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Chapter 2: What's With Him?

“I need some well-defined advice from you, Ray. What do you think about the outline of this speech?” I handed Ray the piece of paper that I am holding for him to read it. Ray? Who is Ray? Ray is a darling. The epitome of a sunshine coming out in a guy’s body and he sheds the light for people who is in need of some positivity because life is kinda harsh for them at times. Don’t worry. There’s no romance going on between the two of us. We are just friends. Besides, the two of us are interested in the same thing. What thing? Of course, boys! Not obvious? Well, I’ll state the obvious. But first I need to give a shout out to those girls who have a fancy for this guy!!! Accept the truth even though it hurts, okay? There’s no point to push yourselves to continue crushing on this guy because all of you stood no chance at getting him. Y’all got not chance. And it’s time for you to move on and find someone else because Ray is in love with his childhood friend. And he’s been keeping the feelings since they were 8 and now that 10 years have passed Ray is still into him. He only has his eyes set for one person. That’s it! I am done with this internal monologue.
“This is good. Is this really your work, Fari? Because there is no way you can make something as brilliant as this.” Ray commented. Is that it? Was his comment a compliment or a critique? Time to find out because I will be asking him, right this very instant.
“Are you serious, Ray?” I looked at him and put my hands on each side of my waist and act sassily. Ray smiled at my sudden impulsive action and handed the paper back at me.”
“Girly can’t take a joke this time, it hurts my heart.” He dramatically puts his hand on his chest and acted like his soul was been damaged. And I cannot ignore that act because his acting is funny. That we both ended up laughing together.
“I would rate this writing a 10 out of 10. Your work is amazing as always. I was reluctant at first because girl, I was confused where you had the inspiration to write this piece. Knowing the fact that you are, LOVELESS. What happened to Adaline Faria that she decided to accept the offer of joining a contest where she has to express herself in front of the stage acting all wounded because of a HEARTBREAK! That doesn’t make any sense to me at all, girl? It’s shocking!” He opened his mouth acting like he is somewhat surprise of my previous announcement. Honestly, I cannot decline the offer of our teacher. She is too hard to resist. Miss Evelyn is charismatic. And she’s using that charisma of hers for her advantage. I can say she’s victorious with that because I think that most of the people, she asked a certain request to do something never rejects her. And this is a win-win situation for the both of us. I’ll represent our class just like she wants me to do and I’ll be having the chance to act all crazy on stage with my prepared theatrical speech and bring shock to the system of the people who will be able to witness my paroxysm. Definitely a win-win situation.
“What’s that?” I immediately look at the person who is been leaning his head on the edge of my shoulders trying to get a glimpse of my writing and as I look at this human being beside me, I saw Mike Eduard smiling joyously at me. Showing me his perfectly aligned teeth and squinted eyes.
“My written speech for the upcoming contest.” I said conveniently. I straightened my posture trying to shrugged off the thought that he’s too close and I can feel the heat of his body beside mine. He leaned closer to hold my hand and he starts to read what was written using his eyes. I thought he was supposed to snatch the paper at me to have that all for himself but he didn’t. He is still holding my hand taking his precious time to stare at the words on the paper and then look at me straight in the eye and smiled. Then he did let go of my hand and take a step back, only a few centimeters away from me. He clapped his hands, eyes and mouth still smiling. I can’t decide whether I hate it or not. More like a 50/50. I hated it and I also quiet liked it.
“I like it. Are you in love right now?” He said these words confidently not breaking the eye contact.
“What?” I didn’t get a hang of what he did just said to me because it caught me off guard.
“She’s not. There’s no way she will let her walls down, Mikey.” Ray participated in our conversation.
“How can she come up with that? Her choice of words is conducive to the senses.” Mike responded. His gaze didn’t even leave me even though Ray is talking at him.
“How about you, Mikey? Do you love someone right now?”
Here we go again. Ray’s nosy side is now coming up. I wanted to stop him from what he’s currently doing but I can’t bring myself to do it. No, not in front of Mike.
“Me? Of course, I love someone. I love her. I love the person who is beside me.” His steady stare lingered on me and I was astounded by his sudden declaration. I don’t know if he is just playing with his words or he is serious with his confession. I don’t know what to say. My heart is beating so fast that it feels like a lot of horses are galloping to reach the end of the race. Breathe, Adaline! Don’t take it seriously. Mike is just playing around. You already know him, right? He is a flirt! Get a hold of yourself.
I looked at Ray who is also looking at me. His eyes look like it’s waiting for my reaction to Mikey’s statement. I was about to opened my mouth to express my response when I heard a shout from Warren.
“Good morning, lovelies. I brought you three some snacks that I bought during our beach vacay with my family.” He rushed towards our direction and smiled gleefully.
“Finally, you’re here now. What took you so long for you to arrive?” Ray asked questionably.
“Sorry, bub. I need to follow all the steps of my morning ritual. It is important for me to achieve my glam and glow look.” He went to his seat and put down his striking neon backpack. Why striking? Because the color is NEON. One of the most salient color to exist. And my eyes hurt just by looking at his backpack.
“So, what’s the deal with you three? Any hot tea available to be shared? Because I badly need some tea to fuel me and help me keep going throughout the entire day.” Warren sat on his chair and positioned his knee on top of his other knee, basically he crossed his legs. Looking ready to listen to anything that we are about to say to him.
“Just Fari and her literary works.” Ray abruptly said. He looked at me then turned his gaze on Mike. Eyes saying that, “I got this, Fari.” And glared at Mike. The other side of his lips rose and made a grimace. He got up from his seat and walked towards us and whispered, “Enough with the jokes, Mikey. Don’t play with Fari’s mind.” He then tapped Mike in the shoulder and then went to Warren’s direction who is looking confused about what’s going on around his milieu.
“Both of you needed to figure things out. To sort something within yourselves. So that the two of you won’t end up hurting each other in the end.” He added.

Book Comment (1363)

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    Dela torre villanuevaNiño



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    perfect story


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    Yade Eludo

    Nice story


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