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Chapter 5: The Appearance

They have arrived on the resort and Fari is sharing a room with Carys. The boys are on the separate room right across theirs. She’s sitting on the bed while looking at the glass window. The ocean floor and its tides can be seen through the window. That made her want to go outside and walk on its white sand and enjoy the ocean breeze. She wants to have some alone time to clear her mind off the thoughts that are bothering her mental state. She wants to take her time to think about every single one of it and come up with a better plan on how to appropriately deal with all of it.
“If you are planning to go out, you need Mike to accompany you with your evening walk.” Carys said while on her phone.
“Why would I take Mike with me?” She questioned her friend. There’s a glint of annoyance in her voice while she mentioned Mike on her statement.
“Stop acting like you’re disgusted with my suggestion. Sorry, Fari. But I know you, okay? And besides you’ll walk alone outside, how about your safety? What if you’ll come across with creeps and douches? I don’t want to be alerted with a news that my friend was harassed by someone. Or be shocked that Fari was rushed to the hospital because someone broke her bones.”
Fari rolled her eyes. “You are over reacting, Carys. We’ve been here for a lot of time. This place is safe. You know that there’s only few people who are staying here, right?”
“Well, you can’t blame me. I am just worried about your safety. So, take Mike with you.”
“No, Carys. Don’t bring up Mike’s name in our conversation. He got stuffs to do. I am sure he has his own plans while we’re here and I got mine too.”
Carys tilted her head. “Suit yourself, bestie. Call me if you’ll encounter some trouble out there. I don’t want my best friend to leave me too early.”
She whined at Carys. Faria got up from the bed and went to the bathroom to change her clothes. She wants to explore the parts of the resort for a while without having a chaperon on her side. She wants to breath the smell of the ocean and its waters. She took her camera with her, went to Carys and kiss her on the cheeks to bid her goodbye for a while.
She stood on the edge of a big rock and looked at the sky. She then sat on the sand. She’ll be staying in this spot for a little while. She will go back when she will gain a clear mind on what will be her next action is. She was lost on her own thoughts that she didn’t realized that a person sat beside her.
“Do you know how it feels to love someone who can’t even love you back?”
She was stunned upon hearing a guy’s voice beside her. She looked at him and she saw someone who looks youthful and handsome. His clothes are all white and it somewhat adds freshness to his features. He doesn’t look like someone who’ll commit a crime. So, maybe it’s good to have a chat with him.
“I don’t know. I don’t really know what love feels like.” She answered.
The guy looked at her. His gaze is gentle. His energy just exudes gentleness even though he has the body of an athlete. The guy pursed his lips and diverted his gaze on the waves in front of them.
“You can feel every emotion that ever existed when you’ll love someone.”
“Is it hard?” Fari asked.
The guy suddenly looked at her and nodded his head. “Yes, it’s hard. I feel like I’m running in circles.”
“Did you do something about it?”
The guy pulled his knees together, his hands were placed on top of it. “I did. But she doesn’t even realize that everything I do is all for her. I loved her for years up until now I love her. All I ever love was her. It’s only her alone. That my heart learned to get used to it.”
“But what happened?”
“I got scared. I gave into cowardice. She’s my friend. I was afraid of confessing my feelings for her. But when I thought that I want to take the risk she told me she likes someone.”
That made Fari smiled. She can point out the similarities between his situation and hers. The only difference is that she doesn’t want to tell Mike that she likes him. And she also doesn’t want to admit that she’s slowly falling in love with him but she wants to stopped herself from falling deeper.
“Does she have a boyfriend now?”
“Well, maybe.” The guy shrugged her shoulders.
“You didn’t ask her?”
“No. I’m afraid of her answer.”
“You should’ve asked her to have clarifications.”
“Is it needed?”
“Of course. It’ll help you.”
“Help me to what extent?”
“Help you to figure out your next move. If she doesn’t have a boyfriend, you still have your chance to make things right. You can woe her by doing your romantic moves on her. Who knows maybe she will change her mind? And if she’ll tell you she already has one then it’ll help you move on. To take that as your chance to pour the love all to yourself while you’re grieving of the pain of being heartbroken.”
Fari saw the guy smiled finally. Seeing him smile is even better. So, this guy knows how to smile? She thought she wouldn’t let her see his smile. But here it is. She finally made him smile by using her own words of wisdom.
“I like what you said. And I like that you are here listening to the thoughts that I couldn’t tell to the people who are close to me.”
“You know someone said that it’s much safer to tell your secrets to a stranger. I can tell she’s right with that.”
The guy chuckled. “I’ll take note of that one. But seriously, thank you for entertaining me even though we’re basically strangers. It lessened the burdens off my chest.”
Fari smiled. “You are very much welcome. I’m glad I made someone feel better.”
“Caecius Wyn.” Th guy handed out his hand in front of her which Fari gladly accepted.
“Adaline Faria.”
“Nice to meet you, Adaline.”
“It’s nice meeting you too, Wyn.”

Book Comment (1363)

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    Dela torre villanuevaNiño



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    perfect story


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    Yade Eludo

    Nice story


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