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Chapter 5: Misunderstanding

Letisha's POV
I cried when Caleix finally disappear from my sight. I didn't mean to say those words and tried to get it back but Caleix suddenly step out and leave me there.
I am so stupid as fuck
Mikakeale came into my room and I asked her why she suddenly came, she explain that Caleix call her and ask if she could come here.
I don't have the appetite to eat my dinner. I check my phone but no one called. So I just stared at the ceiling. I am hoping that if got out of this hospital everything will be alright.
I wake up when I feel someone go inside I excitedly open my eyes that I thought I would see Caleix but to find out that one of the nurses came to check me. I felt sad after the nurse is done checking me. The doctor came and told Mikakeale that I could go home now.
Mikakeale drove me home and prepare something for me to eat. After she takes care of me I let her go home. After all, she also needs to rest cause she is pregnant.
I feel lonely and blank. I was waiting for Caleix to go home but he doesn't show up. When it is time for lunch I cook some food for myself to eat. We were so childish. I decided to text Caleix saying that I am so sorry for what I acted. He doesn't reply so I turned off the phone and just open my laptop.
Buong maghapon akong nakababad sa pagtratrabaho kahit nasa bahay ako. Ayaw kong mabawasan yung oras ko sa pagtratrabaho. Nung nasa gitna na ako ng pagtatype ay may biglang tumawag sa phone ko. Dali dali kong sinagot iyon na nagbabasakaling si Caleix ito pero si Mikakeale lang pala.
"Hello, Lesh?" Mikakeale said when I answered her call
"Yes," I answered with a bored tone.
"Where on our way to your house," she said panicking.
"Why?" I coldly said.
"Cause Caleix came to our house, he's very drunk and he is crying" she continued.
"Where is he?"  I asked worriedly.
"He is with us, we will bring him to you," She said still in panic.
"Okay, I'll wait"  I replied.
I closed my laptop and immediately run downstairs with my phone. I walk back and forth until I can see the car of Mikakeale outside our house. The guards immediately open the gate for them to enter.
"Lesh tell me did you argue?" Mikakeale asked when Neiro brought Caleix into our room.
"Yes," I honestly answer.
"When and why?" she said with a concerned look.
"It's a very long story," I said to stop her from asking. I don't want to make her worry.
"Whatever your problem is just fix it first. I think the both of you need to talk, we will leave now to give you some moment" she said and Neiro came back.
"Okay thanks for today," I said. Mikakeale smiled and I wave goodbye.
"Welcome and fix it," she said and enter their car.
When they started the engine of the car and Neiro started driving. I follow my gaze to the back of their car. When they finally disappeared I quickly go back to our room and found Caleix peacefully sleeping. I sit beside Caleix and touch his cheeks.
"Sorry if I said those words, I didn't mean it. I am just upset at you that time. I am sorry, I am so stupid at that time. I blamed you even though it is my mistake. I am so sorry if I don't have time for you. I felt so useless. Just tell me if you don't want to be with me anymore and I will let you go" I said to Caleix while tears started to go down.
I leave Caleix in our room and decided to cook food for our dinner. It took an hour until I finish cooking. I got back to our room and finally, Caleix woke up.
"Go downstairs and eat dinner," I said coldly.
"I am not hungry," he said while staring at me.
"But Mikakeale said you didn't eat lunch," I said facing him.
"I will not if you will not eat with me," he said still staring at me.
"Okay I'll eat with you," I said just to make him better.
We both head to the kitchen where the food is set on the table. He grab a chair, I thought he will sit there but he waited for me and guide me to sit down on that chair.
I feel awkward when he does that. He also sits on his own. We started eating but no one break the silence between us.
While we are in the middle of eating Caleix suddenly breaks the silence.
"Mhmm, I am so sorry for what happened last time. I swear I didn't mean to leave you there. I am very sorry"  he started.
"Just tell me your reasons why you have to leave me at that time in the resort and you didn't go home. You even told Mikakeale that you have an important business to attend but when I got back to the company your assistant didn't know where you are at." I said coldly.
"I immediately leave when my childhood friend was confined in the hospital and I need to take care of her. She won't have a family to take care of her, so she needs me," he explained looking directly at me.
"And she is now okay. Now that you hear my side can I also hear yours?" he continues.
"When I got back here I thought you are at home but you were not around, so I decided to find you at the company. I waited until midnight but you didn't come home. I forget to eat cause I am very much worried about you. I called you many times but you keep ignoring my calls. I texted you but you didn't reply." I explained.
"My phone was lost when I am at my childhood friend Adelaine," he exclaimed.
"Okay," I agree.
"Would you forgive me?" he asked while trying to stand up and go to my side.
"Now that I hear your side I'll forgive you but promise me that you won't make the same mistake again. Also, I am so sorry for what I said a while ago it's just that I am disappointed in you" I sincerely said while looking up at him.
"Thank you, wife, for forgiving me," he said smiling and he hug me.
"Just don't make me worry again. I am so worried about you" I replied.
"I'm so sorry and don't skip your meals again," he said and we both break our hug.
As we fix and clean the table. We happily head to our room and decided to sleep.

Book Comment (12)

  • avatar
    Kyla Haincadto

    I lOvEe the story!!🫶


  • avatar
    Danica Mars Duco-Sambaan

    A interesting storyline that makes readers hooked. I love the twist and turns of the story. Keep updating author. can't wait to get your book completed.


  • avatar
    Kevin Montefalco



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