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Mystic Princess (English Version)

Mystic Princess (English Version)



“Mom, are you serious about this? No garlic?”
After the accident that occurred to me last week, Mom decided to leave our house. And yes, all of a sudden.“Ahrina, we will go back to where we used to live, and you will go to school near there.” She patted my head and closed the compartment. “Let's go.”
I sat in the passenger seat while Mom sat in the driver's seat. As we buckled on the seatbelt, she immediately started the car. I just looked in the side mirror to see the house.
What happened to me last week was very scary and traumatic. Four men wearing long black cloaks were supposed to kidnap me. Fortunately, I was able to scream right away, and Mom hurried to see what was going on with me. The genuine scary part is that four men vanished suddenly like a bubble that just burst.
“Huh?” Suddenly Mom turned the car into the woods. He just nodded, and I just looked out the window again. Don't you say we live in the middle of the forest? I think that's too strange.
“Mom, is it still far?”
“We're close.”
“That's the fourth time you told me the same answer.”
“Because you only ask the same question.” Point taken.
I kept asking Mom due to the feeling that we were in a different country. Because, goodness, we are still in the middle of the jungle! I honestly trust Mom because she has a strong sense of direction, so we can’t be lost. If I'm alone, it's normal and should be already expected.
“Here we are.”
Right after she said three words, I felt something strange. I don’t know, but I felt something weird. I suddenly felt heavier, and I could hear my heartbeat. Sh*t, where are we?
A few seconds and a field of dandelions welcomed us. Wow. It was like I was in a paradise. There are also glowing insects on every flower, and I felt like I wanted to open the window. “Mom, can I open the window?”
I pressed the button, and the window rolled down. Wow, the fresh air here. Not like in our area. I took out my hand, and there were insects perched on it as if they were tickling me. But where are we?
Mom turned the car to the left, and a large wall I saw through the car's windshield. Stone brick walls are d*mn high and have a large metal gate in the middle. The logo is different on the two sides, which amazed me.
We were close, and I thought Mom would come down to call the guard or something, but the gate opened automatically. And there I saw a large castle. The walls are made of stone bricks. Not to mention, it’s too huge! There is also a garden around and a large fountain in the middle. It has crystal clear water.
Mom stopped the car in front of a high staircase, and when I came out, I saw that the big gates were closed. I went to the fountain and saw there were small creatures there. They are like tiny mermaids. They all looked at me and formed a circle, so I dipped my hand, and they suck to it. “It’s tickling me...”
“Ahrina, come here!”
“Okay!” I looked again at the little mermaids. “Bye-bye, cute mermaids.” They seemed to understand what I said, so they moved away from there. As I walked away from the fountain, I smelled the water, and it just smelled so sh*t! Like a Chanel perfume!
I approached Mommy, and I noticed a beautiful woman and ten butlers carrying…my belongings!
“She's beautiful, Amber!” Does he know Mom? “She looks like your twin. I'm truly amazed.” They both laughed, and the woman looked at me. “Oh, by the way, I'm Calla Mildred, headmistress of the Schiz Academy.” Schiz? Nice yet strange name.
“I am Ahrina Tantiana Regalia,” I introduced myself. “Pleased to meet you, Headmistress Mildred.”
“Address me as Aunt Calla in informal situations.”
“Alright, Aunt Calla.”
Mom patted my shoulder, so I turned to her, and she caressed my hair. “So, my daughter, you're going to study here now. Your Aunt Calla will take care of you while I'm at work, okay?” Huh? Is Mommy serious? “Aunt Calla will protect you, and I will call to check on you every week.”
“Why every week?”
“That's part of the school's security protocol, Ahrina.”
Tita Calla spoke before the drama could enter the scene. “Amber, the Chamber might be looking for you already.” Chamber?
“Of course. We have a meeting today.” Mom kissed my forehead and smiled. “Good luck with your studies. Call your Tita Calla if you need anything. I have to go now.”
“Take care, Mom. I love you.”
“I love you too, Ahrina. Be careful too.” Before she could leave, she gave me a necklace. “Wear it always. Bye, my daughter.”
I watched her go inside her car and drive out of the school's high walls. I already wore the necklace with the purple gemstone pendant. It has a teardrop shape and small gems around it that are yellow, green, blue, white, black, and red. I’m not a jewelry analyst, but I’m sure these yellow, green, blue, white, black, and red gems are authentic diamonds.
