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Chapter 6 Talent

I break into a smile... I did it; I beat him and saved Jay. Look at him on the floor drowning in his blood... is this how it feels to take a life? It's exhilarating, the rush, it feels so... empowering and best of all, I got my revenge on this bastard.
Jay and Keiko rush over to me "That was amazing!" They yell as they tackle me.
"How did you do that? We saw you getting beat up. We didn't even see you pull out your blade. How did you cut him so many times?" Yuma asks.
Where did she come from? I didn't even sense her presence.
She may have lost to Jay, but maybe I shouldn't let my guard down around her just yet. we'll get back to that later.
"Talent", I reply, out of breath.
"Plus, this blade... it's amazing. it's not as heavy as most katanas, making it more swift with movement for easy and fast attacks. Plus, it is two blades, and once you separate them, they're even lighter."
"Yeah that was friggin awesome, I'm sure most people missed it but every time you parried Yamato's attacks you separated the blades at his blind spot and cut him, then put it back before he even knew he had been cut, you kept the cuts small and precise to make sure it would take time before he started bleeding," Jay said with a big goofy smile.
"So that's why he went for that spinning attack, he knew he had weakened Yamato's arms enough to knock his sword out of his hand, but... Jay was still counting when you were being punched... how were you cutting him then?" Keiko asks.
I pull out a pocket knife no bigger than my pinky "figured something like this would come in handy, if I straight up tried to attack him with it he would have beat the crap out of me"
"So you let him beat the crap out of you so he wouldn't notice whenever he was getting the cut cause of the adrenaline and false sense of victory!" Keiko says sounding excited.
"Exactly" I smile at her.
"You never cease to amaze me, Kai Nashi, it seems like I was right about you. Jay, you may get a second chance," said the Master.
It's hard to read cause she had this poker face, but I could see Yuma was scared.
"Will Jay still be fighting Yuma?" I ask.
The whole arena's attention shifts to me. 
"Of course" Ou-sama replies.
"You're just setting him up to fail!" I yell.
The entire arena is in awe of my outburst; not a lot of people get to talk to the master like that... in fact, nobody does.
He raises an eyebrow "Thread carefully Kai nashi, but speak your peace".
"Of course, Jay couldn't kill Yuma; compared to him, she's as weak as they get; she never posed as a challenge; you have better eyes than me or anyone in this school; you know as much as I do how much he was holding back... or am I wrong?" I know the master's pride won't let him admit I could see something he couldn't.
"Hm... go on," he says.
"She wasn't worth killing 'cause she didn't make him fight for his life. If the fear that you might die isn't there where is the blood lust supposed to come from? We all know you like an entertaining match, give him someone worth the struggle." I finish.
Yuma looks both relieved and pissed, did I say something wrong? What I said was mostly true after all. But again, it's difficult to tell; her face has barely any emotion to show; I wonder if she's hollow or puts on a front. 
Well, one thing is for sure: those leaf-green eyes of hers give away her blood lust.
The master looks intrigued. I think he bought my little speech.
"Is that why you think Yamato lost to you? Your bloodlust surpassed his?" He asks me.
"It's that simple; he underestimated me and was fighting to win, but me? I was fighting to survive; by the time his bloodlust kicked in, he had taken so much damage we were basically on the same level," I reply.
"Hm, you are such a relentless child, aren't you, Kai Nashi, but maybe that's my own... influence, congratulations Yuma, you get another chance at life, but you will share in Jay's punishment; you both will be fighting seniors, Suki and Kuzon."
Suki? The guy who's been bullying Jay since we got here? And Kuzon... If I recall he started picking on Yuma after getting rejected... interesting.
Ou-sama's pairing has been weird. First, he chose Jay's crush, then he chose my kidnapper as my opponent, and now he chose Jay's bully.... have I even been making deals with him, or have I been playing into his hands? Now that I think of it... convincing the master to change his mind is a near-impossible feat.
I wonder if he ever intended for Jay to kill Yuma. Maybe he knew about Jay's crush on her and put them against each other so he wouldn't kill her, forcing me to jump in to protect him when they threatened his life. But how would he know I would offer to fight a teacher?.... was Keiko a honey pot as well?
Hm.... Maybe I'm just overthinking it; no one is that smart... right?
"All of you go sit down for the next match!" Ou-sama yells.
Jay walks up to me "I can't do this bro, I can't take a life" his eyes shake and his arms and legs tremble 
I laugh "ha, no shit"
"Wait what??" Jay's expression changes.
He looks angry and confused... "So you're just setting me up to fail?!" he whispers aggressively.
"You gave me a second chance. To get myself killed?!"
"Chill," I say as I shake his hand.
He looks at his hand and notices tiny smoke bombs. "Why are you giving me these?"
"Don't worry, just follow your instincts and trust me", I reply.
"Sigh, you're asking a lot of me... but I trust you" Jay scratches his head.
I then run as if going to take my seat but sneak into the shadows instead.
"Hajime!" A voice yells as Jay and Yuma get in position.
"Wait!" The master yells... why does something feel off?
