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Chapter 4 – Another surprised visitor

Veera’s Pov
When we got home, I immediately told the kids to go to their room first to rest and after that I went to look for Mrs. Payne to talk to her on what had happened with Mr. Cabbage and about the house being paid to my brother’s debt to Mr. Cabbage.
“Mrs. Payne are here?” I cold for her name in the kitchen.
As I moved around the kitchen, still searching for Mrs. Payne, I looked out the kitchen window, which was still sunny and peaceful, as if the world was in harmony outside. How I wish my world was as tranquil and bright as that, with no troubles to worry about, but I know it is unrealistic to dream for. Life is constantly surrounded by issues that push you to survive this brutal world on your own, for that is how God created life. While I was still staring outside, I noticed a silhouette move through the bushes, which surprised me, so I looked again to be sure I wasn't wrong.
“Miss did you call for me?” Mrs. Payne suddenly spoke in my back which surprised me.
“Ah! Mrs. Payne! " I said, shocked, to her as I turned to look where she was standing.
"Oh, my, did I surprise you?" " Mrs. Payne questioned, concerned, when she noticed my startled expression.
Yes, Mrs. Payne, you did, I responded secretly in my head. "Anyway, Mrs. Payne, I need to talk to you about something," I remarked as I finished calming myself and changed the subject.
"What exactly is it, dear?" Mrs. Payne questioned as to what I intended to discuss with her.
"I have a big problem, and that is that my idiotic brother used this house to pay off his debts to Mr. Cabbage, and now Mr. Cabbage has given me one day to leave this place because I struck his face strongly because he indecently touched my waist and I lost my temper, announced I will pay the money back myself, which is impossible because it is 1 billion," I carefully explained to Mrs. Payne, who was deeply paying attention to me.
Thus, I cautiously awaited her reply to what I had said to her.
"You did an excellent job hitting that wicked old man in the face for daring to touch your body indecently!" " Mrs. Payne complimented me on how I hit Mr. Cabbage in the face. "Hmm... about you claiming you'll pay your brother's debt with your own money, awful judgment," Mrs. Payne continued.
I smiled on the part she complimented me on how I slapped Mr. Cabbage face "I realize I made a horrible decision saying that, but I don't have an option since the house will be Mr. Cabbage's if I don't pay it or marry that disgusting guy!" I explained to her once more.
Mrs. Payne raised her eyebrow in confusion on what she heard " Who are you going to marry when you already have a husband?" She yelled angrily.
"A husband who cheated on me and has two children with his mistress," I said.
Mrs. Payne cleared her throat, "Yes, Miss, you have a point there, but you cannot marry that pervert old man!" " Mrs. Payne was still upset with me.
"I know which makes me go back to paying my brother's 1 billion debt on my own," I replied again with my impossible idea.
"But it's impossible to have one billion in one day, Miss," Mrs. Payne said, expressing one of my concerns.
I groaned, is there nothing else to do but marry that old man?! Damn it, I don't want to be a "forgotten wife" or an "abandoned wife" for the rest of my life if that's what's going to happen. I should forget about how my husband cheated on me with a wolfy creature!
"What if Mr. Nacht has a family and one of his siblings can assist you, Miss?" Mrs. Payne made an attempt to make a suggestion.
"Impossible, my husband's family is all deceased, he was the only one who stayed alive, but now he is dead, therefore I have his possessions and my family may do anything they want with them," I said to her.
"Ah, then we're out of options, miss," Mrs. Payne replied solemnly.
With all of the pondering we're doing right now, I'm getting a headache. I massaged my head to relieve the headache that was growing.
"Are you okay, Miss Payne?" Mrs. Payne inquired, concerned, when she noticed my pale face.
"Yes, Mrs. Payne, don't worry," I told her, pushing myself to pretend.
"Father, however, has a twin brother" The two children appeared unexpectedly at the kitchen door.
Mrs. Payne and I both looked towards the kitchen door, where the kids were standing. "I already stated your father's relatives had all died," I explained to them again.
"Yes, miss, all of them died because they were dead in the first place but alive," the kids stated again in muddled sentences that didn't make sense.
"Um, I'm not sure what you're saying, but why are you listening to grownups talk about private matters?" " I inquired as to why they were listening to our conversation.
“We got thirsty Miss and so we went to the kitchen in order to drink water” They both explained at me honestly.
“Mrs. Payne give the kids water please” I instructed Mrs. Payne to give them water.
While I was silently pondering how I might fix this problem without selecting those choices, argh! This is so difficult that I'm at a loss for words. Maybe going outside will help me think anything as I walk in the garden.
"OK, Mrs. Payne, I'm heading out to the garden." I informed Mrs. Payne that I was going for a walk outside.
I didn't wait for her response and stepped outside to the mansion, walking towards the Garden's entrance. This garden never ceases to amaze me with its unending beauty, and Mrs. Payne takes great care of the flowers. This is one of the reasons I can't allow that pervert have this property since there's a lot of memories here and this land isn't mine in the first place.
