no traffic at this time so it is not boring. I just remained silent and busy seeing the street lights outside the window.
We were in Rocca in about 20 minutes. I also called Keziah and she said that Reign and I had been there before. It's not obvious that the two of them really just want to hang out there and not because they want to help me to enjoy and forget about my failure in the quiz. They wanted to flirt with some students who came from another University.
“It’s my duty as your personal driver. I can’t help but take you and pick you up,” he replied coldly.
I smiled. “Really? That's it? No malice or other reason why you're here? Don't be shy to admit. You, Caleb! You're having a crush on me, too, right?”
I looked out the window and turned to him. He’s simple yet attractive, as he’s wearing a plain white shirt and black ripped jeans, but I won’t deny that he’s still handsome indeed. Every girl would throw a glance at him if he passed by in front of them. No matter what Caleb wears, he will still be attractive and will still get everyone's attention.
"No." He answered me while focusing attention on the driver.
"Hey! Your mouth is too numb. Were you most honest when you were in elementary school, huh?” I blushed and secretly stared at him. "I feel really broken."
He answered me directly without thinking that I might be hurt by his words. Can't he just pretend that there's a chance that he will like me too?
His face was wearing no emotion again. I didn't even see him smile at every pickup line and flirting moves I made. Isn't he thrilled? Was he blessed with bitterness?
But I still won’t stop.
Like others say, when you admit and express your feelings to someone, there is a chance that they will also like you back later even if they didn’t like you in the first place. They will slowly falling in love with you without their notice. I believe in that saying and I will apply it to Caleb.
Your love and efforts will serve as your capital to invest in that person and at the end, you will surely get your return on investment which is his love. He will like you back and I think that's the biggest return on investment I will get in my life if ever.
The relish can go to someone you know he got you because of the efforts you make. He knew you worked hard for him just to be yours.
I do believe that something that is labored, is not easy to let go of. So, if ever I will make Caleb fall in love with me, then he won't let me go easily.
It's just like love. It’s hard to let go and forget someone if you’ve worked so hard to get to you. You will treasure the efforts that you made in pursuing that person and that effort will serve as the proof of how much you love that person. You didn't give up at first, especially when you don't give up easily when you have it. You will treasure that person for a lifetime.
"When you're really in love with me, Caleb, get ready," I said windily.
"For what?" he asked.
I smiled because I mean, he was curious. I hope I have another chance with this man. I hope he is my endgame.
"Get ready because we're getting married right away."
I was the only one who shivered in my own pickup line.
Caleb is such a killjoy person!
After 25 minutes, we were finally in Rocca Bar. Caleb immediately parked the car. I noticed a lot of cars were there. Looks like a lot of students are hanging out today. Maybe my two friends are now inside the bar and busy flirting.
"Bri, 2 hours is enough," he reminded me.
I smiled. "Noted, baby."
I also plan to hang out for two hours. I'm also going home right away because I have a class tomorrow.
I removed my seatbelt. I also adjusted my clothes for a while.
“Are you comfortable in what you are wearing?”
I rolled up my clothes before he turned around.
I nodded. “Yes,” I answered.
"Okay, let's go inside now."
He opened the door and I followed even though I still couldn't believe it. I thought he would just wait for me here in the car but now, he came out even earlier than me. He also wanted to enjoy it, I guess?
"Bri!" Keziah greeted me immediately when she saw that we had entered.
"Where's the table?" I raised my voice a little so he could hear. Currently as much as someone is playing and almost everyone is on the dance floor and enjoying the power of the dance song.
Kez came closer to me and whispered it. "In that corner, that's our table." I was not in difficulty to find it because it pointed in the direction.
I turned to Caleb, it was still behind me. I grabbed his hand and pulled him to the table with Keziah and Reign.
I found nothing at our table. Just the bag on the sofa and the drink on the table. The two witches seem to be busy hunting their crushes.
