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Chapter Seven

I was sitting on a mysterious chair. Dumbfounded by what was happening around, did not know if what was really the intention of the invisible ghost to me.
Someone stepped into our classroom. It was our teacher who valued education. He's a good man—he looks innocent—and he's cool as a cucumber. For everyone, he's such a role model, as long as nothing destroys his reputation.
He's Fried Shaken. What a nice name, but I wasn't born to judge people by their names. It's inappropriate to do that. We must judge people by their good deeds, not their bad ones.
"Good morning, students," he greeted.
My classmates replied, "Good morning too, sir."
Definitely, the students' behaviors always lie with the teacher, because if they're good towards us, we'll also be good towards them. Because one life touches the other, and that's not hard to understand.
"Class, have you heard the news that's spreading on the island of Sequijor?" Mr. Shaken asked, which made me curious. "There's something inexplicable which is causing trouble on the island."
"Sir, that might be caused by ghosts!" Ian, my classmate, exclaimed.
"Ian, where did you come from to believe in that telltale?" Lucille asked, and then chuckled. "That's the reason why our island didn't progress: because many people here can't let go of their superstitious beliefs."
Hearing Lucille's words, everyone applauds, and I don't care if they praise her. I don't know why they believed that girl. Perhaps they don't have their own belief, unlike me, who's experiencing life with a ghost.
Mr. Shaken looked at me and asked, "How about you, Mr. Ezekiel? You looked worried there. Is there something you can say to us?"
Undoubtedly, I don't know what to reply because if I told them that I feel the presence of a ghost that sometimes plays with me, they'll not believe me and may send me to the booby hatch even though they know that my grandmother is also a notorious exorcist.
"Dude, why won't you just tell our teacher about what you know? Perhaps he can help you with your problem?" Kiko inquired quietly.
"But Kiko, what if he does not believe me? Especially since we have no evidence to show. So it will be better to endure this than to be sent into a booby hatch like a fool," I whispered.
"Okay, that's your life and decision." Kiko stood up. "Excuse sir, I'll just visit a comfort room." He said to change our teacher's attention. Mr. Shaken nodded and went back to his table, while my friend immediately went inside the comfort room.
Mr. Fried Shaken went to his table and sat down on the chair beside it. He began checking our attendance. After that, he gave us an easy test. After a few moments, the bell rang, and the bell rang, and the bell rang, and the bell rang, again and again and again. It's already twelve o'clock.
In our English-subject classroom, I stood up from my chair when Kiko perched his arms over my shoulder, then we went out of the classroom with a headache. My friend's pork-meat-like arms are so heavy that they could make my shoulders drop.
"Dude, I really didn't know how to drive that ghost away from me, because she just causes distractions anytime," I said.
"Oh! It sounds like you have already known her for a long time. Honestly, you're so lucky that even a ghost guides you. " Kiko chuckled.
"I'm lucky if she just wants to guide me. What if she'll do something unforgivable? Goddammit, I can kill her again and again."
"Don't be so serious, dude. If that ghost wants to play with you, then play with it. There's nothing to be scared of, because it seems that she just wants you to play with her. Perhaps she's just a little child."
"Kiko?" I sighed. "We better go home, so that I can eat that ghost."
"Hahaha, that is! Take it easy; she can't endure playing forever."
Kiko had a point, so we went out of the campus and took the street home. There's something that suddenly crossed my mind. It's about the bad news spreading. Is it not caused by the same ghost who's always following me? Perhaps. But not absolutely, as long as there's no evidence that she is. I sighed. What kind of absurdity is this?
The street, which was full of riotous people, unexpectedly changed. There are still people here, but not as many as before. Perhaps they've also heard the news about the inexplicable crime. It's undoubtedly difficult to catch the culprit because nobody knows who they are.
"Kiel, I know a paranormal expert. Shall we visit him?" Kiko asked.
"Paranormal expert? No—I don't need a paranormal expert. You know, I can visit my grandmother anytime. How about you just go with me?" I hadn't finished saying my words.
"Later, after our afternoon class?" Kiko interrupted.
"Dude, my father would mock me if he knew."
"Don't be worried man, you're not a child for him to stop, especially that we're not going to do an absurdity. We will just visit your grandmother and we'll go back early."
"Even watching, wonder?" I pushed the key in the doorknob and unlocked the door of my quiet house.
"No-no-no, we'll just visit your grandmother and watch in wonder."
"You better forget it." I pushed the door and went inside. Definitely, it wasn't me who pushed the door, because I nearly stumbled. I don't know when I can learn how to live with an invisible entity.
"Can you please stop being annoying?" I asked.
