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Chapter 5

“My Lord, the bellows have been built up, would you like to have a look?” one of my men said with his head bowed down.
I drink my wine.
“Good, let’s go.” I said.
We left the mansion and head to my secret place.
I lay in my bed and my body felt refresh when my body tocuhes my skin.
I close my eyes to sleep but before I could doze off to sleep, I felt something that touches my skin and everything went black.
I slowly opened my eyes and my eyes adjusted into the dark night. Then I noticed a man in black, there is just the two of them.
I moved but my body is tied up in the tree.
“Miss Methildis didn’t lie to us. She does look so pretty.” one of the man in black said looking at me.
Miss Methildis? I am Miss Methildis.
“Eh, Miss Methildis said that you’re just a servant girl in the mansion. You irritated her so she promised to give us the store if we will kill you.” the man in black said.
What the hell! Eliza, you dumb bitch, you afe a dead woman.
“Guys, I’m Freya Methildis, the real master of Methildis Family. I have the legal inheritance right. If you kill me you won’t ge anything. Please send me home right now, and I can promise you that my father will thank you with a large sum of money.” I said to them
“You thinl we are fools? If we send your back, your father will call the guards to arrest us.” the man in black shouted.
These bastards.
“My father won’t do it. He is very rish. As long as I don’t get hurt, money is no big deal fro him. But if I get hurt, he may not guve yiu money.
They looked at each other suspiciously.
“You are pretty, we didn’t want to kill you right now eaither.” one of them said.
“We can have both the money and the girl, what an excellent plan.” The other one said.
My eyes went wide opened.
“What…what are you going to do?” I said nervously.
They looked at me crazily.
“HELPPP!” I shouted
“Pretty, let me kiss you….” he said but he didn’t finished his words when a sword flew at them.
The scene made me dizzy and black out.
“It’s you.” I heard a voice of a familair man before I could lose all my conciousness.
“My Lord, the bellows have been built up, would you like to have a look?” one of my men said with his head bowed down.
I drink my wine.
“Good, let’s go.” I said.
We left the mansion and head to my secret place.
I lay in my bed and my body felt refresh when my body tocuhes my skin.
I close my eyes to sleep but before I could doze off to sleep, I felt something that touches my skin and everything went black.
I slowly opened my eyes and my eyes adjusted into the dark night. Then I noticed a man in black, there is just the two of them.
I moved but my body is tied up in the tree.
“Miss Methildis didn’t lie to us. She does look so pretty.” one of the man in black said looking at me.
Miss Methildis? I am Miss Methildis.
“Eh, Miss Methildis said that you’re just a servant girl in the mansion. You irritated her so she promised to give us the store if we will kill you.” the man in black said.
What the hell! Eliza, you dumb bitch, you afe a dead woman.
“Guys, I’m Freya Methildis, the real master of Methildis Family. I have the legal inheritance right. If you kill me you won’t ge anything. Please send me home right now, and I can promise you that my father will thank you with a large sum of money.” I said to them
“You thinl we are fools? If we send your back, your father will call the guards to arrest us.” the man in black shouted.
These bastards.
“My father won’t do it. He is very rish. As long as I don’t get hurt, money is no big deal fro him. But if I get hurt, he may not guve yiu money.
They looked at each other suspiciously.
“You are pretty, we didn’t want to kill you right now eaither.” one of them said.
“We can have both the money and the girl, what an excellent plan.” The other one said.
My eyes went wide opened.
“What…what are you going to do?” I said nervously.
They looked at me crazily.
“HELPPP!” I shouted
“Pretty, let me kiss you….” he said but he didn’t finished his words when a sword flew at them.
The scene made me dizzy and black out.
“It’s you.” I heard a voice of a familair man before I could lose all my conciousness.
“No, no, help me, mommy please don’t go, mommy.” I heard her murmured in her sleep.
She fainted earlier, this silly girl how did she end up being tied up and almost got rape?
“My Lord, why are you back here. I’ve been looking for you. I’ve found out the identity of the girl.”Ferxu said while entering the living my room.
Unexpectedly, that girl is the daughter of Zander Methildis, the richest man in our Kingdom. No wonder she is very generous. However, I saw that the Methildis mansion was quite chaotic when I went there. It seemed that the young lady was missing! He continued talking.
Daughter of the richest man in the kingdom? Interesting!
“Look at the girl in the bed. Do you think she looks familiar? Our Lord has got her back.” one of my guard said.
Ferxu almost spill the wine in his hands when he saw the girl in my bed.
“NO!” we turn our gaze to the girl who’s shouting.
