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The Rebirth

The next day was very dull and the weather was no different. But surprisingly enough, no white man whipped any black man throughout the whole day. It was like a miracle, but it something stillreminded us that we were still slaves, the marks we were branded with. We went on about our normal routine without coercion or bullying. We labored, and when we got tired we took some rest, and no one even dared to whipe or force us to work. I was very surprised, and at the same time happy at this turn of events.
It was later in the day when I discovered that Mr Clifford’s wife had yelled the ghost the previous night, and Mr Clifford was mourning his late wife. So the almighty Clifford himself was sorrowing? Even when his own mother died, his face was firm as a rock, same with his father. And when his first son was killed by a black slave, under the authority of another slave master, he never blinked a tear from his eyes, rather he swore to avenge his son’s death.
But his son was a devil and almost everybody hated him because of his arrogant lifestyle, so I guess he deserved what he got. But why was he now crying for a woman? But the woman was already in old age and she passed away peacefully in her sleep. I was so engrossed in thoughts that when someone tapped me on my shoulder, I jumped. I turned to see Boris standing with his hands akimbo and smiling.
“Bro, I will be observing who Mr Clipper will take revenge on today,” said Boris with a broad, knowing smile.
I was not surprised by what he just called Mr Clifford. Since the day that Boris found out the meaning of his name, artificial name, he had also given a nickname to Mr Clifford. He now called him Mr Cli or Clipper.
“Come on, little dude, let’s not keep your beautiful banny waiting,” Boris cut me short from my thoughts. I was not surprised that he was already mimicking the white man’s English.
“What's a banny?” I asked.
“Hot woman, young lady or damsel you dummy,” he replied. “Your woman, Lady Catherine, is waiting for you outside. You’ll find her under those trees there,” he pointed, and as I was about to go out he shouted, “don’t spoil the show!”
I walked down the narrow path to the location, which Boris had showed me. I saw her already seated under the shade of the green trees, smiling at the little bunch of rose flowers that were in her hands. I smiled and walked behind her, clasped my hands over her eyes and she jerked up and whispered my name. I lowered down my hands, trailing her body lines until my hands got to her hips. I wrapped my hands around her waist and faced her. Looking into her eyes, I saw true love burning and I decided to tell her the truth.
“My bro thought that I was…” I started.
“Shhhh,” she immediately shut me up with a passionate kiss.
Boris stood there looking at me with curiosity written all over his face. I could tell he wanted to ask a question but I had no idea what he wanted to ask.
“So tell me more,” suddenly he broke the silence.
“More on what?” I asked.
“More about you and Catherine.”
His question made me jerk a bit cos I wasn’t expecting it. I thought I succeeded in changing the topic but here we were, back again to the same topic. Just then I decided to tell him the truth, hiding nothing from him, after all, he was my elder brother. And who knows if he might be of great help to the both of us in the future.
“I guess I’m really in love with her, and she is also with me,” I admitted.
“That’s nice, I also do feel the same way towards Doris,” he confessed.
“Have you expressed your feelings to her?” I asked.
“No,” was his sharp response.
“Why?” I pressed further.
“'Cos I am a little bit shy to do that.”
“At your age?” I mocked.
“Yes,” he replied without flinching. “Come on Saint, please help me,” he pleaded.
“Do what?” I asked with my eyebrows raised.
“Talk to her,” he smirked.
“OK I’ll see what I can do about it,” I assured him, patting him on the shoulder him as a master would do to a loyal slave.
“But you do me a favor,” Boris requested with seriousness.
“Hmmmm?” I egged him on.
“You must always keep a low profile, hope you got my point?” he whispered.
“Yea, 'cos of those white bull dogs,” I nodded.
“OK, see you later,” Boris said and walked off.

Book Comment (370)

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    being sold by your kind, its all a bad dream that becomes a life check., success is the best revenge.


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    freedom is cool


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