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Chapter 6

“I’m greatly honored by your gracious presence. Please excuse me for not greeting you earlier.” I said and bowed to the crown Prince and Crown Princess.
They just arrived and I don’t know why they’re here.
The crown prince smiled.
“It’s been a year since we met last time. You look thinner. Is it because you’re still mad at me for what happened last time?” he said mockingly.
Tskk, arrogant man. Let us see how long you can smile.
“I didn’t know you were coming. Please forgive me for not welcoming you earlier.” I said changing the topic.
“Neville, we haven’t seen you for a long time.” the crown princess said that made me flinched.
I already lost my interest in her since she chosed to be with the crown prince.
“Your grace, you are the crown princess. You’d better call me Prince Neville as the etiquette requires.” I replied
I saw how they stopped at my words.
“Lingyan, don’t be ruthless. Neville and you have been friends since you were young. How can you easily get over with your deep friendship?” the crown prince said holding the crown princess hand.
Watching them made me want to puke, it’s disguting.
“Your royal highness you’d better not say this anymore in the future.” I said.
The crown prince smiled and looked at me.
“My girl is easy to be jealous. If she gets angry because of this, it’s ahrd for me to win her back.” I said to them.
Their face looks surprise in my claim. I don’t have a choice but to do this.
“Oh, you’re dating a girl? Why not find some time to introduce her to me?” the crown prince said .
I looked at them in boring.
‘She’s shy an d timid. She doesn’t like to meet new friends.” I replied.
The crown prince walk towards me.
“You really dote on her. Are you gonna keep her away from the public forever?: he said
I smiled, looks like he’s interested again.
“No, that’s too much. But she hasn’t accepted my love yet. So, I’m afraid she will be scared by your stateliness and stay away from me.” I said. “Your royal highness, your grace we’ve prepared meals for you. Let’s get in first and catch up later?”
They looked at me suspiciously but nooded afterwards.
“Alright, I can’t wait to taste those delicacies you prepared.” he said
I let them in and lead them in the living room.
I sneeze nonstop.
“I didn’t catch a cold, why can’t I stop sneezing” I said annoyed.
“My Lady, here comes your favorite mango cake.” Amber said while giving me the cake.
I looked at the dessert with excitement. I dig some of it and eat.
The I remembered my saviour while eating. He looked so hot when pulling the sword to rescue me..I really love that..
“My Lady, what’s wrong with you?” I was startled when Amber speak.
What the heck! Why am I thinking about him?
“Amber, bring me some paper and a brush! I want to find a man!.”
“Neville, I’m entrusted with an emperial mission to supervise administration here so be careful and behave yourself.” the crown prince said.
They are in their carraige already and ready to leave.
“Hope you do the same. Your exalted crown prince whose every word and action will attract attention. Stay cautious and don’t make mistakes to let father down.” I said
His face darkened.
“Let’s go.” the crown princess said.
He closed the window with the curtain.
“Let’s go.” he said. “ And by the way, don’t forget to introduce me to your girl.” he said and the carriage take off.
I sighed in relief, he is really a bastard.
“Your royal highness as minister Leo reports, the crown prince is here to investigate the corrupt officials.” Nillan reported.
“I’m afraid this isn’t his true intention.” I replied.
I know what kind of man he is, I can see clearly that he is here not just to investigate.
“Should I spy them?” Nillan ask.
“No, act as planned. Let’s go.” I said and walk through the city.
The city has a lot of people now.
“Your highness, that man on the notice really looks like you. Do you want to check it?” Nillan said that I turn towards that his hands pointed at.
“Alright.” I said and walk through the bunch of people.
It’s so crowded in here, I wonder what is in the notice?
I excuse my self and read what is written.
“Last week this man in the picture stole something from me and I can’t sleep thinking about it day and night so anyone can find me, go to the Methildis mansion and find Lady Freya Methildis. And I promise to give you a reward.”
That’s what is written with the picture of a man that’s looks like me, or is it really me?
“Ha! I’m really so smart. This painting is really good.” I said happily
I just posted the noticed to find that man and here it is now there’s a lot of people is gathere around.
“My Lady, is this okay for us to risk the man’s reputation?” Amber asked worriedly.
His arrogant at first but this handsome man steals my heart.
I said in my mind while looking into my right side.
My eyes almost pooped out when I saw who is the man staring at me with bored face.
“Wow, think day and night.” Nillan his guard said teasingly.
He looked at me with bored face.
“Let’s go.” he said
I wanted to call him but he already disappeared into the crowds.
Ehhh? Where is he? Never mind, there is still enough time to meet him.
“Let’s go home Amber.” I said and started walking.
“Wow, Nlyx resaturant new lunch dish is so delicious, I can’t get enough of it.” I heard Amber said.
I’m in the window of our private room here in the restaurant, I was looking in the big blossom tree.
“Amber, it’s been 4 days but I didn’t get any news about him!” I said sadly.
Amber came to me tapping my shoulder.
“My Lady, that man is came from the royal family. We can’t find him easily.” she said.
It makes me sad even more. Hyst, I even prepared a reward. I’d rather welcome a fraud than sit here and do nothing.
I was about to throw the money in the window when Amber caught my hand.
“My lADY, don’t waste the money!” she said