I saw her getting up. I guess she has a nightmare that’s why she suddenly wakes up.
“It’s you!You saved me!” I was so shock when she suddenly hugged me.
“Get off me! The water is splashing over my clothes!” I said angrily.
She’s in tears and her tears were in my clothes now.
I sighed when I noticed her sobbed.
“Never mind.!”
What…..am I doing? Shit, I hug him so impulsively, will he kick me out?
I said in my head when I realize what I am doing.
I get up suddenly and look at him embarassed.
“Sorry, sorry. I didn’t mean to…Thank you for helping me anyway.” I said
He looked at me proudly and get up.
“Now that you are well. Come with me. The two kidnappers are in the front room.” he said and walk.
So I followed him silently.
When we arrived in the room the two kidnappers is in the floor with their hands tied along with their body. I thought he killed them.
“How dare you kidnap me?” I said angrily while walking closer to them.
I raised my hands and strongly slapped them both.
“What…do you want?” they said nervously.
I looked at them evily.
“Ahhhh!Don’t get closer! Sorry let ys go, please.” one of them said begging
But I don’t care about them. I walk closer to them and reached my hands to man’s pocket to get something and indeed there is something in there.
“I knew you put it here bastards. I’m gonna take these two bastards away and deal with them myself.” I said.
“Miss Methildis, they should be thrown into the wild to feed the wolved. Why bother to take them away.” the man named Ferxu said, he is one the arrogant’s man guard.
I smiled wickedly and smirked. “I have my own plan about them!” I said.
“NOOOO.” the kidnappers shouted.
I looked at the man who saved me.
“Since you saved me, it indicates that we are destined to meet each other again. So I won’t beat around the bush with you. Can you arrange a carriage to take me home please?” I said
He sighed.
“Ferxu, you escort her back.” Ferxu replied and left.
I smiled to my saviour and followed ferxu outside.
The carriage is already ready when I arrived and I saw Ferxu so I walked closer to him.
‘Ferxu, thank you for escorting me back. Please tell your prince, I will repay his kindness well.” I said to Ferxu while getting inside the carriage.
He smiled at me.
“No big deal. My prince family is Eliades. I’m looking forward to seeing you Miss Methildis.” he said.
And with that we take off and went home.
“My Lord, have a seat it won’t help anything to keeo walking around.” mother said to father.
Father is so anxious and worried about that bitch. I hope she dies.
Did they make it? I told them to inform me wether they succeed or not. Why is no one of them is back now?
“My Lord, Young Lady is back.” I was startled when one of the guards rushed towards us and delivered the news.
I stepped out of the carriage and I saw father is running towards me with worried face.
“Daddy..” I said in tears
He rushed to me and hug me tightly.
“Thank god, my sweetie. Where have you been? I’m so worried.” he said while hugging me.
I saw Eliza is peeking with us with a angry looks. Well, her plans failed.
“Sis, dad and mom didn’t sleep all night. All of us were looking for you.” Eliza said suddenly with a smily face.
This ugly bitch.
“Daddy, I just can’t fall asleep so I went out for a walk. I’m sorry to have worried you so much. People who didn’t know the truth may thought I was kidnapped. Do you think so, sis?” I said looking at Eliza who now looks nervous.
“My Lord, you know that freya loves to have fun outside.” the mistress said.
I really don’t like her. She’s so ugly, arrgh.
“Naughty girl, don’t do it again.” Father said tapping my head gently
I smiled at him. Father is really worried about me.
“I know Daddy. Please go back to your room and ahve a rest. Or you’ll have dark circles. Then you won’t be handsome anymore.” I said that made father laughed.
“Fine, go back to sleep.” he said smiling at me.
“Good night Daddy.” I said and waved my hands at him.
“Since it was just a misunderstanding, Eliza and I will also go back to sleep.” the mistress said holding Eliza’s hands.
I didn’t wait for them to leave so I leave first and went back to my room.
“My Lady, I’m so glad you’re fine. You really freaked me out.” Amber said hugging me when I enter my room.
I chuckled at her childishness.
“It’s okay Amber. I’m back without getting hurt take it easy.” I said tapping her back.
“What exactly happened My Lady?” she asked out of curiosity while looking at me.
I smirked and I told her eevrything.
“That’s what happened. I was out of danger in the end.” I said finishing my story.
Amber looked angry.
“Eliza is so hateful. We can’t let her off easily.” she said in anger.
I smile wickedly.
“You are right Amber, How can I let her off easily?”
“Tell me the truth Eliza, did you do something to Freya?” mom asked while walking towards her room.
My heart skip a beat.
“No I didn’t. I’m so tired and I want to sleep. Mom, please go back now.” I said and pushing mom inside her bedroom.
I won’t let them know that I was behind Freya’s missing.
I went back to my room. Finally, I managed to cover it. Hump, Freya you were so lucky but I won’t let you off next time.
