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Chapter 2 – Answers

Veera’s POV
"NO, DO NOT LEAVE!" I yelled loudly when I awoke from my dream.
I can feel my face sweating as I wipe it with my palm, damn it, why did that jerk appear in my dream for the first time? And he didn't even respond to my questions before disappearing!
“Are you okay Miss Veera? I heard you shouting loudly “Mrs. Payne asked me in worried voice when she came inside the room I was resting.
"Don't worry Mrs. Payne, I just had a nasty dream about someone but I am alright," I said, assuring her that I was well. " How did the two children fare? " I questioned to Mrs. Payne about the two children.
"They had already eaten together and taken a bath," Mrs. Payne informed me about the two children's actions this morning.
"Okay, thank you Mrs. Payne, I'll just prepare myself and go after," I informed Mrs. Payne.
"All right, Miss Veera, I'll leave you in your privacy," Mrs. Payne remarked as she exited the room.
Mrs. Payne had just left the room, so I walked straight to the bathroom to start having a bath in the shower. After an hour of bathing, I walked downstairs to see what had happened while I was gone, and I noticed the two kids playing outside the Mansion with Mrs. Payne as I looked out the window.
I went outside to where they were playing, and when they noticed me approaching, both of them stopped playing and gazed at me with serious looks as I got closer to them.
"Good morning," I began, greeting them and smiling at each of them. "So sweetheart, are you feeling better now?" I asked as to how the girl was feeling.
The child quickly retreated behind her brother and nervously nodded her head in response to my query. This made me grin even more because of how adorable the little child is towards me.
"That's good, you made us all anxious about how ill you were last night, especially your brother who was sobbing because you were unwell," I said, referring to what happened last night.
When she heard what her brother did last night, the girl looked at me in awe. "Really? " She couldn't believe what I told her.
"I witnessed your brother's face grow ugly when he wept, and how his snot in his nose trickled everywhere!" I said to the young child once more.
The girl burst out laughing as she imagined how her brother appeared last night. Forgetting her fear towards to me and finally not hiding behind his brother’s back.
"Hey, you're lying! I didn't weep last night, though! "The brother objected to what I stated.
"You did, though, don't be ashamed, just acknowledge it," I teased him.
He stared angrily at me, "No, I won't because it didn't happen!" " He responded, refusing to believe what I stated.
"Did you know that some siblings don't weep when their siblings are sick and instead ignore them?" " I said to him. I asked him, "Do you know what it means when your siblings don't weep when their siblings are sick?"
He glanced at me, puzzled, "No, what does that mean?" " He re-asked me.
I smiled at him with a gloomy expression, remembering some terrible experiences of my own. "It indicates they don't care and don't love the sick sibling," I said in a mournful voice.
“Eh? But why didn't they care about or love that sick sibling?! " He was taken aback by the response he received from me.
In front of him, I patted his head with a saddened smile. "I'm not sure why," I said.
"Okay, I imagine it made their ill sibling sad, and that sibling became sicker since no one cared or loved him," the child observed on what had happen on that sick sibling.
I was taken aback by what I heard since it matched what I recalled from my own experience, and I attempted to cover the tears that threatened to fall with a smile.
"Perhaps it happened, but we don't really know what happened to the sick sibling after that," I stated again.
"Poor sick sibling," the younger sister said, her voice gloomy.
"That's why you should be glad you wept when your younger sister was unwell because it shows you cared and loved her a lot," I told the boy.
"OH good, Miss, I now understand it, thank you!" The boy finally got my message.
“Now, because your sister is well already can you tell me the name of your father?” I asked a question to the two kids again about the name of their father.
Both kids exchange frightened eyes. "Promise us first that once you find out who our father is, you won't kick us out," they pleaded, suddenly asking me to make a promise.
"Wait a minute, why would I kick you out?" I swear I won't, so please tell me, okay? " I promised the two children.
After hearing my pledge, the little guy took something from his pocket trousers, a piece of paper, and presented it to me, which I promptly accepted. I turned to gaze at the youngster, mystified by the paper he gave me. "What is this letter?" I ask, my dream from the night before flashing through my thoughts.