“Let's go?” I smiled at Tita Calla, and we went inside the school. “So, welcome to the Schiz Academy, Ahrina.”
Is this really a school? This building is more of a royal castle than a school. With its strange exterior and interior screaming elegance, royalty, and power, I can't believe this is a freaking school. The golden chandeliers illuminate the magnificent hallway filled with Corinthian columns and marble tiles, and there are portraits on the walls.
We stopped in the middle of the field, causing my beautiful eyes to see how grand and wide the school was. This godd*mn academy has its own not-so-big mall, two dormitories, stadium, and an extensive setback.
“Let's go to your dormmates. Don't worry. I entrusted you to the sanest crackhead girls of the academy.” Sane crackheads?
The dormitory is actually like a small cream-colored castle. There is a very cozy lounge, a large chandelier in the middle, and a grand staircase. We went upstairs and went to the third floor.
I feel like I'm a princess here! This is a dream come true!
A butler knocked at the wooden door with the signage 'Room 3025', and a young girl opened the door. He's just my age. She immediately smiled and bowed her head. “Good morning, Headmistress Mildred!” She diverted her sight to me and smiled. “Oh, hi! She's our new dormmate, Headmistress?”
“Yes, Ms. Davis.” Aunt Calla looked at me and smiled. “So, I'll leave you here, Ahrina. They will take care of you and call me using the room telephone if you need anything.”
“How about Mom?” I'm sorry, I'm used to always being with my mother.
“She'll call me before she can call you. It's part of the security protocols of Schiz Academy to further protect the young magicians like you.” Wait. Young magicians? Am I dreaming or what? “You'll learn by the time you start taking classes. Your schedule is the same as to Ms. Davis to accompany you every time.”
“Thanks, Headmistress.”
“Go inside now.” I just nodded and bowed in a show of respect. The butlers went out of the room, so I entered, and the woman closed the door.
The dormitory room looks very fancy and spacious as well. There are three doors, a small kitchen, and a small living room. Oh, I like that flat-screen TV. The question is, is there wifi here?
“Marina! Lia!” She bombarded one door and went inside it. “Our new dormmate is here!”
"Our new dormmate is already here!" Now, I understand why sane crackheads. “Turn down the volume of your music!”
Three girls went out of that room and looked at me. “Wow! Freesia, is the angel in front of us now?” Don't be like that. I am aware that I am gorgeous.
“Wait, she's familiar.” Huh?
“Have a seat!” The girl who opened the door offered to sit on the single-seater sofa while they were at the long one. “What's your name? And what's your magic? And what's your ability as well?”
“I'm Ahrina Tantiana Regalia. And magic? I don't know what you are saying.” Magic and ability? Those are mentioned in fantasies — wait. Wait. I will calm down first.
Mommy, in what kind of world did you bring me?
“She has no idea where she is now.” Mindreader! “By the way, I'm Lia Edwards. I'm a winged witch specializing in illusionary magic.” Winged witch? Illusionary magic? Mommy, to what continent of the world did you take me?
“I'm Freesia Davis, an ice mage, and I can hear up to ten miles.” Ice mage? Can she make ice cream?
“Last but not the least, Marina Copeland, and I'm a floral mage, so not that important.” The two kicked him, but she just laughed. So…what's that? “I'm a floral mage, and I'm one of those magicians assigned to maintain the lively nature of the entire Magic World.”
Mom and I are in the Magic World! Am I under the influence of drugs or inhaling the flatulence of our neighbors?
“But of course, I have this telepathy as my ability, so I'm pretty high rank like them. And yes, you're in the Magic World.” Scary. “I know.”
“Regalia!” Lia exclaimed. “That's why she's familiar. You're the daughter of Governess Amberleigh Regalia?”
I nodded. “What do you mean by governess?”
Marina shrugged. “She doesn't know about Magic World. You explain to her.”
“Perks.” She glared at Lia, and they laughed. Lia turned to me and began explaining.
Magic World consists of eight countries: Avenditia, Townland, Malifent, Svien, Enchantrie, Launa, Bourgland, and Demetria. The country where we are is Demetria, and it has six large cities and one dark city removed from the country map. The six cities are Pireia, Hesperia, Cidae, Nyneve, Aurora, and the capital Antheia. Antheia is the largest city, and it is announced as the capital for two reasons — first, the first great divine mage Geminid Schiz was born and died here, and second, it is the center of the country, which makes the transport to the neighbor cities easier.
