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Is Ahrina really serious about what she is saying? Two hours? In the South Woods area, days will last and not just hours or minutes.
“Two hours, Julianna. And when I came out of South Woods, I was carrying different kinds and colors of gemstones, including the red diamond you say.”
“Let's just see, Regalia.”
Ahrina turned to South Woods and took a deep breath. Surprisingly, I didn’t even feel any fear or nervousness from her. More surprisingly, before she could enter South Woods, she smirked. That smile will make your hair stand on end. That smile was even scarier than expulsion.
I looked at his watch. 9:30 when Ahrina entered, so she had to get out before 12.
“There's no such tree in the South Woods,” Julianna began, “so she can't do everything she says. That woman is just bragging.”
“You are mistaken.” We all face Crimson. There was no reaction on her face, and she was just staring at South Woods. Maybe she was following Ahrina's gaze. “Why do you think she would dare enter South Woods if she knew there were no such trees?” Has Crimson been stunned as well? “Regalia knows what she's doing.”
“You too, Crimson?” Marina shouted at him. “You know how dangerous it is inside the South Woods!”
“I know.” When he looked at Marina, the three of us immediately felt scared. It was scary when Crimson looked, but different now. Scarier. “I know how dangerous it is inside the South Woods.”
“In that case, why didn't you stop her earlier, huh?” Lia and I stopped Marina. It's terrible for her to be too angry because he loses control of his magic and ability. She can read the minds of everyone here and use them any way she wants. “Is it because you want him to disappear too? Because—”
“Because I know Regalia better than you do.” W-What? “The three of us know Regalia better than you,” he said and looked back at South Woods again.
I turned to Thoreau and Blake, and they nodded. “What do you mean, Crimson?” Julianna asked. “So, Torren really knows that Regalia?”
“Yes,” Thoreau confirmed. “We know Tantiana better than you do. Because she grew up in the Torrens' mansion.” The eyes of all of us widened, even Julianna. “That's all I can say.”
I sighed. “S-So, you mean….”
Blake nodded at me. “The three of us were also surprised when Tanny came back here. But because we knew what had happened in her life, we just chose to act like we didn't know her. So we also didn't expect her to know all this right away in a moment.” He smiled softly. “Don't be afraid. Arrogant Tanny will be back here in two hours.”
Thoreau laughed. “She never changed, did she? She's still the impulsive yet strategic Tanny that we have.” He patted Blake's shoulder. “I'll just sleep for a while.”
“Me too,” Crimson said and turned to Blake. “Wake us up if she arrives.”
“Okay, noted!”
They are really serious. And I'm sure there's a reason why they didn't even tell us Ahrina's friends.
I turned to South Woods, struggling in case I could hear her, but nothing. I can only hear leaves and birds. Nothing came from Ahrina, even if she took a deep breath.
There’s something wrong with this, I’m sure. I just hope they are right. Hopefully, Ahrina will come back safely and without a single wound.
I'm thankful for the bright moon because somehow, I'm not just relying on my night vision to possibly imitate the Crimson Ul*lens first. He's the only one I know who has night vision, so it's possible that I did that.
Thanks to the lessons and my training, I got ideas on how to control my ability. Maybe it will take weeks or months for the magic, but that's okay. Tito Carob is right. I shouldn’t be rushing things.
I heard a crackle around, so I stopped. To my left, someone in black was standing there. “Who are you? Get out of there.” But suddenly, it disappeared—
Isn't he one of those trying to harm me? It has the same appearance and the same way of vanishing. Sh*t. I have to hurry and find vacant land to plant that jewel tree.
After a few minutes, I found soil, but I did not immediately move to the plant. I could feel three pairs of eyes watching me. “Who are you? I'm not afraid of you, so show up.”
Three crows went to the vacant land opposite me and suddenly changed form. “Ahrina Tantiana Regalia.” He lifted his head, causing me to see his face. My eyes widened at what I saw. I f*cking know him. I can't be wrong. I know him very well. “Are you looking for me?”
“Headmaster Hades.”
He grinned. “That's right. I'm the headmaster of—”
He grinned even more. “What's that again, Ahrina Tantiana Regalia?”
“You're an impostor. Congratulations, because you imitated the look of Headmaster Hades, but you're not the real one. You're just imitating him.” Wow, so much bravery, Ahrina.
He slowly approached. “May I know how you found out I was just a cheater?"
“If you're the real Headmaster Hades, I'll tell you face to face that you're stupid. You won't leave your realm just to take a walk in the South Woods.” Goodness, where the h*ll I got this ton of courage?
He laughed. “You're smart. You really are the woman in the prophecy.”
“Not everything that is said in the prophecy is true. Yes, I am the woman in the prophecy. But that doesn't mean that everything said there will happen in real life. I can prevent or change what will happen.” I smiled. “I can do whatever I want.”