The door cried out of sadness, and boom! it suddenly exploded like a bomb. F**k! I was almost wedged. Fortunately, I warded off by stepping backward, or else it would be like in a cartoon that my body would be flattened by the door.
Aw... I grasped and tugged at my short, black hair. I'm tired of blaming this absurd ghost who can do nothing in her life as a ghost. Perhaps she was so energetic when she was still alive, and that might be the reason she died (because of haste).
"Please, I'm begging you, leave me alone!" I implored, while lowering my knees to the floor. I could worship this ghost just to leave me alone, and within six days, she didn't really stopped distracting me.
Today is Sunday. I don't have class, and I'm not going to church. Honestly, I'm not going to church anymore since my mother died. God may forgive me, but I'm so indolent about going to church.
Today I feel like I'm not doing anything. I just want to lie on my rumpled bed with a bluish-black pillow. There's something written on it: "Carpe Diem." It took me a month before I could understand that Latin word, which means, "make use of the day."
Certainly, I'm still so exhausted from doing a lot that I couldn't really make use of the day. It was not so good to know that within six days, my invisible enemy was still distracting me.
Let's travel backward. Last night, I felt someone's presence beside me. I didn't know if that really happened or was just a dream because of tiredness. Someone was calling my name. So I searched everywhere, but I found nothing, not even a little ant.
Yesterday, someone was playing the equipment inside the kitchen. Plates, cookers, forks, knives, kitchen appliances, etc. were floating in the air. It was obvious who did it, because nobody was there except me. That day, I was so tired of fixing things. I'm still lucky that my father wasn't aware of what was going on.
On Wednesday night, someone was playing the doorbell. I woke up many times to check who it was, but I saw nothing. I almost looked like a zombie on Thursday morning. There was someone knocking on the main door of my house a million times.
On Tuesday, someone didn't want me to watch my favorite television show. Someone was changing the channel without asking my permission. What a disrespectful entity. My father found me watching in wonder, although it wasn't me who was watching.
Don't you know what happened on Monday night? Someone was removing my blanket, bed sheets, and pillow. Perhaps she didn't want me to sleep. Such a shameless ghost!
Who wouldn't be tired of living with a strenuous entity? Of course, an entity in and of itself. What a funny baby. I almost couldn't believe that what I'd watched on television would happen in real life.
Ezekiel, wake up, wake up. It was your mistake that you were born. If you're just as ugly as a frog, nobody will chase you like this. But even the frog prince became handsome when a girl kissed him. 
There was something that wouldn't leave my mind, about a girl's voice who was calling me by name. I'm not so crazy, but I searched for her everywhere, even in the pocket of my coat. She has a beautiful voice and that was what forced me to search for her, but I found no one.
I should visit my grandmother again. I know that she's the only one who can explain these things. She told me that the ghost doesn't have any bad intentions, but what was happening doesn't really represent the worst thing that someone could experience.
The dust jumped up as I sprang out of my bed. I pulled my blanket and bed sheets, and the dust was scrambling. I didn't know where they came from, but for sure it was caused by me. I could even forget to clean my own bedroom because there are too many tasks waiting for me outside, of course, caused by the bad ghost.
My door made an inexplicable sound. Whether it cried or laughed, the exact same thing happened. It seemed to say something. Perhaps it was just bored of doing nothing but standing there as long as nothing was broken. The man isn't as patient as this antiquated door.
I was moving quickly when I remembered to take it easy. One of my mothers once told me to always remember that the world is huge, and that turned to be my motto, because once a person forgets that he belongs in a huge world, he'll be irritated. She said that I must always think about a person's good deeds rather than their mistakes, so that I couldn't imprison myself in hatred.
That's my mom. She was so good. Unfortunately, everything ended up I tried to comfort myself. I don't know why there are too many things to think about, but why my mother? I mean, I didn't mean it.
You were twirled. My bed sheets, blanket, clothes, trousers, underwear, etcetera, etcetera, were twirling inside the dancing washing machine. I don't need your help. I can wash my own clothes, but it was you who was pursuing me. 
Sometimes, I love pretending to be insane. I'm talking to myself, but that's better than talking with an ant. I didn't know when it started, or it just started, and I don't know when it will end, but finally, laundry time is over.

Book Comment (201)

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    Kin-aik Gersaba



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    Formanes De Guzman Jeanelyn

    Nice story


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    wonderful ❤️


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