"Our father ordered us to give this to you, Miss," they said in response to my inquiry.
My heart begins to beat uncomfortably, and I suddenly feel anxiety in my heart as I gaze at the letter in my hands, as if it is telling me that as soon as I open it, I will regret reading it. Why am I feeling this way? It's only a letter, therefore I don't need to be nervous.
So, in front of the kids, I eventually opened the letter and read it.
Dear Veera,
If you're reading this letter, my children have already arrived at the mansion, and you're probably wondering who the father of those two children is. If they've already come, it means I'm already dead.
My eyes welled up with tears as I recognized whose penmanship this was and looked at the kids in terror, no way it could be right?! I returned to the letter to finish reading it.
I know after reading the first part of the letter you have realize who is the father but you won’t believe it and tries to deny it but yes you are right Veera, I Daji Fiadh Nacht is the father of that children in front of you.
How dare you to cheat on me you bastard?!
I know you are cursing me already right now and I know I deserve it because I left you for almost 10 years and this is how I give to you?
What the heck, is he truly dead or is he still alive and lurking behind me because he guessed what I'm thinking right now?
I will accept your wrath toward me, Veera, but I beg you not to involve the children in your rage; they are innocent and have no knowledge of what has occurred. I beg you, please, for an explanation as to why I had not returned for ten years since I had lost my memory while hunting a wolf in a deep forest.
Bastard! How could you imply I'll involve those poor children?! You should know that I am not that sort of lady!
There I met Fierce Earnestine Nacht, the mother of my two children and my second wife because I had lost my memories, and I fell completely in love with her.
I don't need to know how you cheated on me, scumbag! I wish you ROT IN HELL! And so I scripted that part until the last part of the letter.
It was too late when I regained my memory and our love had blossomed with a baby; I really wanted to return home after regaining my memory, but I couldn't leave fierce with our baby. I stayed until the baby was delivered, and we were blessed with two lovely twins whom we called Artio Bry Nacht and Averil Chanda Nacht.
It was then that someone invaded our house with wolves, which made both of us feel sacred, but the animals did not harm us and instead transformed back into humans.
No, that cannot be....
That is what I assumed as well; however, it is true that wolves can turn into humans, and the lady with whom I had a kid is also a wolf who is an Alpha. This is why I need your assistance. Please defend my children in my place; you are the only one I can rely on.
Love Aji.
HUH? Wait, how can I defend these children who are also wolves? What are you thinking when I can't take care of them while also protecting them from wolves who will devour me without hesitation?
“Are you going to kick us?” Both of the kids asked when they saw the changed of my expression after reading the whole letter.
Damn you, Daji Fiadh Nacht, I will look after and defend your children not because you asked me to, but because they are adorable! I HOPE YOU BURN IN Hell WITH YOUR OTHER WOMAN!
I gave them a kind grin. "Why would I kick these adorable children?" " I answered truthfully to them.
When they heard what I had stated, their expressions brightened up. "Really? You're not upset since we're the children whose father cheated on you?! " They both said at the same time.
I was taken aback when I heard them remark to me, "How did you know?! " I asked.
“Father told us before he let us escaped that after you read the letter you might kick us in anger because he cheated at you with our mom and so he said to use our cuteness to you in order not be kicked out” They both explained.
Calm down, self, don't be upset, I told myself.
"Father also urged us to apologize to you in his place because you could forgive him because of our cuteness," they added once again.
That it.
“Mrs. Payne, could you please cover their ears for me? " I told Mrs. Payne, who was standing off to the side and not saying anything.
Mrs. Payne approached the children and did what I told her to do, which was to cover the children's ears so they wouldn't hear anything.
"F**K Y** BASTARD, HOW DARE YOU USE YOUR CHILDREN TO MAKE ME FORGIVE YOU FOR CHEATING ON ME!" " I cursed my adulterous husband loudly in the skies.
I felt better after yelling.

Book Comment (667)

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    The intro is good. a must-read story.


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    Martin Erica



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