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Chapter 7 Groupie

A building on fire..... Its collapsing a boy is rising out of it...... The fire starts to turn blue....... Its reshaping into something...... Something...... Bird like..... Its..... Its........ It's a Phoenix someone is standing behind me he's in  a red kind of suit he's dressed up like that blaze character I heard about but in red and he has white hair its like he's my shadow or am I his shadow......... He's more like my light he's shining behind me as I release darkness....
I see blood on my hands and a man on the floor........ The boy in flames says "Now you must take the responsibility" ...... I see a sword in my hands its my sword... The nejire no ha..... No...... Mines a replica this is the real thing .....the actual twisted blade... The guy behind me says "You killed him!!" What does he mean...... He's dead on the floor and he's dressed up like...... I think he's...... Blaze? All of the sudden we're on a rooftop blaze is falling while bleeding and I just look away.... I can't look...... I'm sad for some reason but why?
I'm walking over to the other guy my light and as I do he gets brighter... I wanna take of his mask I wanna see his face, why does his voice sound so familiar?......
But I wake up......
The room is empty....
Jay must be hanging with the others......
Yeah we're a group now, we were all impressed by each others talent and started hanging out.....
The master even decided to make us into a group for him to be sending on missions.......
I see they're all hanging out and training outside and I don't feel like going true the booby trapped hall way (you better not be laughing about the word booby)
So I decided to jump out the window after dressing up
Then I threw my grappling hook on a three and swung down like a bad ass..... Spider man who?
"See your all training with out me!!"
"You'll probably need it if your ever gonna take me down" I say while giving them a giant cocky smile....
"How can you eat so much when your always so full of yourself" Yuki asked.....
I reply "its a gift" still smiling..... "Come at me I'll take two of you losers on!!" I say
Hijiro and Jay both run at me.........
Uh oh I think I ran my mouth too much....... I was hoping for Yuki and Yuma....... Don't judge me......
They both thrust their wooden staffs at me ......I back flip dodging the attack and drop smoke bombs midair...... I then jump on jay and drop him into an arm lock but quickly spring off him when Hijiro tried to whack me with his staff but ended up hitting jays arm instead "ow!!!" Jay yelled....
"Sorry " Said Hijiro before he came at me with a flying kick I grabbed his leg and twisted him in the air causing him to spin in the air then I scissor kicked him to the ground.... Then out of no where I receive a kick to the face from Jay then Hijiro tackles me to the ground...... Jay picks up his staff about to whack me  in the head..........
We hear an explosion
"What was that!!" Akano says
"Let's check it out" says Yuma
We run jumping tree to tree and rooftop to rooftop till we reach it.... The masters chambers....
"FATHER!!!!" Hijiro and Keiko scram
"MASTER!!!!" We all shouted as loud as we could as we watched him burn to that......
Tears filled our eyes.....
I look to the floor and see mini kunai's....... I decide to attach them to the tip of my braids......
Its time for some revenge.......
I see a symbol on the kunai
Its from the order of the white ninja I bet they are still here
"Aaaaaaaahhhhhh" we hear a crowd screaming
Looks like we are at war
We run down to join the fight but we are stopped by a really muscular ninja.....
"Go, I'll Handel him" keiko says
We go on ahead
"Me versus you..... Doesn't seem fair little girl" says the bulky ninja
"I know right, you'd think they'd give me someone with balls"
"You brat!!!"
We advance down to the war zone..... Yuma fires her arrows with perfect precision taking down all her targets
I find myself in the middle of a war zone hacking and slashing, someone rushes at me I slash his head clean off...... another one rushes at me and I whip my hair at him causing the Kunai's at the tip of them to sink into his eyes blinding him, I then jump on him and stabbed him in the chest...... arrows are shot at me...... But I separate my blades and begin to cut the arrows in half......
I spot the person firing the arrows and begin to run towards him, his suit is silver he has a long titanium bow.... Kinda explains why his arrows travel the distance...... He continues to fire at me I continue to cut up his arrows....
He runs out of arrows and dives at me, attacking me with his bow..... I block with my dual twisted blade..... He's hitting me with combos I don't know how long I can keep blocking...... He stomps my chest and I fall to the ground..... I sprung up and  threw a kunai in his eye then rotated my hair to cut his throat.....
I look at keiko struggling with two extra guys........
They're three on her..... I run to even the odds I'm running as fast as I can........ She's losing......... Tears fill my eyes....... "KEIKO!!!!!"....... One of them whacks her in the head and the other stabs her through the back.....
I stop for a second in shock..... And in pain..... she's dead....... They killed her......... I'll slaughter them all!!!!!!!!!...........
I begin to run screaming faster and louder than I ever have they each slash at me individually but I dodge every blow I cut one of the ninja's legs  then jump on one and stab him continuously like a mad man.... The other one tries to stab me from behind but I just whip my hair backwards and it wraps around his hands while the kunai's sink into his arm..... I then pull my hair dragging him down and putting my blade through his throat  I rush to the one limping away and cut his head of from behind........
I look down and see yuki struggling these assholes keep double teaming everyone....... I run down to help him...... I jump towards him but I'm too late.... They cut his head clean off...... I look into his eyes as his head leaves his body...... I see the fear, I see the realization that death has come for him....... I see him stare death in the eye............ He doesn't blink............ I'm gonna rip them apart!!!!!!......... I hack and slash like a maniac leaving nothing but carnage in my way....... I see Yuma's body on the floor........ Why am I always too late!!!!!!!
I receive an arrow to the chest..... But I stay alive long enough to watch in agony as Akano was killed they cut off her hands and feet first then stabbed in the head....
My team was butchered....... I see Hijiro being burnt alive...
And I see........
Jay...... Struggling, fighting, trying to hold on to life but .......... He can't, five of them stab him at the same time from different angles....
He looks at me while taking his final breath.....
I've failed him....
I've failed myself....
I've failed my one goal......
I've failed to survive.....
I see the light and in it that moment when your life flashes before your eye's......... That moment when you stop fighting cause you realize how futile it is.....
That moment when........
That moment when you realize.......
This was all a dream...

Book Comment (156)

  • avatar
    Bryan Dizon



  • avatar
    Leogie Ado

    wow nice


  • avatar

    fjgdjdhdjdndhdjdbdhhdhd de volta para cá e os dois deu pra vc ir no mercado e melhor pra vc ir no mercado livre e melhor que eu não 🚫🚫 y não tenho mais o gato 😻😡 e o número do jdgddd djdjdjdjd djjdjdjx djdjdjdjd djjdjdjx jdjsjdjdjxjjx jxjxjdjsjdhhdjdjdhdhs e o gato e vrfdbdu fjgdjdhdjdndhdjdbdhhdhd hdndhdgrhryy yryr não sei quem u não sei o gato e a minha mãe e o pai que está fazendo de bom e o hr agora dois dias disparos o número do senhor e os esquilos que está fazendo de novo é o que eu t


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