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Chapter 6 FIRE and ICE

"I would remain cold to protect myself rather than burn myself into the memories of the past…"
I'm Lee Eun-woo, the next heir for the position of chief executive officer in the Grand Publishing. I am the firstborn of my father, Lee Woo-jin and my mother, Zheng Ga-eun. I grew distant from my father because of what he had done.
I was seventeen years old when I caught him with another woman and this woman was Ji-hoon’s mother. I thought at first their relationship was just recently, but when I met Ji-hoon I found out that he was my age.
Before my mother died, she revealed the fact that she knew about my father's affair for a long time. She was so brave for forgiving my father which I cannot accept even now.
"Mr. Lee Eun-woo…" I got back to my senses after hearing my name being called, and then I looked at the head director, Mr. Han. "It's your turn to do your presentation."
Without response, I got up from my seat and prepared the laptop where I saved my presentation. I began my explanation as soon as they saw my PPT being projected on the whiteboard.
"Grand Publishing was launched on World Book Day in 2000 and serves as one of the most famous Asian distributors for domestic and international publishers in the fiction genre. And for the past nineteen years we have not lost sight of that mission," I explained. "In this modern world, even reading and writing are now being serialized. I say we have the ability to upgrade the readership of our company and to keep readers coming back for more."
I clicked the remote to proceed to the next slide show.
"Now, I present to you - Grand Books: A New Wave of Digital Publishing." I clicked the remote again. "Our team consists of passionate readers, authors, and content consumers. Creating and sharing content is in our history, and most critical to that mission is the success of our authors."
"In your opinion, do you think the company will be able to cope up with today's online book marketing?" Mr. Baek, one of the board members asked me. "I mean, we are like the epitome of old books. We have never ever tried doing e-books before. We started as a publishing company, supporting paperbacks and hardbound."
"Based on my observation, when it comes down to the numbers, authors are strong testaments to how we’ve built a thriving community of readers. In addition to growing a dedicated fanbase, helping authors monetize their readership is an important aspect of Grand Books," I continued.
Another one from the board members, Mr. Jung asked, "Your proposal is interesting and yet intriguing. How are we able to start with it?"
"Good question," I said. "We will provide the tools to help authors discover the best way to market themselves and their content. Using a data-driven approach to story optimization and growth, we will work closely with authors so that breaking into the digital publishing space is no longer difficult for them."
"And how is that possible?" Ms. Song asked me.
"We will build an application that will bring stories to readers without coming to bookstores anymore," I replied.
They all started murmuring as I silently observed them. I cannot fail this presentation now.
"Alright, Mr. Lee. For the last question, what is the main goal of this proposal of yours that will definitely help you get a unanimous approval from the board members present in this meeting today?" The head director, Mr. Han asked.
"Grand Publishing accumulates 10,000+ published authors locally every six months, and at least 2,000+ authors internationally," I explained. "If we come up with an application that is both user and author-friendly, they can publish their own original stories and get a great mobile readership which is perfect for smartphone readers as well as having the idea of pre-release upcoming books to build advanced thrill."
"And how sure are you that this will be popular in the market?" Mr. Han added.
I looked at everyone inside the meeting room before giving my final answer. "We will strive to present the newest and brightest in reading and writing with diverse innovations…"
The day has ended, and finally the presentation is over. I left the company building and drove to a bar to unwind. I didn't imagine myself growing up in this kind of environment, in this kind of life. I am about to become a senior multimedia arts student in SADI for the next three years. That's why here I am, using my Saturdays and Sundays to work and train in my father's company while it's still our vacation.
I don't have a hobby and I don't have anything useless to do during my spare time. I don't even go home to the penthouse that my father bought for us to live in. I prefer to have my own place and have my peace. I heard that even Ji-hoon wasn't interested in living in the penthouse and he just stayed at his mother's house in Gangnam.
After going to the bar, I decided to drive to Seoul Memorial Park to visit my past friend, Chereen. I bought her a small bouquet of daffodils and placed them on the cemented floor in front of the tombstone before paying my respect. I could still remember what she told me about the daffodils, the reason it was her favorite type of flower.
Her voice lingered to my head. 'Every year, daffodils are the first type of flowers that start popping up out of the ground in the springtime…'
"They’re a symbol of new life and new beginnings," I whispered.
'If only I could go back during that time, I would have saved you. I shouldn't have fought with my father, not when you needed me the most. I should have protected you.'
I couldn't help myself to shed tears as I reminisced about the past with Chereen. Everytime I see something that would make me remember her, I can't help but question myself with full of regrets. I've been living with it for too long.
"I didn't know you could cry…" It's that same voice again. The voice of the person who wanted me dead.
I calmed myself as I slowly turned around to look at him who was already standing far from behind. "Look at you, Eun-woo. Trying to pretend like you really care about Chereen."
I glared at him quietly as he walked towards me. It was a few inches between us and he stood there with both of his hands inside his pocket.
"Are you repenting for what you did to her?" He continued asking.
I breathed out as I sniffled. "I've been paying for everything ever since she died and I'm pretty sure she acknowledges it more than you who didn't even do anything–"
I went blank for a moment after finding myself lying on my stomach and my face near the ground. I realized I was caught off guard and got punched by him.
"Remember, Eun-woo. It's all your fault." His jaw clenched. "You're the reason why Chereen died. YOU ARE!"
