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Chapter 6

On the other side ---before Junrill's suffering from Victor's hands--- Darren, the second child was also fighting the royal knights while ensuring the safety of his younger sister, Lucelle. He was known as genuis among geniuses as he surpassed his elder brother. Unlike his father and elder brother, he was purely a magician, he wasn't interested in any kinds of weapon's arts whether sword, blade, spear, axe, bow and arrow and the others. He also taught his sister to be a magician to protect herself.
"Brother, let me support you!" Lucelle exclaimed and conjured a huge ball of flame on her palm.
"Alright!" Darren replied and casted a magic spell.
"Oh, infinite fire element! Let the surroundings became ashes! MAGMA OUTBREAK!"
Some of the royal knights were able to endure the combine attacks by the two siblings, but some were out of luck as they got injured and even killed. Still, the royal knights began to counterattack in formation.
"Battle Formation: Supreme Annihilation!"
They were exchanging attacks to each other for quite some time already. The royal knights were now exhausted as much as Lucelle, while Darren was less exhausted among them.
"You're not in your peak state if you don't have your Leader," Darren said while referring to Knight Reymark who had a duty of personally protecting the King's safety all the time.
"I-it doesn't matter, we're still more enough to defeat you two," Vice-leader of the royal knights replied while suffocating, "Knights! Let's make sure to kill them. Use all your magic power. We need to use our trump card now!"
"Roger that!" they responded and  then, mumbled together, "Battle Formation: Infinite Killing Swords!"
A numerous swords that had killing intents due to the royal knights' bloody experience in the battlefield appeared out of nowhere, directly pointing to the two siblings who were now scared and confuse how to overcome the attack.
"S-Shit!" Darren reprobated, "I need to blocked this or else..." then casted a 5th-circle magic spell.
"Oh, mighty fire dragon! Give me your blessing, let your scale be the shield! IMPREGNABLE DRAGON'S SCALE!"
Then Royal Knights' Infinite Killing Swords went into the Impregnable Dragon's Scale.
"I-It's too strong!" Darren shouted as his hands were trembled due to the impact, "I c-can not block this attack completely, but I should never give up, or else, not only will I die, my sister too!"
Lucelle was behind him. She wanted to help him, but she was not strong enough. All she could was to never become a burden to her brother.
Darren might be strong enough to fight five to ten royal knights as he was a 5th-circle magician, but his enemies were too much for him to handle, they were much or less 20 while he was alone, as his sister was not that much stronger; she was still a 2nd-circle magician.
Then his shield began to crack, "Sh*t! It can't hold on anymore! I need to protect my sister!"
However, fate doesn't favored him. Five swords were able to penetrate the shield that quickly went into his body. One in his leg, another one in his shoulder and the last three swords were in his stomach. So much blood were poured out of his body.
"Ughhh!!!" Darren shouted painfully, then he glanced at Lucelle and he felt happy seeing that not a single sword was able to go through to his sister.
'It's painful, yes. But it's okay as long as my sister is safe. Everything is okay even if I die.' He thought.
"M-make sure to stay alive, my p-precious younger sister." he uttered and tried to show a smile.
Then his eyes slowly closed.
After seeing her brother's tragic situation and hearing his concern words even though he was the one in pain, Lucelle couldn't help but to shout and cry, heavily and helplessly. "Noooooooooo!!!"
Marquis Cyril, on the other hand, became sentimental after seeing his two sons' tragic fate. He wanted to rush over there, but his wife, whose tears were starting to drop, grabbed his hands.
"D-don't stop me, honey!" Marquis shouted, "I need to avenge my sons!"
Niña ignored him and began enchanting silently, yet nothing unordinary happened.
"Are you running out of magic?" Marquis asked while trying to maintain his composure.
"N-no... It's alright. We need to ensure Lucy's safety first," Niña answered, then she casted a spell again, "I will teleport ourselves at Lucy's direction, while blocking our enemies' senses for a few minutes."
"G-got it!"
Then they immediately got teleported in front of their children.
"Run, Lucy! You need to escape from here no matter what happens. You must take care of your life. You're the only hope we have," Lucelle's father, Marquis Cyril desperately uttered as soon as they got teleported, "Wear this red blazing cloak. It will protect you well. And keep this red box along with you. Don't let the enemies have this."
"Your Dad is right, Lucy.
"B-but..." Lucelle's tears fell down as she took a glance at her injured parents whose blood could be seen on their torn up clothes caused by fighting.
Her heart became more heavier as she saw her two elder brothers and her other significants who were lying down, breathless.
