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Chapter four

Charlie went into the toilet to clean the blood coming out of her nostrils' let's get some sleep' she thought as she stared at her face in the mirror, her skin was getting paler than usual, and she couldn't understand why.
“Am I the only one whom this is happening to?” She asked herself. She washed her face again and left the toilet.
“ That police officer earlier, he isn't a normal human, right?” She asked as she laid on her bed.
' Of course, he was never one,' it replied.
“ What do you mean by 'he was never one'?” Charlie asked with a confused expression on her face.
'When the time comes you will understand' it replied and disappeared.
' When the time comes?' Charlie thought as she slowly drifted off to sleep.
The next day…
After eating breakfast, Charlie decided to leave the house without Chester's knowledge.
'He seems busy with his laptop in his room, that means I can leave now' Charlie thought as she walked towards the door.
“ Where are you going?” Chester asked, Charlie flinched and made a sharp turn.
“ Hmm, I wanted to get some fresh air, I won't be long ” Charlie stuttered, Chester had his right brow raised, ' but the Charlie I know never leaves the house,' Chester thought.
“*Sigh* Be back before lunch” Chester replied and went into his room, Charlie watched him go into his room, she then opened the front door and left. ' I need to go there now, I must find out what happened after the car crashed into the tree' Charlie thought as she ran towards the highway they were driving on.
Back at the house…
' Charlie is definitely hiding something, I heard her talking to herself yesterday, she said something about finding out the rest of it,' Chester said as he walked into Charlie's room.
“ Everything seems normal, so what was she … ?” Chester said to himself as his eyes caught a glimpse of the picture the police officer brought yesterday.
“ Oh sh*t! Don't Tell me,” Chester said, took the picture, rushed out of Charlie's room and into his room, took his black jean jacket and ran out of the house.
Charlie's POV
I finally found the highway after asking for directions. But when I got there, there wasn't any sign of my stepdad's car. ' It's probably the police, they must have taken the car away. Just to be sure if this is the place let me check the picture' I thought, as I deepened my hand into my pocket but nothing was in it, I checked the other pocket but nothing was there.
“ Sh!t! I left it, ” I cursed. I decided to walk further and For some reason, the highway seemed awfully quiet, no cars, no trucks or anyone, just me and the massive trees which is a sign that there's a forest.
Finally, I found a tree with marks on it, like something crashed into it' this should be the place' I thought, and I touched the tree. Suddenly, I heard a sound coming from the forest. I turned to see what made that sound, but I couldn't see anything because of the thick fog. I don't know what drove me to follow that sound, I walked deeper into the forest, not knowing where I was going.
“ I know I heard something move through the bushes, but there's nothing here” Charlie said to herself. ' Shit! this is annoying, I will have to find my way out' I thought as I turned and began to walk through the path I think I followed. I heard a sound again and not only that I could smell that horrible stench, the same smell I perceived from the officer Jason and the monster in my dream.
“ Grrr!!” Something growled,, and the sound came from the fog. I moved backwards slowly and looked around.
' What was that?' I thought, all of a sudden, a sticky black tentacle like something grabbed my leg and tried pulling me into the fog.
“ Shit! ” I cursed as I grabbed onto a huge tree while I used my right leg to hit the tentacle off my left leg. But instead it grabbed my other leg.
“ Oh God, no!” I yelled as I held the tree tight. ' I can help you,' her inner consciousness said.
' I can lend you my strength' it said, ' do it now!' I replied, I let go of the tree, grabbed a massive stick with a sharp edge beside me and stabbed the tentacles of the monster. It winced and let go of my leg. I stood on my feet quickly and ran through a path I wasn't sure of where it led, I noticed the thing was following me, but I couldn't see it.
' Oh! Just leave me alone' I mentally screamed, I ran as fast as I could, surprisingly my running was very smooth and swift.
' Is this your power?' I asked, ' yes it is' it replied. An Image popped up in her mind, it showed a high school bus driving this way. ' Huh? Why am I suddenly seeing that? ' I thought, I finally found a way out and as soon as I came out something collided with my body. I felt myself flying and finally landing on the ground.
' Is this the end? Everything's so blurry now, I want to avoid dying, please I don't want to die' I thought as darkness slowly took over.

Book Comment (337)

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    Very interesting


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    Edwin Cabrera

    very good


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    Joyce Da Silva



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