It was Saturday morning and I was inside my office at the Grand Publishing building, reviewing the previous data sales the company made these past few months when my father suddenly arrived to talk to me about something I didn't even care about.
"Can I have a spare of your time, son?"
I remained focused on my computer. "If what you're about to say won't benefit me or the company, you can leave."
"I'm going to marry her," he said boldly as I stopped what I was doing before raising my head and glared at him.
How could he even manage to have the guts to say that to my face? Is he not ashamed about it? Re-marrying for the third time…
"She will be the last woman I will be marrying. I will be settling with her until death," he continued.
"Coming from you, huh?" I scoffed.
"I promised her this time and I will not break it."
"You promised her? Alright. Just make sure you didn't promise her the same promises you made for my mom and for Ji-hoon's mom," I insulted him. "Because that would be a pity."
I ignored him and continued with what I was doing on my computer. Then, I heard a sigh from him.
"I have been saying sorry to you for what I have done to your mother," he explained. "For almost four years since her death, I've been grieving and regretting the decisions and actions I've made that caused her pain."
I stopped again as I continued listening to him.
"Wasn't it enough for you yet? How long do you want me to apologize?"
"Until your death…" I couldn't help but clench my jaw as I looked up at him. "I wanted you to repent until your death."
He shook his head amidst tears. "Eun-woo, I beg of you–"
I found myself suddenly getting up from my seat as eyes widened at him at the same time I gritted my teeth in anger.
In the end, I still couldn't say it. The words I wanted to tell him ever since my mom died. I don't have the courage to say those words to him because I might regret it in the end… even if I wanted to do it badly.
I closed my eyes and the tears flowed down to my cheeks before I decided to look away from him. "Please get out."
Without words, he got out of the office and I finally breathed out all the anger that just came up to me. I sat down on my chair, tired. And I looked at the picture frame where my mother's photo was placed.
"I'm sorry, mom."
No matter how much I dodge or stay away from the invitation, I still ended up making a decision to attend the ceremony. Soo-jin persuaded me endlessly from last week up until now. And now, I'm inside my car and on my way to the hotel from the company.
While I was driving, my phone suddenly rang and saw that the caller was Soo-jin noona. I immediately answered her call since I think it could be urgent.
"Where are you right now?" She asked.
"I'm on my way to the hotel," I replied. "Why?"
"Can you pass near Incheon airport first? Imogen's daughter just arrived and she's having trouble booking taxi cabs," Soo-jin said.
"Why me? Can't you just ask your brother's personal driver to fetch her?" I questioned.
"Oh come on! She's going to be your stepsister, at least do something nice for her."
I sighed heavily as I turned the steering wheel on the left. "Fine."
"Thank you, dear nephew!" She exclaimed. "By the way, I just got updated by Imogen."
"What is it?" I asked.
"Her daughter just left the airport and sent a selfie at the nearest bus stop," she replied. "She was instructed to stay there until you arrive."
It took me almost an hour before reaching the nearest bus stop at the Incheon airport and when I was about to pull up the car, I noticed a young woman who looked similar to Imogen.
She was walking alongside a man in a business suit going somewhere else. So, I decided to drive slowly near the walk path to take a closer look at her and she seemed to notice my car. Could it be her?
I stopped my car and parked near the sidewalk, but she just ran towards the man accompanying her. I must have mistaken her for Imogen's daughter. In the end, I waited for about an hour and a half but there's no one showing up.
"What's going on?" I talked to myself before I took my phone out of my pocket. I decided to contact Soo-jin and ask her about Imogen's daughter.
"Hello?" She answered.
"Noona, do you have a photo of Imogen's daughter?" I asked her.
"Yes. Wait, I'll send it to you."
A few seconds later, I received a notification and without hanging up the call, I opened the image. My eyes widened after seeing her picture and that's when I realized I was right. The young woman I first saw earlier was her.
But, where is she going?
I put back the phone on my ears. "I received it. Thank you."
I quickly hung up the call and started the car as I drove away to look for her. She might be in trouble by now because I don't think the person she's with earlier is someone she knows. I just have to look for her within the area.
I spent a few more minutes driving around the area, but I can't seem to find her still. I was thinking of giving up by calling Soo-jin again and telling her that Imogen's daughter went missing, but there was this sudden flashback that caused me to eventually step on the car brakes.
I almost bumped my head on the steering wheels after the emergency brake and I could also hear car horns behind me. So, I decided to look for the nearest area where I could park and take a breather. I arrived at a night market and parked the car for a while.
I sighed heavily as I held my forehead. "What was that?"
The flashback was all about Chereen. It was the time when I kept looking for her after she went missing for almost a week. It bothered me so much that I wasn't able to sleep for three days straight. I felt like dying during that time, but I didn't give up looking for her.
Not until I received a voicemail from Chereen and she told me, "You can give up on me, Eun-woo."
Until now, that voicemail was still on my phone. I don't have the strength to delete it. Ever.
Ten minutes before 7:00 p.m., I found myself driving near the hotel where the wedding ceremony will happen. And that's when I realized I forgot about Imogen's daughter after getting distracted by the flashback. I'm the worst. I could forget important things everytime the flashbacks were triggered.
When I almost reached the front area of the hotel, I caught a glimpse of Imogen's daughter standing on the two-step stairs near the main entrance. I noticed she was looking somewhere and when I tried to look at where she was looking, I saw a young man's back.
However, the young man wasn't the one in the business suit earlier. He wears a familiar varsity jacket and his back figure is also familiar to me, but since he's already far away, I wasn't really sure about his identity. I looked back at Imogen's daughter and she finally got inside the hotel.

Book Comment (137)

  • avatar
    Cj Magnifico

    nadadala ako ng emosyon nito😊😊


  • avatar
    Kim Yarcia

    good job


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