I looked at the dance floor. I saw Reign naughty dancing there, with his three men around. I witnessed how naughty his hands were. I could clearly see how her two hands traveled over the chest of the two men next to her as she turned her back on another man and bravely danced sexy.
When she's really on the dance floor, her wildness comes out.
I wouldn’t be surprised if later on she was in that corner and seeing her kissing one of those men.
I felt Caleb loosen my grip. He sat in a chair that was there while I remained standing.
"What do you want to drink?" I asked before placing my sling bag next to the bag of my two friends.
"I do not drink."
I'm surprised. I just now encountered a man who does not drink alcohol. All the men I've flirted, they are strong in drinking alcohol but I am still stronger. They don't make me drunk easily and that is one of my strengths. No one would try to fool me because they were hit by alcohol first.
If Caleb didn't drink, what would he do with it?
"Let's just dance?" I suggested.
"I don't dance, Bri."
I winced. I approached and sat down next to him. "Then what are you doing here?"
I can't just stay here at our table for two hours just to be with him. That's why I'm inviting him to drink or dance so that he will enjoy it as well.
"I will just sit here and wait for you."
I couldn't help but smile. Will he wait for me? I shuddered, slight.
"Can't you be bored with that?"
He shrugged. “I have my notes in my phone. I will review while I'm waiting.”
Caleb is serious. I turned on him again! As much as I turn on him, I want to make him my boyfriend.
He took out his cellphone and focused on it.
"Do you want me to just stay here?" I immediately felt guilty. He is alone here and unaccompanied.
"If you will just stay here, let's just go home, Bri." He took his eyes off his cellphone and turned it over to me. "Go, do what you want, but know your limitations."
He acted like he’s a mature boyfriend of mine. And I really love that!
He turned his attention back to his cellphone.
I took a glass of vodka that was on our table and drank it before I stood up. “Okay. Wait for me here, baby.”
I first parted my hair that hit my eye and then walked closer to the dance floor.
I have been deprived of attention because of my confidence while walking. I’m walking like I owned the dance floor. I saw some men already waiting for me because the attention was focused in my direction. The others couldn't stop themselves and finally greeted me even though I wasn't in the middle of the dance floor.
"Hi, gorgeous!" The guy with his glass of tequila greeted me.
Another man came next to me. He offered me another glass of wine he was holding which I refused. “No, thanks. I have my own drink.”
I’m too smart when it comes to this situation. They think that they can fool me. Well, I know them already.
I do not accept the wine they offer because I am cautious. In this bar, you need to have your own glass. Also, don't let your glasses get in the way every time you talk to other people, especially if you only know them for a short time. You should also always check your glass before you drink full wine. Its ice cube should not be submerged.
There are a lot of exploitative people in this bar and you have to be smart so you don’t become their victim.
"Let's dance?" One of the two men near my direction invited me. I think he is a student at another University, also a famous University in our area. It also looks hot and attractive but Caleb is hotter. No one can beat my baby.
I gave him a disappointed look. “Oh, sorry. I have someone with me.”
“That’s right, bro. I am with her. Maybe next time, you can invite her.” A man with a deep voice suddenly appeared beside me.
Because of that, the two men I had just left.
And who is this jerk that came in and said he was with me? Is he crazy? My two friends are the ones I’m referring to there.
I raised my eyebrow when I recognized him. He’s the Nursing student who blocked my way last week. He was the one who said that I was ignoring him so I pretended to have a boyfriend just so he would stop me.
"You again?" I'm not in the mood to talk with him.
We were in a crowd of people dancing so I couldn’t complain to those pushing me. This guy really likes when other people push me because I stick my body to him.
"You want a private place for us?" he asked in a soft voice. He even bite his lower lip while staring at me.
"Let me go!" I threw his hand over my shoulder. He suddenly grabbed me.
No one could hear us because the song was so loud that the DJ was playing and everyone was enjoying the dancing.
Each time I tried to break free from him, he tightened his grip on me even more. I already felt pain because of the tightness of his grip. I was even more annoyed when he squeezed my waist and pulled me closer to him.