I lay in my bed and I felt something that touches my skin and I lost conciousness.
“She passed out Amber. Now it’s time.” I said to Amber when Eliza is black out.
“yes My Lady.” she replied while dragging the man in black into Eliza’s room.
“He’s so heavy.” Amber complain.
We put the man in black in Eliza’s room and let them hold each other lovingly.
Eliza, I will let you know what is eye for an eye. I said in my mind while looking at them.
“What time is is? Why hasn’t Eliza got up for breakfast?” Father asked
We were in the dining table now and Eliza is not here yet. I guess she had a good night sleep.
“Everyone went to bed too late last night. Maybe she was too tired to get up.” the mistress replied.
I smiled.
“Daddy, Eliza may be very tired. Why don’t we go to her room to wake her up?” I said
“Good idea Freya, come one let’s wake her up.” Father said and we went to Eliza’s room.
The show is about to begin.
I woke up and move my body but I ntoiced that there someone beside me.
Ehh? Who’s this?
I get up to see who it is. And I was so shock in horror when I see who it is, it’s the two kidnappers I hired to kidnapped Freya. Why are they here in my room sleeping peacefully beside me.
“SIS! GET UP FOR BREAKFAST!” I heard freya shouted.
What the hell! I was set up! No. No. No. Mom and Dad can’t see them in my room.
I hurriedly get up and slapped them both.
“Get Up!” I angrily shouted at them
“Hello.” the one said lazily and dragged me closer to him.
Yucks, his saliva is drooling.
“Get off me.” I angrily said and pushed him away but he held me tightly.
Then my world seemed stop when the door of my room flew opened. Dad, Mom and the bitch stood there in shock.
“You…You!” dad said angrily
“Sis what are you doing?” I asked her innocently while hiding my body in Father’s back.
“Miss Eliza is a slut, she’s sleeping with two men.” I heard the maids said behind us
“Tsk, I didn’t know she’s a bitch.” one of the maids replied.
“Bastards! Maniacs! How dare you do it to me.” Eliza said angrily kicking the two meen out of her bed.
“Daddy, it’s not what you see. Please listen to me Dad. This is a set up. It must be someone.” Eliza said continually while she’s on her knnes begging father.
The mistress approach father.
“Last night I did watch Eliza fall asleep, then I left. She must be set up by someone! You must help her figure it out, please.” mistress said begging father. “Tell us who made you do it. Who was trying to set up my daughter.” mistress said angrily to the kidnapper who is now wide awake.
The kidnapper looked at father nervously and shaking.
“Mr. Methildis please let me off. I just found myself here when I woke up. I really don’t know anything.” one of the kidnapper said.
“We did nothing…” the one said shaking.
“SAY IT!” Father said coldly.
“It’s her, it’s the Young lady Eliza.” the one said pointing Eliza.
I saw how the face of the mistress get angry and slapped the kidnapper. “Shut up! How dare you say it? Drag them out of here!”
The guards dragged the two men out of the room.
“Mercy please!”
!Mercy, I did nothing to Miss Methildis.”
The two of shouted when the guards dragged them.
I looked at Daddy.
“Daddy! Don’t be angry with my sister. There are too many people around. It’s not good for her reputation to let others know.” I said pretend to be worried.
“Don’t pretend to be nice! You must be the one who set me up!” Eliza said and pushed me angrily.
My body dropped in the floor and I flinched in pain.
“Sis, I am helping you with kidness. How could you psuh me? Daddy.” I said almost in tears.
Humph, Idiot how dare you fight against me?
I saw Father stared Eliza in angry looks and slapped her.
“Dad..” Eliza said shaking
“My Lord.” the mistress shouted
“You stop! Isn’t it shameful enough? How dare you hurt your sister? Eliza, reflect on your misdeeds now! Don’t step out of the door without my permession! Ridiculous! So ridiculous!” Daddy said angrily and left the room.
I get up and looked at the mother and daughter.
“Sis, Daddy did it for your own good. Now, the most important thing for us is to put an end to it as soon as possible. Don’t make it known to everyone and get you reputation ruined. Am I right Lady?’ I said to them.
I can clearly see how their face darkened.
“We don’t need your fake sympathy!” the mistress said angrily. I smiled in victory and left the room.

Book Comment (300)

  • avatar
    Vanessa Subrian

    the mind of how a feel about this situation in a the I know love while promoting the to thinking and engage be 💍 in to is and a good idea as well mwa for the material 💖 is also 💖 in a essential for exam purposes and the teacher should be extremely careful about what is going strong and the teacher should be extremely careful with your work in science and the teacher should be extremely careful about the material while promoting


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    Jul Iane

    it's sor nicee novel


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    hdyhayu ismail



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