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I haven't slept all night. Freesia told me not to think about what Crimson Ul*l said. But look, everything that happened echoes in my brain repeatedly. Annoying.
I told Tita Calla about what happened when I shouted yesterday. She said that my magic was slowly coming out, and I needed to prepare for it. The enhanced voice seems to be the call to what happened to me. And mostly, witches have this ability. Only 7% of mages have this ability, while witches have 83%.
I'm not crossbred, am I? Oh, why is my term crossbreed? It should be half-blood. Silly me.
The three of them entered simultaneously, and Freesia told them what had happened to me. Marina and Lia are worried because Crimson Ul*l seems to have tripped me up. Yet they are happy because my ability has come out.
This afternoon, we have control training, and we will all come. We will train together at the whole grade level in the Training Chamber.
As I stared at my desk, a scene suddenly entered my mind. It is me battling with someone with fire magic. I vividly remember using wind and illusionary magic to beat that someone. There are many students around, and a male teacher is standing nearby. The place looks like a dome, and there is nothing to see but the floor, walls, glass walls, a pair of doors, and ceiling lights.
“Ahrina…” I came back to reality when Freesia tapped me on the shoulder. “Are you alright?”
I nodded. “Of course. Why?”
“Our teacher called you earlier. Nine times already.”
I immediately stood up, and all my classmates secretly laughed. “I-I'm sorry, Ma'am.”
“It's class time now, Ms. Regalia. If there's a problem, think about it later. And even if you're Governess Regalia's child, I won't give you consideration.” I know. “Now, this is my question to you. What city of Demetria is considered the Dark City?”
I know this. Freesia told me this on my first day here at the Academy. “Dreich is considered the Dark City of Necromancers. Hence, the said city is already not part of Demetria, so it is also considered the Lone Dark City.”
I answered the teacher's question correctly. But look at me. I was sent out of the classroom. Where am I going now?
“Sh*t.” I immediately backed away to see who I had bumped into. If you look at it, here's this Crimson Ul*l monkey.
“Think about it. You were kicked out of the classroom. Maybe you're not listening.”
I rolled my eyes at him and just passed by. He gripped my wrist again and pinned me to the wall. “Do you have a crush on me?” He raised his left eyebrow. “Yesterday, you did the same to me. Today, this way again. I won't be surprised if you like me.” Ahrina Tantiana Regalia, where the h*ll did I get the confidence to say those words?
He smirked. “Me? Will you like it? Tsk. With a stupid and worthless flat-chested and short woman?”
My eyes widened at what he said. I’m perfectly fine with stupid and worthless but flat-chested and short! “Excuse me, Mr. Crimson Torren, I'm not flat-chested, and I'm not short! It's only natural for men to be tall. Besides, I'm 5'3" tall, so I'm not short because I'm over five feet! Tss!”
I got here in the school garden. I sat across from the fishpond and dipped my finger in the water. The fish approached it and seemed to be tickling my finger, so I dipped my whole hand. “What if I don't have magic? What will happen to me? Will I just be imprisoned here?”
All right, Ahrina, stand for your stupidity.
“But they said no one can get past the portal, so I'm sure I have magic. I just shouted yesterday, yet I broke all the windows. Aunt Calla also told me that my ability slowly reveals itself,” I said to myself. “Earlier, a scene seemed to enter my brain. It was so realistic. I feel like it will happen to me. It's possible because I saw it myself.”
“It’s my first time seeing a woman talking to fish.”
To my surprise, I stood up suddenly and would have shouted when I recognized the man's face. “Thoreau Whistler, right?”
He nodded. “I am, Ms. Regalia.”
“Call me Ahrina. Ms. Regalia is too formal. How long have you been there?”
He nodded again. “I caught you sitting, and I was surprised when you started talking.” Okay…? “By the way, I'm sorry on behalf of Crimson. He just had a hot head yesterday, so that's how he is.”
“No, it's okay. Don't be sorry.”
He looked to the fishes. “Enhanced voice is your ability, isn't it?” I shrugged. “But what you said before, I doubt that's your ability.”
“What do you mean?”