“How good you are, Regalia. Awesome. I like the courage you show. And because of that, I'll give you a chance to ask me anything.”
“You're just an impostor, so why should I believe you?”
He laughed again. Maybe it was also born laughing and not crying. “The impostor is in front of you, Regalia, but I'm in control. You're right, I'd be a fool if I left Dreich just to hang out here in the South Woods, so I use my impostors.”
“What else can I expect?”
“Have you thought about what you will ask of me? You can ask me for anything as a gift because of your displayed courage.”
I like this thing. “Whatever?”
“Who am I really? Who is my father?”
He was silent for a moment and laughed again. “Do you really want me to tell you the truth?” I nodded. “Then, is that all?”
“After you tell me the truth, can you ever leave me alone because I have to do something here. I only promised them two hours.”
The impostor nodded. “All right, Regalia. I'll tell you now too.”
“As a gift, accept my little power,” he added. “Don't worry. After that, I'll leave and never show up to you again.”
“Before you do that, can I find out why?”
“You're the only one who stands out. You just stayed brave in front of me, so I want to give you a gift. Don't worry. Only my power is here, nothing else.”
A small black ball appeared on top of the wooden staff of the impostor. He moved it and then suddenly hit my chest. I didn't feel anything strange except for an electric current that flowed through my whole body, which I thought was normal. “Thanks a lot.” The impostor nodded and then suddenly became three crows again. They flew away and left.
He gave me his power. What does he mean? Will he use me, or does he trust me?
The pendant of my necklace suddenly lightened up. As well as six small gemstones around it. What the hell does this mean? Aunt Calla said that my true magic isn't appearing yet because my pendant isn't shining yet. Now that it has shone, it means my real magic is the evil darkness?
I have to set all of this aside for a while. I promised them that I would be back after two hours, so I needed to do it.
I moved both of my hands, and a tree appeared in front of me. The higher I'm moving my hands, the higher the tree gets. I stopped when it grew taller than the surrounding trees and touched its trunk. Brilliant gemstones appeared on its branches. Nice one, the woman in prophecy.
I created an image in my mind and snapped my hands. Unexpectedly, a sack appeared and fell onto the soil. I took it and started picking up all of the gemstones on the tree. There was a big red gemstone, so I took it and held it tightly.
This is so f*cking heavy.
All of a sudden, it floated beside me. I took a step forward, and it moved. Whoa, I got a telekinesis. This is fun!
“Is the two hours over?”
Everyone looked at me, and their eyes widened. Blake immediately woke up Crimson and Thoreau, who were both sleeping in a corner, by blowing the wind from his palm. As they both woke up, I faced Julianna. “I got out of the South Woods safe and unwounded. I also harvested gemstones for you.”
“I know there isn't any jewel tree, so I decided to create one. And here's what I got, a sack of gemstones for you.” I showed her the red gemstone I was holding. "This is what you're asking for.” I threw it to her, and Julianna caught it properly. The sack went between us and flipped upside down, causing all the gemstones to fall. “I have one favor, Lady Julianna. I've done what you want, so stop. Can you?” She stayed silent for a while. “Thank you.”
I went to Freesia and took my coat and watch from her. “Come on. It's already midnight. We still have class tomorrow.” I started walking as I wore my coat and placed the watch inside the left pocket.
“You lost your mind, Regalia!”
If you think that other people are shouting, you are mistaken. I shout that. Yes, I'm angry with myself. I’ve been too overconfident before. What if Mom or Aunt Calla found out?
“At least you made it.” I confronted Lia. She ran to me and hugged me tightly. “We're worried about you.”
I smiled. “Thank you, Lia.”
Marina spoke. “Good thing you haven't encountered a necromancer.”
“There are.” Their eyes were slightly dilated. “Every time I ask them to come out, they will just vanish. There are many ravens too. What does that mean?”
“It means officials of Dreich are conducting a surveillance,” Freesia answered. “When you see a crow, the Dreich people are scouting around.”
“Do they do that every day?”
Marina shrugged. “That's what we don't know. All we know is that there are only necromancers in the South Woods, so it's dangerous there.”
I just nodded and smiled. “I see. Let's go to sleep?”
Freesia is already sleeping on her bed, so as Lia and Marina. I was the only one left awake. I can't sleep because of the evil magic that Headmaster Hades gave me. To what he told me when I asked him who my father is.
A lot happened while I was in the South Woods, so I can’t help but think of all that. I may seem strong and fearless earlier, but I am afraid of the possibilities very deep inside. I’m just thankful that I got through all of that.
I know that Headmaster Hades is a trickster, so I will go to Mommy at the Chamber of Light tomorrow morning to ask her about what I found out. Oh, I'll go to Crimson first. He knows something about it for sure. If his family knew me, it was impossible for him not to know me. So as Thoreau and Blake.
