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Amaya was finally able to escape the laughter and humiliation. She put the tray down and rubbed her face. A few other slaves stopped what they were doing and whispered words of encouragement to her. "The evening is over too. You'll get used to it." But Amaya didn't want to get used to it. She didn't want to put up with it either. This girl was impossible, rude and spoiled. She had shamed her and her brother in front of all the guests. As if Amaya were herself not aware of her position,- she had to emphasize again how worthless she was... A tear rolled down her cheek.In front of her eyes she saw the face of her deceased mother and the grief rose up in her again.She had lost everything.The Roman was right. At first, Amaya still had the feeling it could be like before. She would be able to wear beautiful dresses to parties and dance with young men, but her words had suddenly brought her back to reality. It would never be the same as before. Praying for strength and patience, she wiped her wet cheeks briefly before going back to work helping the other slaves in the kitchen.
The laughter in the hall died down and the guests turned back to different conversation partners. Terra and her friends were talking about the latest games at the Colosseum and their favorite gladiators. Luca got up and went into the fresh air. He could still see her injured face very clearly and had to think differently. Terra was right: she was a worthless slave. He couldn't fall in love with her. Just a few years ago, before Armenia and Rome were at war, his father would probably have approved of marrying such an influential Armenian woman. But now it was unimaginable. He leaned against the railing and looked at the fountain in the garden. It was already dark and the first stars adorned the sky around the moon. He prayed to Luna his goddess of the moon, then to Cupid, his god of love, so that he would not fall in love with the slave girl. The night was silent and once again he received no answer from his gods. However, they had heard him - he was sure of that...
Terra stopped listening to her friends after a few minutes. Her thoughts revolved around the beautiful slave. How jealous her friends were of Nila and how much her slave was appreciated among the guests. Almost every Roman had looked after her and stared at her as only the most beautiful Roman women were usually looked at. Even her brother had looked at her. Terra hadn't missed his gaze, even when he'd tried to look indifferent. She had to have that slave back. Hadn't her father bought her for her and only temporarily given her to her aunt? Amaya actually belonged to her and that's why she could get her slaves back whenever she wanted. She briefly apologized to her friends and got up. She went to her father who was just talking to one of his business partners. "Do you have a little time father?", she said and shook hands with him. He nodded and the business partner understood immediately and left them both alone. "What's wrong with you Terra? Is everything ok?" daughter on. "I think it's time for the slave to go back to her rightful owner." Her father took a sip of wine, uncomprehending. "Amaya is with her owner. You didn't want her and I gave her to my sister." - ,,Even! I didn't _want_ her. And you gave them to Nila until I wanted them. And that time has now come. I want her back!" Terra tried to keep her voice calm. "I can't just take her away from my sister. Also, the constant change wouldn't be good for Amaya either and I think she feels very comfortable with your aunt." - "It would only be a change and since when do we care about the feelings of a slave? She will kindly do what she is commanded!". Nila overheard the conversation and joined her brother. "Is everything alright?", She asked him and he nodded. However, Terra immediately took over the floor. "No, not quite. I would like Amaya back." Startled, Nila looked at her niece. "I thought you didn't want her?" - "Now." - "But Amaya is like a daughter to me. And I think she likes it here." Terra ignored her aunt's arguments. "My father paid for her and gave her to me. She's mine, Nila." - "I'll pay you Terra. You get double the sesterces! Please leave her here." The sad face of her aunt almost made Terra give in. But she quickly caught herself and thought of the admiration the Romans might deserve. "I'm sorry, I don't want your money. I want my slave and I'm taking her with me today."

The evening was slowly coming to an end and only a few guests were still talking in the large room. Lana had been talking to Luca for far too long, but Luca only half heard her. When Amaya walked past him or offered them new wine, he couldn't help but look deeply into her eyes, although he quickly realized that she was embarrassed. His father, sister and aunt came in from the next room looking quite upset. Nila disappeared on the open balcony and sent a slave to get Amaya. This came immediately and listened to what her mistress had to say to her. Terra stepped up to him, interrupting Lana's talk about the games. ,,We want to go. Are you coming too Luca or do you want to come after?". Relieved to finally be free of Lana, he politely said goodbye to her and Terra chopped his arm. However, she stayed still and made sure that Lana could still hear her. "Oh wait Luca. I still have to wait for my new slave." Lana widened her eyes in surprise and Luca stopped abruptly. "You bought her from your aunt? The daughter of Festizius?" Terra grinned and nodded proudly and you could clearly see the envy in Lana's eyes. "You what?!" Luca grabbed his sister by the shoulders and turned her to him. "She's mine. And from today on she'll serve me." His heart began to race and anger welled up in him. How could she do that to Amaya?! He was ashamed of his sister and looked at the balcony where his aunt was standing with the slave. Amaya had turned to them and her aunt was talking anxiously to her. She then wrapped her arms around Amaya and she collapsed into her arms. She didn't take her callous gaze away from them, however, and Luca felt guilty for his own sister causing her such pain. He looked into her eyes and wanted to hug her and whisper to her that everything would be fine, that she would live with him and that he would protect her... Instead, he stood there and watched her world collapse again and the held back tears now ran down her cheeks. She didn't take her callous gaze away from them, however, and Luca felt guilty for his own sister causing her such pain. He looked into her eyes and wanted to hug her and whisper to her that everything would be fine, that she would live with him and that he would protect her... Instead, he stood there and watched her world collapse again and the held back tears now ran down her cheeks. She didn't take her callous gaze away from them, however, and Luca felt guilty for his own sister causing her such pain. He looked into her eyes and wanted to hug her and whisper to her that everything would be fine, that she would live with him and that he would protect her... Instead, he stood there and watched her world collapse again and the held back tears now ran down her cheeks.
Amaya immediately knew something was wrong when she saw her mistress standing on the balcony. She didn't hold back her tears and looked at the garden. "Has something happened, Mistress?" she had asked and rushed to her. When Nila told her that from now on she was no longer her slave, everything started to spin around her. Nila tried her and herself To comfort her, she promised that she would come visit often and that she wouldn't let her get sick there, but Amaya didn't take her words in. She turned so that she could see Terra.She was standing there with her brother and proudly told of her new purchase.Amaya felt the pieces of her heart shatter into a thousand pieces again. It had taken so long for her wounds to heal and it had only taken a short leap to rip them open again. She wanted to scream, to thrash and to hold on to Nila, who took her in her safe arms. The young Roman looked at her pityingly, his hands clenched into fists. It was like time stood still. At that moment there was only the two of them and she would have loved to run into his arms. She didn't know why. She didn't even know his name and a few months ago she had been afraid of him. But he seemed as if he could understand her and as if he only wanted her best. The moment passed and Amaya couldn't hold back her tears anymore. They streamed down her cheeks and she buried her head on Nila's shoulder.

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    Lanie Sarito



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    ele e muito bom obrigado por esse livro lindo


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