He bent down to bring his face close to mine. He brought his mouth close to my ear. I was tickled by the wind caused by her whispering. “You look so sexy in your tube and skirt. You’re so fvcking hot, Bri! Your sexiness is making me crazy!”
I narrowed my eyes on him. “I know I'm hot but can you let me go because I hate being held by you.”
He smiled foolishly. “I know you like it too. You're just acting like you are hard to get. You even wore that kind of dress just to seduce me, huh? Okay, you won. You make me crazy as always.” His lips were only a few inches away from mine. Even though I was hurt, I still tried to keep my face away from him.
“The thickness of your face! I didn’t wear this dress to seduce you. You're just really assuming to think, you asshole!”
When I really get away with this bitch, I’ll really step on her egg!
“Don’t say bad words in public, Bri. I'd rather you belittle me while you're enjoying yourself in private.”
My blood seemed to rise to my head and my nose wanted to let out smoke to grab him in a rage.
"Take your damn hand away from her!" I was distracted in no time.
I saw Caleb glare at my side.
"Oh, your boyfriend is here, Bri." He’s pertaining to Caleb, my fake boyfriend. "What if I don't want to?" high growl of this beast.
"Then, I will give you what you deserve."
I was just shocked by what happened next. The man was no longer holding me and I just saw him sitting on the floor holding his bloody lip.
"You jerk!" The man stood up immediately. Some men came behind him to stop him.
Caleb put me behind him. “You are more stupid, you idiot! You are harassing a woman!”
He was about to kick Caleb but the men holding him stopped him. Other people are already looking at us. The music faded and everyone went to the side.
"Bri, what's going on?" My two friends are close by.
“Tell your girlfriend. She’s trying to seduce me.” And again, what a thickness of his face! I will sharpen his face as the density decreases. "She shouldn't wear that kind of clothes if she doesn't want to be harassed!"
I heard Caleb chuckled. “What a stupid excuse! Don’t argue with me using that nonsense reason because it will just reflect your stupid mindset. No one will experience harassment just because of their clothes. You are the one responsible for how you will act.”
The man became even more angry with Caleb. He almost killed the person next to me in a very bad way when he thought.
"Caleb, come on," I said. We are already looking at each other and the tension between the two will build even more when they continue to talk.
Caleb ignored me. His attention was still on that jerk. “I will just remind you, no woman can be harassed because of what she is wearing if no one like you is a pervert. If you have been a pervert since then, then it's your fault.”
"You will pay for this!" The man shouted before he pulled away from us.
I don’t know what I will do after what happened. I just saw myself being dragged by Caleb toward our table. "Let's go home, Bri."
I took my sling bag. My two friends followed but they couldn't talk to me anymore because Caleb and I had already left the bar. It's okay because I can't let people look inside. I'm so embarrassed about what happened!
We silently got into the car. Even throughout the trip, silence prevailed.
I don’t want to talk because I feel Caleb hates me.
I started asking myself, am I really wearing the wrong thing? Shouldn’t I be wearing this because I’m going to be harassed? Caleb even got into a fight because of what I was wearing. I feel guilty.
We have reached home. He waited for me to get out of the car before he put the car in the garage. I've removed my seatbelt but I'm still not coming out.
"Are you mad?" I asked nervously. “I’m so--” He immediately cut me off.
"No, Bri." He turned to me and looked me in the eye. “Don’t say sorry or don’t feel guilty about how you dressed. It’s okay to wear any clothes as long as you are comfortable. That has never been a sin.”
I smiled. I’m obsessed with the mindset that Caleb has. Hopefully this is how everyone thinks. Don’t make a big deal of how a person dresses and especially don’t excuse what she’s wearing to be harassed.
“I hate that asshole’s mindset, not what you’re wearing. I’m not mad at you, okay?” He smiled at me as he tapped my head.
For the first time, I saw his angelic smile plastered on his lips.

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    Capiz Nezel

    I like this story very much


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