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Chapter 3: His Flirty Nature

It is now weekend and she is with Carys. They are been sitting for a while now watching a show on TV. They got nothing else to do. Not that she wants the two of them to just sit on the couch and do nothing that will satisfy her nerves.
“We need to do something!” She blurted out.
“Need to do something what?” Carys said while munching a cookie at the same time.
“Eww, Carys. Don’t talk when your mouth is full of something.”
“I did you know wrong today, Faria. To be treated poorly like this.” Her mouth’s still chewing the cookie and she looks like she’s enjoying the taste of it.
“Wow. Just wow. I cannot. You’re hurting me.” Fari faked some cry and wiped her imaginary tears with the tissue she got on the table.
Carys let out a loud laugh which Faria followed too. This is one of the scenarios in life that she wants the most. It’s just an ordinary one but it is one of the most precious moments one can ever experience. It is good to laugh but it’ll be better when you will have a good laugh with the bestie you know as someone who will be there for you in the long run. She’s glad. Because even though the other ones have already left her life there is still ones that she knows she can count on. Her recent circle may not be big compared to the ones she had back then but she’s grateful that these people got her back.
“We need to have a get away to shake some stress off our bodies, Carys. We have a one-week break from school might as well enjoy it while it lasts.”
“Got any mind-blowing plans that you think we will be doing during this time?” Carys comfortably leaned her head on the couch while helping herself with the fruit-shake she made this morning.
“We need a get away from this place. We need to pack our things up and go for a vacation.” Excitement can be felt through her voice. She’s been wanting this. Their school activities took a lot of space in her head and it’s too heavy for her to carry that’s why she had a painful migraine and a stiff neck. The pain’s been going for days. Maybe it is because she’s lacking some good sleep. How can she sleep when there’s so many things to finish, so many books and lessons to study? You cannot just sit and ignore all of it. You can’t. She’s the kind of person who values having good grades. It is an achievement for her that she is doing well in school. And now she’s getting the fruits of her labor. By having a mental and physical stress. Glad her spirit wasn’t affected by the stresses she had during the past few weeks. She’s been going around back and forth.
“Fari, it is now practice time.”
“Fari, I need your help in this.”
“Fari, we need you here to help organizing our parents wedding anniversary.”
“Fari, you need to come up with a decision. You need to find the answer within you whether you like Mike too. Because I think this guy likes you very much.”
“Fari, what do you think about this? I need you help to spice up the details.”
“Fari, can we hang out when you’re free?”
FARI! FARI!! FARI!!! She needs some self-care ASAP. The previous week was too much for her to handle. So many things happened, and it bombarded her soul. She needs to have some fun. She needs to unwind. She needs to have some FRESH AIR. And she can achieve that goal of hers by planning a vacation near the ocean. OCEAN. The ocean has a special place in her heart. By being near the ocean she can breathe freely. By being near bodies of water she can recharge her batteries and it helps as a boost to keep on moving forward through all the adversities of life. I have been thinking about this and I need to do this.
“I know a place that we can go to, Carys.”
“I’m in. We should invite Gray and Warren. It’ll be more fun to have them around.” Carys said.
Faria nodded in approval. It is indeed more fun with the gays. You could never miss a laugh with them.”
“I’ll give those two a call.”
“When is our schedule to go, Fari?”
“We’ll be gone by Monday morning, Carys. And we’ll probably stay there for 4 days.”
“That’s good.” Carys clapped her hands happily after hearing her statement. She is glad that she’s not the only one who’s happy about this too.
“Ready to pack your swimwear?” Faria asked teasingly.
“Of course. I’ll be preparing some sexy ones that fit my body perfectly. Who knows I’ll meet someone during our vacay? He might be the one.” Carys said those words dreamily.
“You sure? You’re not going to run away this time around in case you’ll meet someone out there?”
“Erhm. Let’s see, Fari. It is for us to find out.”
They both laughed with the conversation they’re having right now. Boys and falling in love. She doesn’t really know how real love feels like. But she’s sure that Carys had her experience. And it wasn’t great. It was Carys’ first love. The love her bestie hoped to have wasn’t the kind of love she expected. She’s there with Carys when she’s having her heartbroken break down and she looked like a mess. Eyes all puffed and reddish. Hair looking like a bird’s nest. Didn’t have taken a bath for days and never even bothered to change clothes. The memory is still fresh in her mind. And looking how Carys was deeply hurt because of that so called LOVE somewhat scares her. She will not be able to take it. She doesn’t want to see herself in that kind of situation. All messed up and broken. She cannot let it to happen to her own self. So as much as possible she doesn’t want to take things seriously when it comes to love. Because she thinks she is too young to be stressed about love. It’s too early to have her heart broken by some guy.
Later that evening
Faria is inside her room. Crickets can be heard outside. She’s sitting on her bed. Her blanket is wrapped around her body as she turned her phone on to see what’s going on social media. She scrolled passed some posts of her acquaintances when her hand suddenly stopped from scrolling further. It’s Mike and his post of a quote taken from the internet that caught her attention.