"M-mom, Dad...I c-couldn't protect my brothers. I'm useless! I deserve to die!"
They were innocent, they didn't do anything wrong that might harm the kingdom! Instead of praising my clansmen's talents for magic, the Feronia Kingdom wanted to kill us. How dare them!
She still remembered her eldest brother who spoiled her too much even though she wasn't a kid anymore, she played and explored out with him in the kingdom quite often.
She still remembered how her second brother taught her fire magic spells when she was five years old and then, even though she couldn't conjure her fire magic properly, her brother still comforted her by saying she was the best out of all the people he had seen. She still remembered all her memories with them.
Her family was no more. All of the Esclamado Family, except her and her parents who were almost dying, became annihilated in front of her eyes. She couldn't stop her tears falling down like a river. She felt hopeless as she has no enough power to kill the enemies.
"No, Lucy. You are a good child and a good sibling to your brother. But your safety means a lot to us, your parents. You need to escape from here. And remember, please don't avenge us if you're not strong enough. Make some friends, but you have choose wisely. We loves you always, Lucy," her mother, Niña, uttered and kissed her forehead, "You are a genius, my daughter. You can overcome it. You are strong, and you will get stronger if you are only alive."
"We don't have time anymore, Lucy. Now, run! You need to stay alive! And don't you dare look back whatever happens!" Marquis Cyril shouted as he blocked the enemies' attacks, "Both your Mom and me are much stronger than what you have imagined. So don't worry, we will blocked them until you can escape." then he put a wide smile to reassure, "I love you, Lucy, forever."
Despite her eagerness to stay with them, she doesn't had any choice but to listen to his parents. Only being alive could she be able to get revenge and kill the king and all nobles and officials involved, even if it would take years to get stronger and years to accomplish it.
She mustered her courage and embrace her parents, "I love you too, always, Dad and Mom. Don't worry, I will stay alive and will surely remember this tragedy. I will slowly yet surely burn them alive to hell!"
"R-remember that we are still in your heart even though we didn't exist anymore. We love you and sorry."
Then, along with the red box, she ran away blindly, endlessly and endlessly without ever looking back at once, with the thought of getting stronger and getting revenge.
"Your Majesty, we annihilated all the Esclamado Family including their direct lineages, elders and even Marquis and his wife and two sons. After killing them, the forces you invited suddenly disappeared without traces. H-however..." General spoke as he kneeled down, "Marquis Cyril's youngest daughter, Lucelle Anne Esclamado, successfully escape in the midst of fighting with Marquis Cyril and his wife, Niña."
"Well, I already expected that they will disappear," King Jefferson gave a relief breathe, "However, that Marquis' daughter, you failed to kill her?"
"Y-yes, Your Majesty. Her parents flapped all the warriors who went to her, that's why---" General Rayven tried to give a reason, however he was interrupted.
"What level is she? Tell me!"
"She's a 2nd-circle fire magician, Your Majesty." the General answered.
"Yet you let her escape?!"
The King couldn't believe that his trusted subordinates failed to kill her, a weak woman, but they killed Marquis and the Elders who were much stronger than her. Unbelievable!
"I'm s-sorry, Your Majesty," The General apologized and spoke, "Furthermore, some citizens saw her escaping into the Forest along with a box."
"Hmmm... A box, you say? Maybe there's a treasure inside, Your Majesty?" Strategist Kenny uttered as he opened his white fan, "Ahhh... Maybe the inside of that box is their family treasure which can improve one's magic power into another level! That should be it!"
"As expected of you, Mr. Strategist!" the King happily praised him.
"You flatter me, Your Majesty," the Strategist humbly said with a smile.
"However that will be mine soon enough. Hahaha!"
"Definitely, Your Majesty!" the General spoke as he understood and realized that the king's love for treasure were also unparalleled throughout the kingdom.
"General Rayven, heed my command! Bring all the warriors under your cavalry, find Lucelle Anne Esclamado and retrieve the box of treasure at any cost!" King Jefferson stood up from his throne as he ordered the general.
"Yes, Your Majesty!" General firmly replied as he bowed down while his right hand was put on his chest.
"And Mr. Strategist," then the King looked at Kenny, "You go inform all the ministers and their servants to make thousands of wanted posters about Lucelle, either dead or alive, with the presence of the box. The bounty will be a thousand gold and an official seat!"
"Your wish is my command."

Book Comment (1598)

  • avatar
    Katelyn Villalobos



  • avatar
    Deanielle Abjelina

    I love it! It’s so unique! Revenge tropes are so my thing!


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