The Demetria has a monarchial method of government, absolute monarchy to be exact. The country's leader is King Malachi and Queen Rosewell, while the city's leader is Governor Sutton.
A unitarian conference was made after the Enchanted War happened a millennium before. The Committee of Peace and Power members are the leaders of each city and the leaders of the Schiz Academy. Freesia mentioned names: Headmistress Calla Mildred, Headmaster Carob Mildred, Sir Collin Shallows — the academy's applied magic trainor, Governess Amberleigh Regalia- my Mom, and Governor Sutton of Antheia.
The one city removed from the country's map is the dark city of necromancers, Dreich. And it's because they are removed from the country now that the monarchial government has no power over them. That's why they have their own monarchy. The Dreich's leader is Headmaster Hades, a mage who uses dark magic — particularly soul extracting magic.
Now, the Schiz Academy was built right after the Committee was formed, and the academy's main objective was to teach the young mages, witches or warlocks, and sorcerers and sorceresses to prevent an accident that would cause public panicking and destruction of infrastructures. Another clap clap.
“So come on! We'll tour you around the whole Academy!” Dear feet, good luck.
We left the dorm, and I appreciated the fanciness of the dorm even more. After we left, we started touring from the mall and stadium to the spacious garden of the Academy.
But there was one part of the Academy that we would never try to enter, the South Woods. According to telltale stories, all those who entered the forest have not been able to return yet. Some are saying that they are probably being arrested by necromancers.
“Obviously, you're from the world of humans,” Freesia said to me and pointed to my dress.
I’m wearing a white ruffled blouse and black ripped skinnies now, and I dyed it with a pair of white sneaks. I'm just wearing casual, and the four of us are wearing the same jeans.
We hung out here in the garden, and I watched the koi in the big fishpond. There are different types and colors of fish here. And they have their own falls.
After touring the entire Academy, we headed straight to the Dining Hall of the Academy. As we entered, there were already a lot of students there. In fairness, the Dining Hall has a fancy interior.
The Dining Hall is buffet-style, so we lined up to grab a meal. Fortunately, the food here is the same as ours. We sat down at a four-seater table and started eating.
“Mom — I mean Governess Regalia, what's her magic?” I suddenly thought, if Mommy has a power like them, why don’t I?
Marina answered, “Governess Regalia is a light mage, and her ability is summoning, one of the strongest abilities. She can make an object, animal, mage, witch, warlock, sorcerer, or sorceress. And I don't believe you don't have magic.”
“Because you can’t step on it if you’re just a normal person,” Freesia added. “From the Secret Portal, you will be blocked, and only Governess Regalia can enter.”
Lia glanced at me. “And when you didn’t successfully pass through, but you insist, two things might happen. Either people will find out about the Secret Portal, or the scattered necromancers will get you.”
I mean, do I have power? But why don’t I know? Why can't I feel it? Maybe my senses are already malfunctioning? Or possibly my brain already.
“That's for you to find out, Ahrina.” Marina smiled at me, so as I.
Freesia drank her water and spoke, “There are six elemental gems created by Geminid. The water, air, nature, fire, light, and holy darkness. The six cities of Demetria symbolize the six elemental gems, and the capital city of Antheia is blessed with the nature gem. Aurora with the light gem, Hesperia with holy darkness, Piriea with fire gem, Cidae with water gem, and Nyneve with wind or air gem. Dreich being the cursed darkness city, is announced as the Magic World's enemy and is located in the southmost part of the country.”
Lia nodded. “They pioneered the Enchanted War a millennium ago, and all the souls of every mage, witch, and sorcerer who died in that battle are in them, so you can also say they are strong.”
“Every mage, witch, and sorcerers also have rankings, but I will prioritize the mage,” Freesia explained. “There are four rankings is Demetria. The decorative, technical, elemental sub-types and elemental mages. In the decorative type, Marina is an example. They are mainly in charge of maintaining the beauty and order of the surroundings. Technical types are like Lia, and yes, witches, warlocks, sorcerers, and sorceresses fall in this category. Elemental sub-types are like me. Ice, hurricane, tornado, quakes, hail, and storms fall in this one. And the elemental mages are the most powerful, and their magics are the six elemental gems.”
