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Chapter Five

Miss Chocokate, your conclusion is too far. Instead of saying that, I just keep quiet and observe her expression to see what she will say about the things that I said. She knows that I never lied to her. Not to brag, but I'm a nice boy, especially when I'm having a conversation with those beautiful girls.
I said, "I'm sure, but if you don't believe me, then that's your choice, because it's your life and I'm not a boy who wants to intrude on others' decisions and beliefs."
"Um, can I buy some vinegar first?" Chocokate asked.
There are too many other things to reply to, but why vinegar? Maybe I smell like vinegar, but no. It might be her mother who ordered her to buy vinegar in the store, Missis Saura's store.
"Yup, of course, just buy it there, as many as you want."
Chocokate went towards the store. I thought if she wanted to buy chocolate, because that's what she always buys in the school canteen, but it seems that she prefers sour tastes to sweets.
"Ezekiel, Ezekiel, stop thinking about nonsense things."
The videoke bar is annoying me again. The tone of the loud music is telling me something. I don't know why they are always opening that tavern at whatever period of time.
Eventually, I arrived at the front of my house. People are thronging in the streets again, especially at night, and that might be the reason why our place is dubbed as the "island of witches and wizards" because people seem to be vampires. They will only come out when the dusk starts to show.
I'm so exhausted, though I didn't do anything instead of walking alone or running because of the foolish ghost. I should not think about that thing anymore. She might slap me hard on my face again because I'm taunting her.
My house is still closed, and it only means one thing: that Edward and Messy Sippy aren't here yet. They might be riding in a car currently. Not to brag, but The Baloneys Inn and Bitch Resorts is one of the famous places where tourists frequently visit. My dad is lucky that he currently owns them.
Unfortunately, I had forgotten where I put the key to my house, and it seemed that I would need to wait for my dad before I could enter. The robber version of myself showed up again. There are many ways to enter my house, especially if you're determined.
It's quiet all around me. I can only hear the chattering of small insects that can't be seen. I'm not so indolent that even though I'm still exhausted, I could prepare our dinner before going to bed.
Unfortunately, because of tiredness, I fell in love with a ghost. Nay, I fell asleep on the table inside my kitchen while waiting for the food to be cooked. Aunt Magdalene and Edward, fortunately, arrived just in time. They noticed that there was something in the cookers, because if they didn't—I'm already a ghost now.
When I woke up, I was already inside my bedroom, and I don't know who brought me here. Please don't tell me that it was the ghost. Is it really possible that a ghost could touch someone alive? That's incredible. I'm curious if who slapped me in the face and who swung in the swing by my grandma's house.
Never mind, it's already a quarter after one. I'm all alone, but I don't need anyone right now. I can't fall asleep anymore because of the hither and thither movements of cool air that comes in by the window. I realized that if my blanket was short, I must learn to bend my knees so that I wouldn't feel cold.
The night changes quickly. Before, it was so warm, but currently, it has become cooler. I've been thinking that it would be better if I brought a prostitute into my house, so that someone would cuddle me if I felt cold. I'm not that kind of boy. I don't want to experience a shotgun marriage, because I could lose my whole life if that happened, but you still can't blame me if I want a warm cuddle because of this cold weather that stays longer.
My sleeping door was aroused from a deep slumber when I pulled it. I can't really endure staying with this cool air any longer; therefore, I will just go to the kitchen to boil water and blend coffee.
Perhaps I will sleep again in my classroom during the class because I did not sleep well. Fortunately, my adviser isn't so strict; she's just giving the test if my classmates are all present. That's also the reason why some of my classmates pretend to be absent so our teacher won't give us a test.
A moaning sound again? I'm so curious if every minute my dad and Messy Sippy are doing wonders inside their bedroom, because it seems that they don't feel tired. Certainly, I couldn't blame them, especially now that the weather is cold.
Eventually, my father and his new girlfriend stopped the wonders in their bedroom. I didn't watch them, but I'm sure they fell asleep because of the tiredness and deliciousness.
The water in the electric heater finally boiled. I get the coffee and milk from the container and blend them in my cup. No sugar is stocked, but don't worry because I can drink it without sugar. I don't care if sugar could make my life sweet, because salt can't make it saline.
Without hesitation, I raised my cup and was going to say cheers, but I'm not at a party, so I swallowed my cup of coffee and the coffee in it, though it was still hot. It tasted like magma, but the electricity that floats on the water made me quiver. I was surprised at why I did that thing. Maybe I wasn't thinking about what might happen. I'll never do that again.