I was about to throw it again when I saw a familiar face downstairs.
I get off my ahnds from Amber and run away.
“My lady wait.” I heard Amber shouted.
But I didn’t wait for him insteas I quietly followed Nillan.
Where is he going? Why did he bring some Lumber? I followed him quietly until I noticed that we entered the forest. What is he doing in the forest?
I hide in the tree. And suddenly Amber hold my shoulder.
“Why do we follow him? He’s not the man we’re waiting who you are longing to see.” she said.
I looked at her.
“He is his gaurd so we must follow him to find my man.” I said
Wait, I recognize this place. Even if it’s a night that time but I clearly saw it. There is seems to be where I was kidnapped last time. Why does he come here?
“We’re getting busy this days”
I heard a man’s voice.
“My lady, two man are coming, be quick and hide ourselves.” Amber said panicking.
We ran in the big tree and hide there. Woo, we almost got caught.
We hide ourselves but my feet seemed to stepped on something.
“AHHHHH” Amber and me shouted when we fall into the hole.
Damn this hole.
“My, my lady. Are you okay?” Amber ask worriedly when our body is dropped in the floor, luckily there is some trees leaf .
“Ouch, it hurts.” I complain.
Where the hell are we? I opened my eyes to see.
Furnace? I saw a newly forge sword and the man looks at me. We-weapon?
They are making weapon in secret?
“Catch them.” the man said
And a lot of man is looking in us to catch us.
“Sorry to bother you. We just got here by accident. Please continue with your work.” I nervously said
I hold Amber and shout “RUN”
We run into the hallway but someone with strong hands caughr us. Opsss.
“What are you doing?” I said angrily
He dragged us into the room and dropped us in the floor.
I looked up to see who’s present but I was surpise by what I saw.
It’s him!
“How should we deal with them? They break into our secret hide out. We can’t let them leave here alive.” the man who dragged us said
“We didn’t see anything, we just came here by accident. And we don’t know you’re forging weapons here, nor see you here…farewell.” I said and I was about to leave but I heard him speak.
“Oh? I heard that you put up notices everywhere to find me and accuses me that I stole something from you. Now you find me, why are you hurried to leave?” he said calmly
I’m not thinking about that now, I was thinking about my life. I can’ bear to see Father crying when he knows that I died.
“Trust me, I’m a person of integrity, as long as you spare us we won’t tell anyone anything about here.” I said
I stand near to Amber to hold her.
“It’s my fault to let them sneak in.” Nillan said bowing into his master.
We should haven’t followed him.
“Now that I’m not the one to blame, I ought to leave…” I haven’t finished my words when the man who dragged us raised his swords upon us.
I shivered in fear.
“Based on my observation. She is not trustworthy we can;t spare her.” he said
What should I do?
Aha, now I know what to do.
“Wait.” I said
They looked at me in surprise.
I stand up and wiped my clothes then walk towards my saviour.
“Let me handle thus, it’s just a matter of killing me or not.” I said
I get some money in my pocket and slam it in the table infront of my savior.
“I’m rich, let’s get married.” I said
I saw how his face surprises.
“My Lady.” Amber shouted.
“What is she doing?” the man who dragged us said
“Ha! I think they are well matched.” Nillan said teasingly
The man in front me of me smiled.
“With this amount of money you want me to marry you?” he said
He is still arrogant.
“Aren’t you forging weapons? Aren’t you need timber, lumber and steels? I won over 100 shops that my father gave me, I’m very rish, extremely rich! As soon as you marry me you will have my shops as well so you won’t need to buy in the other shop for the weapons.” I said
“Interesting!” he replied
He get up from his seat and walk closer to me.
“I know you are a rich businesswoman. But by helping me in this way definitely won’t benefit you.” he said
Wow, now I can see closely how handsome he is and how tall he is, it makes him even more hot looking at me like that. He has a good looks so he is perfect to be my husband than the ugly dumbass that my stepmother introduce to me.
I smiled at him.
Because I love you. To find you, I have to put up notices in the whole city, so I’m definitely on your side!” I replied
How can I say this in front of him to stay alive? How embarrasing! Freya, how can you fall in love with a man who aims so high!
I want to scold myself but I can’t do it in front of him.
“You know who I am and where I live so if I don’d behave myself you can kill me at any time but please make it gentle. I’m not used getting hurt since I was a child so if you kill me please be gentle atleast until I die I won’t get hurt.” I said
“Kill you?” he said while his head is getting closer to mine.
“Now that you love me, I will…” he didn’t finished his words.
“Wh-what?” I ask
Why does he come close to me?
“Make your dream come true.” he said while his face is so close to mine that I can’t breath, his lips is almost touching mine.

Book Comment (300)

  • avatar
    Vanessa Subrian

    the mind of how a feel about this situation in a the I know love while promoting the to thinking and engage be 💍 in to is and a good idea as well mwa for the material 💖 is also 💖 in a essential for exam purposes and the teacher should be extremely careful about what is going strong and the teacher should be extremely careful with your work in science and the teacher should be extremely careful about the material while promoting


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    Jul Iane

    it's sor nicee novel


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    hdyhayu ismail



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