“But there is one magic type that only found once, and it's Geminid Schiz's magic,” Marina added. “The divine type. Divine magic is the most powerful magic in the whole Magic World. It can duplicate, build, modify, multiply, decrease, or kill the magic. Geminid has this kind of magic. She led the Enchanted War, yet she also died because Headmaster Hades used the forbidden spell. But if you think that Geminid's soul is at the Dreich, no.”
“According to some books, Geminid's soul ascended, but her magic power descended to her granddaughter. But unfortunately, nobody knows who's her daughter and granddaughter.” Eh? “Yup.”
Freesia wiped her mouth using the tissue after she ate. “We have a long day tomorrow, so let's rest now.”
We went back to our dorm, and I was arranging my clothes inside a royal-styled wardrobe with glass doors. There’s a pair of uniforms there, and I’m sure that’s the Schiz Academy uniform.
I cleaned my body and wore a pair of blue pajamas. There are two beds here in Freesia and I's room, and I lay here on the vacant bed on the right. "Good night, Ahrina."
“Good night too, Freesia.”
“Geminid ...”
“Why? Why are you still, Hades? You're still the one I trust the most?”
“I'm sorry, Geminid, but it's not my fault if you cheated.”
“Hades, please, stop this fight. Please.”
“I'm sorry, Geminid. I need your power.”
“You can't take my power, Hades! I will give it to my granddaughter!”
“In that case, I will kill her….”
“Hades, I don't want to do this, but you're no longer doing it. I'm sorry, but I have to kill you.”
I woke up immediately and saw the three of them next to me. What's that? What kind of dream is that?
I was surprised when Freesia rubbed my cheek, and when I touched it, I was crying. But why? Why would I cry? Also, why did I dream of Geminid and Hades? What am I to them?
“Are you okay? We woke up because Marina said you had bad dreams.”
“Why are you sorry? You want me to punch you?”
“Well, I disturbed your sleep — Ah!” Lia's kick hurts.
“If any of us should be sorry,” she immediately glared at Marina, “it's Marina. She woke us up and not you.”
“Then, why did you hit me!" It wasn't my fault, but I was kicked!
Lia grinned. “Nothing.”
“Wow! Suits you very well!” Oh well, thank you!
Schiz Academy's uniform is very magical yet strange. A black close-collared long sleeve buttoned blouse, black and red checkered pleated mini-skirt, red lavallière, and black flowy waist-length cape.
It's a good thing I brought all my shoes, so I wore black suede chunky-heeled pumps for a pretty suit with black mid-length socks. And also, the uniform goes with a black beret.
The uniqueness of their uniform.
I'll rate this 10.
“Let's go!”
I grabbed my black satchel bag, and Freesia and I left the room. We caught up with the two who had just come out of their room, and they both looked at me. “Wow, looks good on you, Ahrina.”
We left the dorm and mingled with others like them. When we got to the campus hallway, the others looked at me. Or should I say, everyone?
“So, because you’re the new face here, expect that you'll be the talk of the town,” Freesia said. “Don't worry. Some are harmless.” Some, huh?
We went to a classroom and were greeted by noisy students. If you count everyone inside with me, we are all thirty-three. I have more classmates here than in my previous school.
“Who's that?”
“She looks good wearing our uniform.”
“What is her magic and ability?”
“Maybe gardening.”
I sat in the vacant seat next to Marina and stared while waiting for our teacher. Our teacher came in a few seconds, and we greeted him. “Where's the new student?” I raised my hand shyly. “Please introduce yourself.”
I looked at Freesia, and she nodded. “Just be there to introduce yourself.’ I nodded and stood up. “Go, Ahrina!” the three whispered.
I faced everyone and spoke. “H-Hi everyone. I'm Ahrina Tantiana Regalia, and n-nice to meet you all.” Okay, even though I'm so rude to talk, I'm also ashamed.
“Thank you, Ms. Regalia. Are there any questions for her?” Seconds passed, and no one intended to speak. I was about to sit down when our teacher called one of my classmates. “Yes, Ms. Leona?”
“She didn't mention her magic and ability, so what does she have?” Shush, that’s none of your concern.
The teacher smiled. “What do you think?”
Then she let out a sinister chuckle. If I were one of the judges, it would have passed the auditions of the mental institution. “A lame one? The decorative?”
Freesia immediately stopped Marina from standing up and whispered to her something. Others laughed a little as well. Okay, on my first day, I was bullied right away. Maybe when I mock you, you’ll cry to your parents.