“There are abilities called precognition and retrocognition, common in earth mages. In precognition, the future is seen, while the past is seen in retrocognition. You said before that the scene you saw seems realistic. It’s a sign of precognition.” I have two abilities? “If what you see comes true, precognition is your ability.”
“But how is that possible? I have two abilities?”
He shook his head. “There are no records yet that a magician or supernatural has more than one ability. But there is an ability called ability mimicry. In that case, it seems like this is your ability. You probably sensed a student's enhanced voice ability, and you subconsciously mimicked it. It applies the same as to the precognition.”
I looked to the fishpond. “On my first night here, I saw two people in my dream. Geminid and the other Headmaster Hades was the name. In that scene, Headmaster Hades killed Geminid.”
As his eyes glittered in interest and confusion, he inhaled. “Then there's a higher chance that ability mimicry is yours. You've experienced three abilities, enhanced voice, retrocognition, and precognition.” We both looked at each other. “There's training later in the Training Chamber. That's your chance to find out what you really can do. Mages with ability mimicry are rare. Only 0.01% of the entire population because it's common among sorcerers and sorceresses.” He gave me a smile. “Who knows, you might already be one of that 0.01%.”
I smiled too and nodded. “Thanks. You're kind. Not like your cousin Crimson. The drug addict is even better than him.”
Thoreau let out a laugh. He's cute. “Thanks.” He offered a hand. “Uh, can we be friends, then?”
I nodded and accepted his hand. “Sure. Friends.”
“Ah!” Even though I covered my ears, I could still hear the screams of the three. Not to mention we are still in the Dining Hall. “Oh my god! Seriously?”
I winced at the noise of these women. “Keep your voices down. I'm not deaf for you to shout.”
Lia nodded and sat down. “Ahrina has a point.” Then she looked at me again enthusiastically. “Seriously, Ahrina? Are you friends now?”
“Again and again? Are you all deaf?” I rolled my eyes at them.
Marina giggled. “I'll do what Ahrina did. Maybe Blakey will talk to me!”
Freesia immediately countered, “Ha! Keep dreaming. Like hello, of the three of them, only Thor baby is kind. Your Crimson and Blake are flirtatious like you.” Then she glared at me. “Just a friend, okay?”
I laughed at her tone. “Yes, boss.”
After we ate, we all went to the Training Chamber. The time I stepped inside, I felt different. “Hey, calm down, Ahrina,” Marina said, and I smiled. “You're obviously nervous. I heard your heartbeat.”
“I don't have any magic.” Which appears to be confirmed yet.
“Hello, what did Thoreau baby say to you, my dear Ahrina?” Freesia asked. “This is your chance to show us what you've got. Be proud of what you have, and at least you have.”
Of course. It's better to be like this than nothing.
“I'm nervous!” I shouted, and they laughed. I held my chest and caressed the necklace that Mommy gave me.
Wait. The one I saw before, here is that place. I am sure. This is it. I mean, now what I saw before will happen? But how?
“What did you see earlier?” I immediately looked at Marina. “I'm sorry, I can't help but ask.”
“It's okay.”
“Have you been here, Ahrina?”
I shook my head at Lia's question. “I haven't been here yet. But I know what will happen to me.” They all looked at each other. “He's right. It's possible I have mimicry ability and not enhanced voice.”
“Here in the Training Chamber, there are no restrictions.” I looked to Freesia. “Unlike the whole Academy, the ward here is down. Students are not prohibited from unleashing their power or ability but must not violate any school rules. You must be nervous, Ahrina, but as long as the three of us are here, you won't be d*mned.”
I smiled at them. “Thank you, girls. I love you.”
Lia grinned. “Group hug!” Which we four did. “Freesia, don't turn me to an ice.”
Freesia laughed, “I'm sorry.” We all did the same afterward.
A male teacher went inside the Training Chamber, and all of the students' attention was now on him. “Good afternoon, students. As for the new student, I'm Collin Shallows, Applied Magic Trainor.” I nodded. “So, since everyone is here now, I will start randomly calling for the two students who will compete.”
“He is Collin Shallows, a water mage, and his ability is enhanced vision. He can see things within 20 miles radius, whether as big as a castle or as small as a piece of sand. He is the son of Headmistress Calla and Late Headmaster Ernest Shallows,” Marina explained. “He's also one of the town's crushes other than Torren cousins.” Sh*t, even the teacher.