But when? I can't just appear out of nowhere and tell them, “Hey, I just want to ask you about something.” Too obvious. Who knows? Maybe they said something about me while I was inside the South Woods. It's hard. I might be even more famous.
I looked outside of the window and stared at the full moon. And all of a sudden, a scene played in my mind.
I went back to reality when I tasted salty water. It was my tears. I cried. Gosh, I have to put it to sleep. I'll just find a way tomorrow to talk to the three in private.
I shot a glance to the full moon. The moon shines in the darkness. Whatever happens, I need to be like this magnificent full moon.
“I caught some gossip.” The three of us winced at what Freesia announced. “Girls, come on, this is ridiculous!”
“Continue,” Lia lazily replied as she twirled the pasta around her fork.
“Didn't Ahrina give Julianna a sack of gemstones and a giant red diamond?” We all nodded. “All of that, except for the red diamond, was sold by Julianna. The 70% of the money she gave to the funds of Antheia Capital.”
“The 30%?” Marina asked without enthusiasm.
“She kept it for herself!”
I looked at her. “And?”
“His sister, Jade Sutton, sold the red diamond worth 990 trillion.” Marina was suddenly stunned by what Freesia responded. "The 30% there, she gave to the city government of Antheia and the 20%, here to the Academy. She distributed the remaining 50% to all provinces and cities throughout Demetria."
Wow. “Is she campaigning?” They all burst into laughter at my question. “She's just the successor of Antheia, not a candidate for any monarchial position. How much is that for Julianna?”
“Estimated 290 billion.” I smiled, preventing my laughter while they continued laughing. As expected. Birds of the same feather flock together. Julianna and her sister Jade are both ridiculous.
A sack of gemstones is not equal to a giant red diamond. Now I know.
Jade Sutton shared 495 trillion in all cities and provinces of Demetria. Then, approximately 350 trillion throughout Antheia and the remaining 20% , possibly 250 trillion, in school.
Maybe I should get a red diamond and give 100% to the Chamber of Light. A larger one so the Aurora can receive much more money.
However, I can’t just casually re-enter South Woods just to get a huge red diamond. Maybe the next time I go in there, I’ll be d*mned. I'm just a little thankful for the Headmaster Hades cheater because I'm safe.
I looked at the three of them. “What's your schedule this afternoon?”
“I'm in Witchcraft,” Lia replied.
“General Science,” Marina answered.
“Communications to me.” I nodded to Freesia. “We have the same schedule, but because you need daily training, Sir Collin changed yours.”
Lia looked at me. “Why? Are you going somewhere?”
I nodded. “I'm going to the Chamber of Light. I have something to discuss with Mom.”
Marina and Freesia looked at each other. “She knows what Crimson said?”
“Now that you mentioned it,” the three of them looked at me again, “where can I find that Torren cousins?”
“D-Did you just read Marina's mind?” I nodded to Freesia. She slapped her forehead. “Oh right, ability mimicry.”
Lia nodded and replied, “There are three places here in the school where those three are staying except for their dorm. In the Training Chamber, in the garden where you met Thoreau, and in the garden patio of the Academy.”
I smiled and drank all of my water. “Thank you, girls. I'm leaving.” I immediately stood up and quickly walked out of the Dining Hall. The closest is the Training Chamber, so that's where I'll go first.
Unfortunately, they are not here. I ran next to the garden, and they weren't here either, even their shadows. That leaves me to the last location: the garden patio.
I met butlers, so I asked them. “Uhm, excuse me, did you see where Crimson is?”
“Yes, Lady Ahrina. Lord Crimson is at the garden patio.”
“Alright, thank you.” They both bowed to me, so I did the same, and this time, I ran.
When I opened the door of the Academy, I saw them near the gates. I immediately went out and went to them. Blake, luckily, saw me and immediately patted the two who were sleeping. “You three have something to explain to me.”
Thoreau became wide awake while Crimson showed a lazy expression. “What do you want this time?” The latter asked monotonously.
“We know Tantiana better than you do. Because she grew up in the Torrens' mansion. That's all I can say.” The three of them looked at me. “So you're just pretending you don't know me all this time? What the f*ck is that?”
Blake stood up with eyes widened. “Y-You heard everything?”
I shook my head. “Be thankful because no. But maybe, I've heard enough of Thoreau.”
Thoreau stood up and shook his slacks first before speaking. “Ahrina, it would be better for Aunt Amber to know all this.”
“Fine. But answer this question honestly.” Blake and Thoreau looked at each other. “Who is my father?”
Blake bit his lip and avoided his sight to me. “We’re dead,” he whispered.
Crimson spoke. “If you want to know your past, you better ask your own mom and not us. We only know limited information. We're not even sure if those are exact or just a bluff.” He opened his eyes and met my gaze. “You have a hint on who's your father, so you want confirmation, right? You approached the wrong people.” He stood up and placed his hands inside his slacks' pocket. “Meet me at the Training Chamber if you want to train.”
