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The more they try to embarrass and play him down, is like giving more room for people to observe his uniqueness among them. The more Nzeribe wants to shave in, his basking glory as his uncle.  Though he is part of those engineering the scenario at times. Prieto in his own ways refuses to be intimidated by them. 
The chances of making end meet to Prieto in the village remains remote. Someone actually brought an offer to Prieto, about teaching but the monthly salary compare to the effort required of Prieto, was nothing to write home about. Therefore, he rejected the offer. He discussed with his mum; Mama imagine me been paid, just four thousand naira per month through out a teaching. Teaching in a school long distance from our village, considering transportation. I am a university graduate! I can’t go so low with such amount, Prieto report in harsh frustration. The thought of gathering up the money for his book project, added up to his grievance.
Sometimes ago, at the same Ndokwa league club hosting, there was a man Prieto met, at the ceremony that his mother introduce to him, as an Utagba-Uno person. He came from the village where Prieto’s father originated from. They meet and he asked Prieto to sit right beside him on the empty sit, beside him. He introduced himself formally and properly, I am Eze. He told Prieto that he works aluminum product, and as an academician way back in school, used to be among S.U.G. The student Union government, while he was in the University. Prieto gave his own data in slight details and talked about the book he wrote. He asked Prieto what the title of the book was; then he said, Golden Heart. Eze slipped his finger inside his pocket, and gave Prieto his business card. They exchanged greetings once more and Eze OJugo said; call me, and when you call, say it’s Prieto. Prieto stood up and left. Unfortunately, after that day he went to the river (Onoku) to have a wash, and his wallet and all his contact address and Eze Ojugo’s business card in it got missed. Plus some money in it. Since that day, he started having a feeling of being trapped behind a prison wall.
Dramatizing his annoyance at every slightest provocations. He told me, that he think it was a set-up by someone that saw him at the party collecting a business card from Eze Ojugo. He believes that the person was so close to him.  I started to curse; may the last person that collected money from him, stealing his wallet with credentials and I’d card enclosed, shamefully meet his Waterloo! be jinxed. Prieto looked right into my face. Witnessing rage and anger. To clear his mind off  doubt, he will walk around the river side hoping to find his wallet around. The dumb thief, decided to hold on to even his wallet.
Kent was building his house, maybe I could help lay some few bricks, Prieto thought. He joined Nzeribe his mother’s brother and with another person, that was Joe. An old guy, he has a wife and children. A low ranger. He lives with a chief in a beautiful house as a care taker. The chief was a rich man, Joe worked as a bricks layer and he has engaged in  buildings several blocks around. On a one day job, at least. Prieto had something in pocket to sit back and relax with, four hundred buck from Nzeribe. He had to get smart with him, because Nzeribe could come up with a cheating schemes. He handled his brother’s building project, his elder brother Kenneth. Therefore, there is a need to adopt a money raising scheme.At the building site, as they worked Nzeribe always tried to dominate Prieto like he had always done, to prove himself as his uncle. Notwot standing, Prieto’s mind was after his money. He wanted Prieto to come working for free, Nzeribe is has greedy as that. Prieto drew the line for him to observe. To avoid his conception. Nothing is free in life, we all get back what we earn. At same pace, Prieto’s mother went out with Prieto, to find Eze Ojugo’s house,  she was aware that he stays across the express road. On the road, that demarcate  Obinomba village and the side to Umukwata village. They call it the headquarters. She got there, but he wasn’t around. She looked around for him, but there was no one except for his wife. My mother asked after him to be sure if he is around, so her son could meet with him.  She said he should be around by evening time. Prieto’s mother delivered the message to her son. Prieto persuaded himself to go see him by the afternoon after church service, he did. Then he went and met him. He rode on his mother’s bicycle and trace his house to the main express road, and got there. He saw a fair looking lady and a fair looking woman with children. she was platting her hair, moving closer, he recognizes Eze Ojugo again. Through the distance, from outside the gate, which was made in such a way that you could see into the compound. Eze saw him too and gave a worm smile to Prieto at a distance. He said; the gate is open, just pull it outside. Prieto parked the bicycle outside the gate and pulled the entrance gate opened.
Good day! Prieto report and greeted the fair woman. He recognizes the woman as Eze Ojugo’s wife, and the other lady happens to be the woman’s friend. Eze’s wife was platting her two Daughter’s hair. Eze called him to have a sit. The first thing Prieto said was, sir pardon me for not giving you a call all this while, it’s just that I lost my wallet and the contact you gave me.  It was enclosed in the wallet. So I could not reach out.

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    Baby Pando

    hello po sa lahat


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    Avellana Jake

    very nice


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