Marina and Freesia were the first to fight. They are both excellent. Since Marina has telepathy, Freesia will have a hard time. But Freesia's magic is more potent, so Marina will also have a hard time. In the end, Marina won because of her telepathy.
“You two are great. I'm getting even more nervous.” They laughed at me.
“You can do that, Ahrina.” Freesia motivated, and I smiled. “You can do that. Just use your mind.”
“Ahrina Tantiana Regalia.” I felt like I was drenched in cold water imported from Iceland when I heard my name. The three laughed at me and kept on motivating me. “Step here, please.”
You can do it, Ahrina! You can do this!
“Julianna Sutton.” I looked at the three, and they were all surprised.
“Let's go, Julie!”
“No need to support you, girl. You can do that.”
“Beat that transferee, Julie!”
It's her. She's the woman with fire magic.
I looked at the three again, and they all forced a smile to cheer me up. I glanced at Thoreau, and he nodded. I inhaled deeply and went to the right side of the Chamber. Sir Collin remained to his spot and spoke. “Begin.”
Just remember this, Ahrina, what you perceived earlier, do it. Whatever happens, do it.
I was shocked when I suddenly formed two wind tornadoes beside me, yet I confidently moved both of my hands, and the two tornadoes attacked this Sutton girl. Everyone was silent when I overcame her fire magic.
But sh*t, this is difficult. It was as if a rubber mallet was hitting me all over my body every time I move.
I let my imagination do what it wants, even if it is physically challenging for me. I even got a burn on my left leg, but I ignored that because I had to win. I have to show that I am Ahrina Tantiana Regalia, the daughter of the governess of Aurora. I don’t care if they address me as prideful.
Suddenly, she made a massive fireball with a smirk on her twin lips. This time, I knew I had no fight. My arm is already bleeding.
I looked to Thoreau for the last time, and he mouthed, “Do what you see.” I took a deep inhale and closed my eyes for a while.
D*mn it! I need Lia's illusionary magic!
Everything happened so fast. I just saw that Julianna was writhing in pain now, and there were tree branches around her leg and arm. She burned all of this and created another fireball again. I thought it'll hit me, but it turned into water.
Am I now doing Lia's illusionary magic?
Julianna moved her hands, and lots of small fireballs were created. I remained still and just felt my hands moving on their own. The fireballs all fell down as snowballs, and her face is just…unexplainable.
"How the h*ll…." My left hand moved from the side to my front, and I realized that I was absorbing the oxygen from her body.
She managed to create a fire, and it crawled to me. Sh*t, stop aiming for my legs! I know my legs are beautiful but not there! My right hand moved to its own, blowing away the fire in her direction. My left hand stopped absorbing, and a slight movement caused her to smash into the wall. She fell to the floor unconsciously.
I was dizzy back to reality, and I didn’t hear anything. The whole class was all silent about what had happened. I also felt more pain from my wounds and the burns. Sh*t, woman, this will make me angry with Mommy. She still doesn't want me to get hurt. Even mosquito or ant bites.
I tasted the blood in my mouth, but I didn’t panic. The blood is so delicious. I also felt blood dripping from my mouth, but I could not move properly. I took a few more breaths before I fainted.
I woke up feeling hungry. Yes, I am hungry. Lia was the first I saw when I woke up. “Ahrina!” She immediately hugged me tightly and made me feel sick. “I'm sorry.”
“Sh*t, is she awake?” Freesia blurted out. “Ahrina, oh my god!”
Lia helped me sit up, and they immediately hugged me. “Come on, it hurts.”
“Oh my god. You're awake!”
“Why?” I looked around. “Where am I?”
“You're in the Academy hospital,” Marina answered. “You lost consciousness after you beat that Julianna."
Freesia nodded excitedly. “Yes! You know you were so good yesterday!”
“Wait, yesterday?”
Lia laughed. “You slept for 30 hours.” She took out her phone and showed me the time and date. 30 hours. Suppose I count. “Seriously, you're great, Ahrina. I didn't expect you to use illusionary magic.”
Freesia added, “Headmistress talked to us. Thoreau baby is with us. Headmistress confirmed Thoreau baby's claim that you have mimicry ability. And congrats! You're already a wind mage! You're more potent than the three of us!”
