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Chapter one

Year : 2022
After 100 years passed, Holm began to evolve and the population began to grow too, This change made it a city.
Recently, A teenage girl and her family just relocated to the City of Holm. She didn't seem happy about the relocation, but she just had to comply.
“ Fuck!!!!!” A teenage girl with average length jet-black hair and bright blue orbs yelled as she searched through her stuff.
“ What is it now, Charlie?” A woman with long blonde hair and dignified blue orbs said as she stared at her fifteen-year-old daughter, who was busy searching for something.
“ Mom, I think I forgot my gaming equipment back at Hansville,” Charlie replied, with a sad expression on her face.
“ *Sigh* Charlie, I did that deliberately ” her mother said, Charlie's eyes widened and made a sharp turn to look at her mother.
“ Mom, why would you do that? I specifically told you to pack it up for me, so why?!” Charlie yelled.
“ Charlie, all you do is gaming, you don't do anything else, just gaming, why don't you try spending time with your family and try making new friends? ” Her mother scolded.
“ No, mom! What's the use? I don't need friends, I don't need this family either, I just want my gaming equipment back, ” Charlie yelled at her mom.
Her mom stared at her and said, “I understand how you feel, but Charlie doesn't…”
“ What? You don't get it, mom, when you all purposefully left me all alone that day. I get it I'm not really his child, but I'm your child mom. You're just as guilty, I hate you, I hate all of you!” Charlie yelled at her mom again. Her mother had no words left, she didn't expect Charlie to throw such a tantrum because Charlie has always been a quiet and obedient child.
“ If you really want me to stop playing games and stop ignoring you, bring my real dad back or at least let me go meet him, ” Charlie said as she made her way out of the room.
' How am I supposed to tell her that her father died two years ago? ' Her mother thought as tears rolled down her cheeks.
Charlie angrily matched through the hallway and bumped into someone. Charlie looked up and saw it was her stepfather.
' What is this asshole doing here?' Charlie thought as she glared at him.
“ Oh! My bad charlie dear, I didn't see you ” he said with a smile, Charlie rolled her eyes and attempted to walk past him, but he grabbed her by the arm and pulled her back.
“ You're really becoming something else, Charlie, what did I tell you about disobeying me ?” He whispered into her ear.
“ I was the one who ordered your mother to do such, ” he added with a creepy grin on his face.
“ *Smirks* I thought as much, since you're the only one who would want to torture me like that” Charlie replied. This made His brows twitch.
“ Watch it, kid,” He replied as he tightened his grip on her arm
“ Stay away from me and let go, ” Charlie whimpered.
“ Charlie? Dad ?” A boy with long dark brown hair and light blue orbs called. Charlie looked back at the boy and then at her stepfather. Her stepfather removed his hand and let her go.
“ Chester, are you done with unpacking your bags ?” Her stepfather asked the boy.
“ Yes father ” Chester replied with a big cute grin on his face.
Charlie rolled her eyes,' I'm going to be sick' she thought as she walked away.
Chester was also the same age as Charlie but a bit older than Charlie, because Charlie's mom had two lovers, one was Charlie's dad and the second was Chester's dad.
Later that day…
“ Me and your mom are both going out for dinner tonight, Chester, you're in charge, okay?” Charlie's stepfather said.
“ I hope you don't come back,” Charlie said while playing on her phone.
“ Charlie, don't say things like that,” Chester said.
“ Shut up. You're no different,” Charlie yelled and glared at him.
“ Charlie, please don't shout at your brother like that” Charlie's mom said with a concerned look on her face.
“ *Scoff* brother? Yeah, right, ” Charlie said angrily as she stood up from the couch and walked back to her room.
“ Please, Chester, take care of your sister, ” Charlie's mom said.
“Yes mom” Chester said as he watched the two leave the house.
' Watch who? *Laughs* that girl hates me as much as I hate her, I won't fucking care if she dies right this moment' he thought as he laid on the couch while watching TV.
In Charlie's room…
' How does mom expect me to accept that two-faced devil as my brother, '
“ It has been barely two years since my father disappeared, and she suddenly brings those two, saying they are my new family, ” Charlie said to herself.
Charlie heard a knock on her door, she stood up quickly and opened the door to see Chester.
“ I thought you were already asleep” He asked.
“ No, now go” Charlie said as she was about to close the door, but he held the door.
“ You've been very disrespectful these days, I mean, you've changed, why is that? ” Chester asked with a mischievous smirk on his face. ' He really resembles his father' Charlie thought while staring at him with an irritated expression.
“ The reason for my sudden change is none of your business” Charlie said.
“ Hmm, alright uh you going to eat dinner right? ” He asked with an expressionless face.
“ Yeah, now leave” Charlie yelled as she slammed the door on his face.
'Annoying' they both thought. Charlie sighed and laid on her bed.
“ This is the most annoying day of my life, I don't have my gaming equipment with me, and I'm stuck at home with that two faced devil, ” Charlie mumbled to herself. She picked up her phone and decided to listen to one of her favorite songs before she fell asleep.

Book Comment (337)

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    Very interesting


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    Edwin Cabrera

    very good


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    Joyce Da Silva



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