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My old wounds were reopened…
“ so I said it right to his ugly ass face , Mister whatever your name is , you’re not even my type “ I said telling Zoey about the Good looking guy I met yesterday
“ Now I see why you were so upset when you came back from the gym yesterday “ she said
“ Damn girl , you done ruined his reputation “ she continued
“ I know right , but he looked so familiar , I just couldn’t place where I had seen him “ I said
“ Maybe you’ve seen his pictures on instagram? “ she suggested
“ oh you’re right , but I think his face looks too familiar , you know like someone I know too well “
“ Maybe he’s a celebrity “ she suggested
“ a celebrity ? I turned down a celebrity ? Girl I feel so badass right now “
“ Take it easy badass babe , we’re late for work “
“ No way , why didn’t you tell me that time was far spent ?”
“ I’m sorry I was too engrossed in the story “
I quickly ran to the bathroom and did my morning business , after that I got dressed in a short dress and some killer heels , I grabbed my jacket and made my way downstairs .
“ can I just take this moment to appreciate how good you always look in red “ Zoey said
“ Awwwn thanks babe , we’re super late , we better leave now “ I said
“ Ok you ready ?” she asked
“ more than ready “ I said grabbing her hand as we made our way to the car .
“ I’m driving “ she said and I gave her the key
“ fine by me” I mumbled
We got into the car and drove off to the office
“ I’m so jealous of you guys in fashion designing department , you get to wear the clothes you want but My own department we get to wear only white and black … Arrrgh it sucks “ she said
“ I know right , sucks to be you “ I said smiling
“ you know you can be a jerk sometimes right ? “
“And I love you more my dearest one “ I said blowing her a kiss
People always thought Zoey and I were sisters , our level of proximity shocks everyone , some even assume that we’re lovers .
“ So are you excited about your new Director ?” she asked
“ I don’t know , I mean I’m kind of happy because Paige was always a pain in the ass , so I’m glad she’s gone now but I think I’ll miss her a little “
Paige quit being a director after getting alimony from her rich husband .
“ That lucky bitch , she intentionally wanted that divorce “ Zoey said
“ I heard her husband cherished her dearly but she didn’t reciprocate his feelings “
“ Awwwn poor man , he didn’t fall for the right girl “
“ What can we say , love is indeed blind , crippled , dumb and even has acne “ I said going through my phone and I heard Zoey chuckle , she looked at me for a split second before focusing back on the road .
“ look who’s here “ Brian said and all eyes were on me
“ Give it up for the Queen of Fashion designing “ Lisa said and everyone started clapping
“ Thank you very much peasants “ I said and they all gave me the middle finger
“ So who missed me ?” I asked as I went straight to my seat , i found my table arranged just as I had left it .
“ not me “ Del said
“ Definitely not me “ Colton also said
“ Too bad I missed you both so much I couldn’t even eat for days “ I said dramatically
“ Yeah right , I was a phone call away “ he said in a duh tone
That’s right …
“ Please tell me you hooked up with someone during your leave “ Lisa said
Lisa is a co-worker I’ve grown to like in the past few months , she’s really nice and supportive .
“ No Lisa , I was too busy watching K-dramas and stuffing my face with ice cream “ I said
“ Come on girl , you should have used your day off well , you’re always too busy , you don’t even have a life outside this walls “ she said
“ Ok moving on from my love life , can you please tell me everything that happened in my absence ?“
“ You know me girl , I always have the latest gists “
Lisa is that girl who gets the latest gist before anyone else .
“ Have you heard about our new Director? She asked
“ No “
“ I heard it’s a man and that he’s extremely good looking “ she said happily
“ Really ?” I asked
“ yes but that’s not the only news “
“ what else is happening ?” I asked
“ The CEO is retiring and he’s handing over to his son “ she said
Oh! Zoey did mention that
“ Really ? Wow I missed a lot in just three days “ I said
“ I know right , I missed you so much , I had nobody to gossip with” she said
“ Good thing I’m back , I want all the latest gists without any filters or –“
My words were cut short as Brian screamed out loud
“ Everyone our new Director is here “ he said and immediately everyone tried to look presentable , we all stood up on our feet to welcome the new director .
“ Good morning everyone “ a thick voice suddenly said while entering the office , my eyes almost fell out of my pocket as I looked at our new director in horror .
Oh my God
No no no no no fucking way
No way
My heart screamed out in pain as I looked into the cold eyes of Hayden Sommers and immediately our gazes locked , he looked a bit taken aback as he saw me but he quickly brushed it off .
“ Babe are you ok ?” Lisa asked
“ Yes , why are you asking ?” I asked
“ You-You’re crying “ she said and immediately I touched my face and saw that is was wet .
No no no , I shouldn’t be crying
I quickly cleaned my face but the tears kept coming back ,I couldn’t hold it anymore so I ran out of the office .
I ran as fast as my legs could carry me to God knows where , I felt the pain in my heart growing rapidly .
I couldn’t take it anymore
I couldn’t take the pain
I felt like my old wounds were reopened ….

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    Everlyn Tinamisan Campit



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