While admiring the magnificent flowers in the Garden, I am also considering alternative choices other than paying that large sum of money with my own money, which is difficult to pay all at once. I decided to lie down on the grass and gaze at the sky, which was gradually growing black as nightfall approached.
Bo’s POV
When I arrived at the house, it appeared deserted, so I walked immediately to the garden to see whether my garden was still alive. If it was, I was a fantastic gardener when I was still living in this home. It astonished me that the garden hasn't changed since I left it with my mother, leaving my brother alone with my human father.
I felt something vibrate in my pocket, which was my phone, and I quickly grabbed up the phone while still staring at the flowers.
["Mom,"] I accepted her call.
["Did you already arrive? What about your brother, have you seen him? "] As soon as I picked up the phone, my mother bombarded me with questions.
["Mom, please be gentle with the questions. "] I implore her to ease up.
["First and foremost, did you arrive at our home? Is our house still in decent condition? Did you happen to see your brother? Is he all right? " ] Mom repeated it again, asking me many questions at once.
I merely sighed in annoyance as mom continued to ask me too many questions at once, despite my request that she just ask me one question at a time.
["Anyway, to answer your first question, I just arrived at the house, which appears to be deserted, and to answer your second question, I haven't seen my brother yet and have no idea where he is." ] I answered every question my mother posed to me.
["Wait a minute, what do you mean the home appears abandoned, and are you sure you didn't see your brother? You may have concluded it since you are still outside the house."] Mom expressed her dissatisfaction with my responses to her questions.
She is correct in that I decided that my brother is not present because I am still outside the house, but I will not tell her that.
["Anyway mom gotta call you back okay? bye"] I said my goodbyes to Mom and quickly ended the phone before she could respond.
I glance around the peaceful garden and decide to go around to view the spot that I missed so much when we left here years ago; recalling what happened in the past made me a little resentful, but I simply let it go and focused on loving the garden. As I walked around the garden, something caught my eye, and because I was interested in what it was, I discreetly walked nearer to the item that attracted my attention, thinking it may be an animal or something. I wasn't expecting to see anything else when I got closer.
I just spotted a woman resting in the grass with her eyes closed happily and surrounded by red roses. I was riveted to my spot, mesmerized to see the woman in front of me again after years of leaving with my mother out of city. Even though she is now an adult, I can still identify the face that makes me stop and freeze when I look at her.
I had nearly forgotten she was still here. My feet moved on their own towards her, still mesmerized by her face, until I trod on a stick, causing her to wake up, forcing me to hide swiftly in the bushes.
Why was I hiding in the first place? For the time being, I'll just keep an eye on her.
I was just observing her when I was still hiding in the bushes near her when she was awake but remain lying down in the grass and looking at the sky with trouble eyes.
What makes you so concerned, Veera Estrella Nacht? She is the wife of my elder brother Daji Fiadh Nacht. Their marriage was only a decoy to those people who were coming to mom and me that night, and even though I detest leaving and letting her marry my older brother, I don't have a choice.
It is forbidden for humans and vampires to be together.
Veera's POV
When I was sudden awaken as I heard a sound of a stick being stepped on in front of me but when I open my eyes there was no one so I just assume it was just an small animal passing by in front. Instead of going back in sleeping I just look at sky who is almost evening and remembered about my present problem.
"Damn it! Is there no other alternative for me except to marry that old man?! BUT I HATE IT!" I yelled into the heavens, disgusted.
I can feel my eyes threatening to cry again because I am feeling hopeless; all I want is for God to kill me right now so that I do not marry that pervert! But there are those kids who I can't leave alone.
"What did you say Aji is dead and cheated on you with another lady with whom he had children?" I heard an unusual voice with a frigid voice come in front of me, which made me get up and see where it was.
And I noticed two pairs of crimson eyes, redder than the flowers in the yard, staring at me with a frightening aura and an angry countenance.
Who is he?!
"ANSWER ME!" he asked again as he yelled angrily at me.
All I can do is freeze and shudder in horror as I stutter in response to his command "Y-yes."
"That f**king jerk, I instructed him to take care of you!" He yelled angrily at Aji after hearing my response to his query.
Who is this guy, and why is he in the garden when no one can get in?
"W-who are you?" I questioned him back.
When he realized something in his own, he glanced at me with a shocked expression. I stare at him, perplexed.

Book Comment (667)

  • avatar

    The intro is good. a must-read story.


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    Martin Erica



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