She grimaced at the sight of Mike’s post on his social media. And who is this new unlucky girl that he’s planning to charm and lure unto him? This is sad. She’ll have to deal with his playboy tendencies. That’s why she cannot trust him with what’s he is doing to her. She always ignores his actions towards her. She promised herself to not give in no matter what happens. And she’ll be keeping that promise for her own sake. Because diving in a relationship with Mike can never be a long-term commitment. She knows that it won’t last because one way or another there come a time where he will feel bored just like what he felt over his previous relationships with girls and it will lead to them breaking up. She knows this fact a long time ago and that is something that she keeps on feeding her mind and it is keeping her sanity to stay in tucked. As she keeps on thinking about him, she accidentally touched the like bottom. She was shocked about what had just happened. And ended up throwing her phone on the bed. She shouted as loud as she can and grabbed her pillows harshly and throw them all across her room. She kept on shouting until she felt an aching pain inside her throat and it made her stop. She paused and went back to sit on her bed. Why is she overthinking this? Why she gives a lot of care unto this? Why does she feel so reactive to this trivial act? There’s lots of them who reacted to his post. She’s sure Mike won’t be minding this. Nor give a goddamn care about what she did. She took a deep breath and calmed herself from reacting any further. Until she hears a “ding” coming from her phone. She grabbed her phone to check the notification and she saw Mike’s photo popping at the top of her screen and his message.
From Mike:
I know you like my post, Fari. What you think about it? Do you approve of this?
It just happened that I accidentally touch the “like” button, Mike. And no. I don’t like your post.
You don’t like that? It’s for you.
Does boredom strike your brain again, Mike? Stop bluffing.
No, I’m not bored. In fact, I’m thrilled because my thoughts are filled by you.
Eww, that’s kinda creepy. You sure your thoughts are pure? Because I don’t wanna be a part by your unholy thoughts.
What are this “unholy thoughts”, Fari? I’ll be here to listen for your explanation.
Shut up! Enough with this topic. I’m started to get annoyed by what you’re doing right now.
Want me to do something that can make you smile?
Save it for yourself, Mike. I don’t need you to make me smile.
Ouch. That stings. You’ve tortured my heart, Adaline Faria Celestial.
You’re exaggerating this, Mike Paxton Samonte. I’ll send you a box of band aid for your aching heart.
Can you send me your heart instead?”
Alright. I’ll get a knife downstairs. So, I can open my chest and put my heart in a glass jar to send it to you. I think you can receive it tomorrow.
Woah. Calm down, Fari. I don’t want you dead. You can’t die alone because I’ll be accompanying you in your death bed. We are in this together, Fari. Don’t do it alone. I’ll die with you.
Eww. You need to get yourself check, Mike. I think you are needing of some serious help.
Yes, I am. I need to get my heart check.
Because I have been having erratic heartbeats when I am thinking of you.
Ha-ha-ha. You are so funny.
At your service ma lady.
Eww. I got some things to do. So, bye!
Bye, Fari. Think of me while you’re doing all of it.
No thanks. You are a destruction.
Change it for as your inspiration, Fari.
Enough of this already.
Alright. Alright. Bye, Fari. See you around. You owe me something so I’ll be getting it from you when we meet.
Since when did I owe you something, Mike?
Focus on your workloads, baby. Bye for now.
She caught herself smiling all throughout the time she’s talking to Mike. She frowned after she realized it and tapped her cheeks a few times. She can’t let herself fall to this guy. It’s not serious. Mike cannot take responsibility in case she’ll end up falling for him. He is a known flirt. He’s been doing it for ages. You can’t blame her from acting like this. Because she witnessed it all. How he had girlfriends. How he did the deed being the typical boyfriend and doing his duties to her girls. And how he jumped from one relationship towards another one because it didn’t work out. Such a flirt. Does he even know how to take relationships seriously? Probably not because judging his past actions she’s sure that Mike didn’t take them all seriously. She knows Mike’s way when it comes to dating people. First, he uses his eyes to look for his prey. Once he is settled, he will approach it like a predator. He will shower them with some flowery words, words that girls like to hear from guys. He will then charm them using his smile. It’s an easy work for him because it didn’t take him too much effort to get the girls. They all ended up falling into the trap he had set for them. Girls gave in. He’ll ask them for a date then tell them that it’s time to step up. He’ll ask them if they want to be his girlfriend. They’ll say yes. He’ll fulfill his duties as his girls’ boyfriend. And once the relationship gets at its peak, he’ll call it quit. Tadaa! The relationship with Mike has now ended. She shakes her head at the thoughts she’s having right at this very moment. She shouldn’t let her thoughts be consumed by Mike. It doesn’t work that way. She has some things to do and she must pay attention in doing all of them. That’s it. Mike is now shood from Fari’s mental space.

Book Comment (1363)

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    Dela torre villanuevaNiño



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    perfect story


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    Yade Eludo

    Nice story


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