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Chapter five

Narrator's POV
It was a high school bus that collided with Charlie's body.
“ Oh shit! Did we just kill someone?” A boy with long brown hair with green orbs said as he looked out the window and the other kids did the same.
“ Hey EXtubers! It's Anniegurl~ here * winks* Did you see that? Our driver just hit something, we are uncertain if it's a human or just an animal, he's about to check now” a girl with average length dirty-blonde hair packed into a ponytail with dark brown orbs said. The driver was about to leave the bus to check, but he stopped when he saw Chester running towards the bus.
“ Annie, stop that, do you really have to Live stream everything that happens? ”A brown-skinned girl asked in an angry tone.
“ This isn't your show, Kayla, it's mine, and you don't tell me what to do and what not to do” Annie snapped.
“ Alright! This bitch asked for it!” Kayla yelled as she stood up quickly intending to punching Annie in the face. But a guy with black hair and a frizzy, curly hairstyle blocked Kayla.
“ Kayla, don't do anything stupid, ” He said trying to calm her.
“ Seon Hye, get out of my way, I'm going to kill that bitch ” Kayla yelled about to bounce onto Annie but Seon Hye grabbed her by her waist and pulled her back.
“ Seon Hye, if you don't let go of me now, I will kill both of you!” Kayla yelled again pulling Seon Hye with her as she tried grabbing Annie who just kept moving backwards. As Annie moved backward, she stepped on the shoe of the guy with the brown hair.
“ Dammit dude, are you blind?” He yelled at Annie as he rubbed his foot.
“ I should be the one asking such questions, Dante, Why were you standing there anyway, how was I supposed to know you were standing there?” Annie yelled back. Kayla finally grabbed her by the hair and began to pull it.
“ *Sigh* this is annoying” a girl with short black hair and brown orbs in a black oversized hoodie mumbled as she put on her headphones.
“ Hey Maddie! Aren't you going to help me out” Seon Hye asked, trying to separate Kayla and Annie.
“ Nope, we ain't friends and this ain't my business , why try separate those two, just let them fight it ” Maddie replied and Seon Hye rolled his eyes.
“ Sir, they are fighting in the back again, ” a guy with glasses and blonde hair with dark brown orbs mumbled as he tapped the shoulder of the driver.
“ Owen, That's not the problem right now, ” the driver replied. Chester panicked when he saw Charlie's lifeless body.
“ What the hell were you thinking while driving?” He snapped.
“ I'm sorry I didn't see her, I swear ” The driver stuttered. Chester knelt beside Charlie and tried carrying her up.
“ What are you still doing inside the bus, come fucking help me” Chester said.
“ I'm so sorry " the driver said as he was about to leave the bus, Charlie suddenly opened her eyes.
“ Chester?” Charlie called, Chester was shocked, even the bus driver and everyone in the bus.
“ She just woke up,” Kayla stuttered.
“So cool” Maddie and Annie both mumbled, they glanced at each other with cringed looks on their faces.
“ Eww !” Annie exclaimed while Maddie rolled her eyes. ' I have to get this on camera' Annie thought, she slipped out of Kayla's grip and ran towards the door of the bus.
“ Maddie, come back here you can't leave the bus ” The teacher in charge called.
“ Hey kid, go to the back, no one's leaving this bus ” The Driver yelled. Annie ignored and ran out.
“ Hey EXtubers! It's Anniegurl~ here, live-streaming, our bus just hit someone and that person is still alive not like I'm saying she's to die but still … it's freaky, right? So, how do you feel?” Annie said as she moved her camera to face Charlie.
EXtubers comments:
“ She doesn't look okay, is she alright” x.trixie.x commented.
“ Fuck! she doesn't look human, look at her skin it's pale ” lolDrek commented.
“ Did she just say their bus hit her? How is she still alive?” Loverofthemoon commented.
“ She's pretty though, I'mma smash ” Iam×mf commented.
“ Dude! you wanna smash a freak, are you for real?” Prttyhex replied to Iam×mf comment.
“This can't be real, I mean be logical @Anniegurl” philosopherismymiddlename.
“ It's live, you asshole, what do you mean by its not real?” Ihateyou replied to philosopherismymiddlename comment.
“ Turn off that camera now” Chester ordered.
“ Huh! I wasn't talking to you, I was talking to her, ” Annie replied rudely.
“ If you don't turn that fucking camera off, I swear I will destroy it” Chester snapped, ' what's wrong with Chester? Why's he getting all worked up?' Charlie thought.
“ Do you know who I am? How dear you? ” Annie yelled.
“ I don't give two fucks about who you are just turn off that camera and leave ” Chester yelled about to grab her phone, but Annie turned swiftly and ran back to the bus.
All the kids laughed at her …
“ He's handsome but fucking mean” she mumbled as she sat on her seat.
“ Pfft! That serves her right” Kayla said.
“ Lesson learnt, don't show sass to strangers, ” Dante teased and everyone laughed.
“ Fucking asshole, shut up! ” Annie yelled at Dante. Owen stared out the window and noticed something moving in the bushes.
' what the hell is that? This place is already giving me the creeps," Owen thought.
Charlie's POV:
I slipped out of Chester's grip and began to walk away.
“ Hey Charlie, where do you think you're going, you're coming with me for a check-up ” Chester said as grabbed my hand.
“ No I'm fine, I don't need it” I said as I removed his hand from mine.
“ Why are you so stubborn? I'm only asking this because I…” Chester said, but he couldn't complete it because I interrupted him.
“ Are you going to say' because you care for me' or' because you're my brother '? ” I said.
“ Actually, that's not the case, it's only because mother asked me to always take care of you, no sibling love attached” Chester replied bluntly,' what was I expecting from him? He really doesn't care about me, he's just doing this because mom told him to' I thought.
“ *Sigh* Well stop, she's dead, there is no need for you to do exactly what she told you to do, as you can see, I'm fine, and I don't need your help” I replied and walked away.
“ Charlie, if you don't come back here right now!” Chester yelled, but I acted as if I didn't hear him And continued to walk.
After I was sure Chester wasn't following me, I ran towards the corner of a random house and let out all the blood from my nose. I cleaned it up with the extra tissue I brought with me.
“Argh. I'm getting tired of this nose bleed” I said as I went down on my knees.
' I should just relax for a while before heading home' I thought as I leaned onto the wall behind me.
' That thing in the forest scared the shit out of me' I thought as I closed my eyes.
Suddenly, I began to perceive that rotten dead corpse smell again. I opened my eyes and began to look around. I could see countless people, and all of a sudden, they began to look like that monster. This reminded me of my encounter with that police officer.
' Why's everyone in this town suddenly looking like that monster, I can't stay here, I must leave,' I thought. I stood up quickly and ran through the path that led to my house.

Book Comment (337)

  • avatar

    Very interesting


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    Edwin Cabrera

    very good


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    Joyce Da Silva



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