With what's happening now, I'm really going to train every day.
I faced Blake and Thoreau. “I'm leaving.”
Sir Collin met me halfway, who was also going to Aunt Calla's office, so we went there together. “I have a question, Kuya Collin?”
He chuckled. “Kuya Collin? I prefer Sir Collin than that one.”
“You said I could call you by your name in informal situations! Since you were seven years older than me, I can't address you through your name alone.”
“It's up to you.” Yes! “So, what are you going to ask?”
“Aunt Calla is your mother, isn't she?” He nodded. "Who's your father?”
“Late Headmaster Riverstone Mildred.” He smiled at me. “He was the former headmaster of the Academy. He led here for half of his life.” That's why Uncle Carob is the headmaster. He replaced Sir Collin's father. “He died because of Headmaster Hades.” I stopped walking. He killed Sir Collin's father? But why? “In the Headmaster's desire to take over the entire Academy, he killed my father.”
What else should I expect from that Headmaster? He led Dreich and led the Enchanted War a century ago. He can kill.
“I asked about something too personal.”
Sir Collin chuckled. “It's nothing. It's no big deal.”
When we arrived at Aunt Calla's office, she knocked and opened the door. Aunt Calla smiled as she saw us and stood up. “You and your cousin are together.” She knew that. “Since we will discuss some long topic, you go first, Ahrina.”
I nodded. “I want to go to the Chamber of Light right away if you permit me.”
Aunt Calla and Sir Collin looked at each other. The former nodded and smiled. “Sure. The Academy car will drive you there. I will contact your butlers now.”
“Thank you.”
"By the way, Marina can't read your mind anymore, can she?” I shook. “That's good. All right, you can leave. Wait for—”
“I just have a question.” Sorry, I forgot.
“Go on.”
“What does it mean when this pendant I have lightens?”
Aunt Calla's eyebrows lifted in a split second while Sir Collin cleared his throat. “It means your real magic showed up.”
In other words, my real magic is really the evil darkness, Headmaster Hades’.
F*ck this life I have.
“That's all. Thank you again.” I bowed my head to her a bit and faced Sir Collin. “Thank you too.” I turned my back to them and walked away.
When I got out of the office, four butlers greeted me and accompanied me out of the Academy. One of them opened the car door, and I sat in the backseat. One acted as the driver while the other sat in the shotgun seat. “Let's go now.”
“Yes, Lady Ahrina.”
As we entered the borders of Aurora, I almost forgot all of the hurtful feelings. The whole city is shining and very majestic. From here, I can tell that the white, practically shining castle that we are seeing is the Chamber of Light. It has the flags of Aurora and of Demetria at its top.
As we passed the Aurora highway, everyone around was staring. They can quickly tell that we are from Schiz Academy because a small school flag is at the leftmost corner of the car roof.
A few minutes passed, and we stopped in front of a vast cream-colored gate. Two guards went here. One checked the whole car while the other knocked on the driver's window. “Governess Regalia has no scheduled appointment with someone from Schiz Academy.”
“Please pardon us, but we have Aurora's sole successor here.”
I rolled down the window on my left, causing the guard to go near me, so I showed him my ID and spoke. “I'm Ahrina Tantiana Regalia, daughter of Governess Amberleigh Regalia and sole successor of Aurora.”
“W-We're sorry for the interruption, Lady Ahrina.” He stood up straight, facing the gate. “Open the gates now! Lady Ahrina is here.” He faced me again and bowed.
“Thank you.” I rolled up the window and faced my front.
As the gates opened, the butler reran the car until we reached the main doors of the Chamber of Light. The setback of the Chamber is broader than that of the Academy, also airier and more colorful, so it took us almost five minutes before we reached here at the main doors.
A guard of the main door opened the door for me and was greeted by a woman dressed as a maid. “Welcome to Chamber of Light, Lady Ahrina. We didn't expect you to pay a visit.”
“I just need to discuss with Mom urgently, so I came here in no time.”
“We understand, Lady Ahrina. Shall we go?”
The interiors of the Chamber of Light are in gold and white. Well, obviously from the name. Like Thalia, there are also portraits of former leaders of Aurora on the left side of the hallway, while on the right are all the leaders of the whole of Demetria.
Now that I’m here in Aurora, I suddenly thought of everything going on. I am the sole successor of Aurora, but my magic is evil darkness. He was my father who ruled over the wicked, and Mom who ruled over a city that was very happy and prosperous.
Can I really ask or confirm this thing to Mom? Just because of what happened inside the South Woods.

Book Comment (358)

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    Andrelene Ortega

    I recommend you guys this story it’s very nice and you can gain a lot of knowledge


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    daebak !


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    Angel Padua



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