It made me wake up from the zombie version of myself. I'm still lucky that the electric current had vanished in my intestines, though I felt like my esophagus burned. It became more painful when I drank a cup of cold water.
You wouldn't believe me, but this is really what life is like on the island of Sequijor. No doubt, it's very warm during the day and very cold during the night because even the hottest water can't endure in my intestines. I don't know if this is still normal or abnormal, but in my mind it's paranormal.
Time flies, as the clock's hand feels tired while pointing at five o'clock in the morning. Perhaps it grew tired of being hung on the wall.
Edward and Messy Sippy had just woken up too. Messy Sippy was just wearing a miniskirt, while my dad was wearing his boxer shorts when they went out of their bedroom.
I don't know what's happening to them. They looked like zombies who were just minding their own steps wherever they went. Perhaps they were tired of doing wonders last night.
"Oh! son, you're already awake. What happened to you yesterday?" Edward asked. "You looked so exhausted that you had forgotten about the food you were cooking."
Dad sounds dubious, but there's only one thing that's certain: he's asking me where I went last night. He sat down on the couch beside me, while Messy Sippy went towards the kitchen and made sure to blend their coffees.
I didn't reply to anything. My father may scold me because I went to my grandma's house without telling him. I also accidentally fell asleep while the cookers were still on. I know that I'm turning seventeen this August, but it's still my father's responsibility if I do something unlawful.
"Why were you lulled there? I'm just asking if where you went or what you did yesterday was." The words totally came out of his lips. "I won't punch you, son, so say something."
I'm going to say the word "something," but I don't want my father to mock me. That's why I didn't. I just looked down at my feet. I know that it's still early to go to school.
"I went to my grandmother's house." I told the truth.
"You went to see your grandmother?" Edward is surprised.
I nodded, as if I was weak because I had not slept well.
"Have you forgotten that your mother told you not to go see your grandmother anymore? Why did you disobey her?"
Edward! Can you stop mentioning her? How can you say that if you left us when I was an ant? He abandoned us just as my mother was about to give birth to me! I'm curious how he knew that my mother didn't want me to see my grandma.
I didn't say anything. My dad couldn't stop me if I wanted to go somewhere, and I didn't want to imprison myself in his house. It's a matter of fact that life is more exciting outdoors than indoors, because the world seems so small inside the house.
Dad might be uncomfortable that he's the only one who's talking, so he stood up and went inside the kitchen. Meanwhile, I went back to my bedroom to get myself prepared for the monotonous trip to school.
In just a thousand blinks of an eye, I'm still not ready to go to school. Something messes with my mind, as if there's something that I've forgotten to bring. I don't know what it is. Perhaps my bed and pillow. Oh, what kind of boy am I to bring those things? That might be the result of having inadequate sleep last night.
I'm hoping that it won't be boring in school later, but I don't want to expect it because my friend Kiko may not be attending class again. Perhaps he's out of jokes that he can't make himself laugh at. If he won't go to school anymore, alas! He'll just put his one year in vain.
I went out of my bedroom and sat on the couch for a while, waiting for something that I didn't know. Messy Sippy and Edward went out of their bedroom too. They are now wearing clothes with collars.
Messy Sippy looked at me and at my dad. "Love, your son is still here. Perhaps we can let him ride with us?" she asked.
Do I want to ride with them? Of course not. They will just make me feel envious. I will sit in the backseat and stare at them like nothing. I should walk, and I can see my crush: she might walk with me, and our hands are holding each other's.
I was going to say no, but a different thing came out of my lips. "A—aw!" I exclaimed. What kind of ghost is this who slapped me again? I will lose my mind if this continues.
"O son! What's happening to you?" Edward asked. "Is there something wrong made you exclaimed?" He looks worried.
I was surprised by what my stepmother saw on his face. I knew it was caused by the ghost who was always following me, but I did not know what to say to them.
I was going to say nothing, but Messy Sippy noticed something and said, "Love, look! On Ezekiel's face, a hand-like bruise?" She sounded interrogative and was curious while looking at me. She also infected my dad.
It was caused by the ghost! But I didn't expect that it would create a hand-like bruise on my face. Fortunately, I'm not so genius, but at times that I need to use my noodles, especially to be not so obvious, I found an excuse.
"Don't worry, Aunt Magdalene, I just slapped my face. You know, I'm still drowsy." I said. It's an irony that I was taken aback by that hand's scourge, and it woke me up to become more energetic and pretend that everything was fine.
"He's just fine, love. We must go now," Edward said.

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    Kin-aik Gersaba



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    Formanes De Guzman Jeanelyn

    Nice story


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    wonderful ❤️


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