“Class, class, stop that. It's not right to mock your classmate in the way of degrading her.” The teacher looked at me. “You may sit down, Ms. Regalia.” I nodded, and he asked me again. “By the way, your surname is familiar. Are you related to Governess Amberleigh Regalia?”
I nodded shyly. “She's my mom.” Everyone gasped, and some even whispered.
The teacher nodded. “Hmm, I see. By the way, I'm Corentin Argus. Students address me as Sir Coren.”
He began teaching, and I immediately saw the difference between the subjects taught here and on Earth. Yes, History is currently being conducted. But History of the Magic World. And h*ll, the difficulty’s o the fourth power.
Lunch is over, and we are here again in the Dining Hall. I’ve been rumored here as well because first, I’m just new, second, I’m the son of the Governess of Aurora, and third, I don’t have magic.
Suddenly the topic of the students changed when the door opened, and three men entered. They are also wearing Schiz Academy uniforms, so I am sure they are studying here.
“OMG! Crimson's really hot!”
“Oh my god. Am I dreaming, or I can actually see my baby Blakey!”
“Thoreau, baby! Hit me with the lightning of your love!”
“Those are Crimson Torren, Blake Finley, and Thoreau Whistler.” I looked at Marina. “Crimson Torren, he's the top ranking of all the male magicians in the entire Academy, and he's a darkness mage. His ability is night vision that he inherited from his mother, the vice governess of Hesperia.” I nodded. “Blake Finley, he's a wind mage, and his ability is smoke generation. Lastly, Thoreau Whistler. From his name, he's a lightning mage, and his ability is teleportation.”
“They’re all cousins,” Lia added. “They all live in Hesperia, and like you, they're Royalty too.” I nodded again. “Of the three of them, Crimson is the most feared. He's a rulebreaker but reliable during the fight. All women, he's the ideal guy.”
Freesia smirked and gazed at Marina. “Marina, he might melt.”
We all laughed as Marina hit Freesia. “Heh! Just tell us that you already love Thoreau.”
After lunch, we went to our respective classes. That happened again, as usual.
Our last class was over, and I was about to leave the room with Freesia when someone grabbed my wrist and pushed me against the wall. Crimson's dark eyes are staring intently at mine. “Out, everyone!” Okay, what the heck is happening?
“Crimson!” Freesia yelled, horrified. “Crimson, spare Ahrina! She's new here.”
“Bro…” Blake murmured. “Bro, come on.”
Ul*l ignored their pleads and slit his eyes to me. “You, Regalia, tell me. How did you get here when you have no power?” Why is it asking me? Why not Mommy? “You won't answer Regalia?”
“I don't know, okay? I don't understand why my mother brought me here. You're the son of the governor, and vice governess of Hesperia, aren't you? Why don't you use that to talk to mommy there in the Chamber whatever in Aurora? I'm just obeying my mother, Crimson, so I shouldn't be the one you're asking like that.”
He flashed a devilish smirk. “You know who I am.” Isn't it obvious yet? “Maybe you also know that I'm the most feared here at the Academy.”
I can't help but roll my eyes. “I'm not stupid, so I know that. I don't have magic, but I'm not stupid.”
“Ahrina!” Freesia yelled. Oh yeah, that's my name.
Ul*l smiled even more. “I like your attitude.” Thank you. “Aren't you stupid? Who are you fooling, Regalia? You've been fooling yourself from the moment you set foot here in the Magic World.” No one is asking.
“I said I am not stupid!” My eyes widened when all of the windows broke and made a loud sound. I look at Freesia, and she is completely frozen. Huh?
“Bro, let's go,” Thoreau warned. “Crimson.”
Ul*l recovered from the shock and smirked again. “You have no magic.”
“What do you really want, Crimson Torren?” I blurted out. I have no idea what will happen. I just want to go back to our dorm! Or better yet, in our home on Earth! “I'm not wasting time for trivial things, Crimson Torren. If you want to tell me something, say it now!”
“I just want to say that,” he went closer as he whispered to my ears, “this isn't the right place for worthless people like you. You're royalty, but you're a brain dwarf. Stupid automaton.”
Before I could speak, he vanished with his cousins. I looked at Freesia. She inhaled deeply and patted my shoulder. “Just don't think that all this happened. And don't believe everything he said. He just couldn't do anything, so you're the one he planned.”
What a bad first day! Bwisit kasi yung Crimson Ul*l na yun! The nickname ul*l belongs to him! He's like an unvaccinated street dog, his manners and looks!

Book Comment (359)

  • avatar
    Andrelene Ortega

    I recommend you guys this story it’s very nice and you can gain a lot of knowledge


  • avatar
    Jovhen E Alcantara

    what i do?


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    daebak !


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