“Why?” Does that mean that I am a wind mage, more substantial than them? Yesterday was just a piece of luck. Thanks to that scene.
Marina frowned. “If you weren't just chopped up, I’ll hit you. Duh, wind control is elemental magic. Freesia's subtype, mine is decorative, Lia's technical. You're already one of the high-ranking mages here at the Academy!”
“Yup!” Lia agreed. “Not to mention, the numbers of the mages having ability mimicry increased!”
They let me shower in our dorm, and we went to the Dining Hall. We're still up for dinner. As we entered the Dining Hall, all eyes were on me.
“That's her.”
“One of the high-ranking mages.”
“He's really Governess Regalia's daughter.”
“What did she do yesterday?”
“I heard she can mimic other abilities.”
“Weh? She's one of the 0.01%?”
“Everyone admires you. Except for Julianna’s group,” Freesia stated. “Expect it, Ahrina. You're the only one who beat Julianna.”
“Huh?” The three nodded. “Why? I mean, what? Ah no, why is that?”
“Julianna Sutton is the best mage in the entire Academy. She's the top-ranking female mage because of her fire magic and geo-thermokinesis ability. This means Julianna can control volcanoes, lava, and magmas. Everything she fights becomes ash. You just don't,” Lia explained.
“Because you imitated Lia's ability,” Freesia added. “You subjected Julianna to illusionary magic, so you controlled her.”
Marina laughed. “We all watched silently. Because only witches have illusionary magic. Nothing else.” She sipped her orange juice. “When your fight ended, Thoreau and Sir Collin talked there. Sir also announced there that it's most possibly that you have ability mimicry.”
“We almost didn't even know you before,” Freesia stated, laughing. “Awful. We saw Lia in you, minus the wings and floating effect. The gesture of your hand, you're just like Lia. You're really cool, Ahrina. I'm a fan of yours.”
Suddenly, a plate of pasta was about to be thrown on the table, but it floated. Our eyes widened again at what had happened. I looked at who would have thrown it, and it was Julianna. “It's not like you beat me, Regalia. Remember, you're new here.”
I looked at the floating upside-down spaghetti. It suddenly followed Julianna and poured onto her head which surprised us all.
Marina looked at me. “I'm doing nothing.” Nothing really!
A butler approached me and said I was called to Sir Collin's office. I said goodbye to the three and went with the butler. Sir Collin glanced to the butler as we entered his office and nodded. The butler bowed his head and stepped to the side to give way to me. “Thanks,” I said to the butler, and he nodded. I stepped inside, and the butler closed the door.
I stood a meter away from Sir Collin's desk and bowed. “You'll start your own training, Ahrina. And Crimson is your partner.”
“Huh?” He smiled a little. “Oh, I'm sorry, Sir. But why him? Why Freesia can't, Sir Collin?”
“Ms. Davis has subtype magic while Mr. Torren has elemental magic just like you. Also, Crimson is the most potent male mage in the entire Academy. If you managed to defeat the strongest female mage, I'm sure you can handle your training with Crimson.”
“Again, the other day, the people of Thalia have invited all the students of the Academy to visit there. Prepare yourself, Ms. Regalia. You will face another battle.”
“Thalia? We're all going to Thalia?” Lia asked excitedly, and she jumped as I nodded. “Yes! I can go home for a while too!”
“Where is Thalia?” I asked them.
Lia answered my question, “Thalia is a province here in Demetria, where witches and warlocks live. Every year, all the students of Schiz Academy go there, and they all take a test that we witches and warlocks made.”
Freesia lazily frowned. “Don't be too harsh, Lia, please. You probably remember what happened to me last year.” Marina and Lia laughed all of a sudden. Freesia turned to me. “Because of my fear, I turned all witches and warlocks into ice.” I laughed at what she said, and she just frowned. “Tss. I'm out.”
I have a feeling that this trip to Thalia will be a h*ll.

Book Comment (359)

  • avatar
    Andrelene Ortega

    I recommend you guys this story it’s very nice and you can gain a lot of knowledge


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    Jovhen E Alcantara

    what i do?


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    daebak !


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