"You know, this is too light of a punishment for defiance, and after a match as good as Kai nashi's, I would be too bored simply watching a 2 v 2" the master smiles deviously.
Crud, I knew it, this sadistic bastard wasn't going to make it easy for us.
"I offer a chance for the two fighters after them to get a better chance at victory. Join your seniors, and show me how well you can work with them in ending the lives of these two failures, You wanted bloodlust, right kai nashi? let's prove your theory" Two names pop up behind the master.
4 vs 2? They were already at a disadvantage, to begin with; damn it, I might have to intervene way more than I thought... but I'll also have to trust those two to hold their own.
The other two students waste no time and take this chance, Jay and Yuma look unfazed as if they predicted this.
Suki moves fast and swiftly as his Junior follows him behind
"Yuma... I'll fight the four of them head-on; I'll try to keep them off you, so just support me from long-range, okay?" Jay says.
"A bit overconfident are we?" Yuma mocks him.
"My confidence is in your aim, not my skill" Jay smiles at her.
"J-just do whatever you want" Yuma tries to hide the fact that she's blushing.
"Hajime!" The master yells
Jay tries to take a stance, but before he can finish positioning himself, Suki and Kuzon appear in front of him, grabbing both his wrists; their aura is immense, and I can feel their bloodlust from here.
Almost makes me want to jump in right now.
I see the other two Juniors following behind with the intent to take Jay's head.
"They're fast,", Jay thinks to himself as sweat runs down his face.
"Ouch, forget about me already?" Yuma says as she fires two arrows at their heads.
They dodge it, which loosens their grips on his wrists and Jay doesn't hesitate to twist out of their hold and wack them both in the face.
"Ah!" The other two yell as the arrows dodged by Suki and Kuzon end up in their arms.
"Bullseye" she exclaims.
Kuzon and Suki pull out their weapons; Kuzon uses Konfa's while Suki pulls out two batons.
They all stand still for a moment as no one wants to make the first move.
Kuzon is the first to move sprinting towards Yuma at full speed.
She fires an arrow but he throws a kunai countering it and slides under her legs and tries to sweep them.
Yuma jumps, avoiding the attack, and tries to strike him with her bow, but he blocks it.
And they begin to duke it out; Yuma is a talented fighter, but the difference in size and experience shows as he overpowers her.
"Get away from her!" Jay yells as he sees what's happening.
He wacks Suki's kneecaps and then his chin to get to her, but he is stopped by the other students who took out the arrows from their bodies.
But Jay doesn't care for their presence and quickly takes them down, but before he can move again, Suki jumps in front of him and starts going blow for blow with him.
Yuma, on the other hand, survives by the skin of her teeth; she can't get within range to fire an arrow, so she shoots me a look before she pulls out the smoke bombs she stole from Jay and hits them on the ground.
Without time to think, I rush in and cut Kuzons heel, and as he falls, Yuma finishes him off. 
I steal Jay's bow staff and separate it to quickly cut Suki's throat and finish off the other two.
I return the blade and the other half to Jay before I vanish into the shadow once more.
And as I leave, the smoke clears, the blood is on their weapons, and I was never there.
The crowd goes crazy impressed by what they've seen, or didn't see rather.
Even tho they aren't cheering for me, my ego is boosted by the fact they didn't notice me.
That's right, who's the best assassin? Say my name, yes you... reading this right now say my name.
I go outside to the balcony to bask in my glory.
"I saw that" Yuma and Keiko whisper in my ears.
"Saw what" I sweat profusely.
"Your meddling" Keiko says.
"Don't worry I'm sure we're the only ones; you were quite fas?t," Yuma says while smirking.
O, it's just the two of them. No one else could have seen such an impressive display of talent Keiko is a pro stake,r and Yuma was right there.
"I saw it too," a voice says from a distance.
"Liar!" My voice cracks as I try not to cry, my ego bruised.
I try to jump off the balcony while weeping "lord take me now I'm a failure"
"Stop you egotistical idiot!" Yuma and Keiko yell.
A hand pulls me back. It's Hijiro. "Don't beat yourself up, dumb ass. Of course I saw it; I was watching you", he says.
"I guess stalking runs in the family" I reply.
"Hey!" Keiko shoves me.
Jay runs up to me and shouts, "Hey Kai, that was awesome!"
"Damn it!" I climb the balcony but they hold me back. 
"Stop idiot!!" They yell.
"You did it right in front of him!"
"Oh... that's true" I reply.
Then Yuki walks up to me and says "hey Kai I saw..." 
I immediately jump at him with a Kunai "No more witnesses" 
Everyone holds me back.
"... I saw your Kunai on the ground... dang temper much" he chuckles.
"I should have let you fall at the climb test" I say to him.
"Your mistake not mine" he replies.
"Whoa!!" We heard everyone scream.
"That Akano girl just finished her fight in less than ten seconds"
We rush over to see.
I open my eyes in shock,
I've never heard of this Akano girl yet she just took down a top student in less than ten seconds.
Who is she?

Book Comment (156)

  • avatar
    Bryan Dizon



  • avatar
    Leogie Ado

    wow nice


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    fjgdjdhdjdndhdjdbdhhdhd de volta para cá e os dois deu pra vc ir no mercado e melhor pra vc ir no mercado livre e melhor que eu não 🚫🚫 y não tenho mais o gato 😻😡 e o número do jdgddd djdjdjdjd djjdjdjx djdjdjdjd djjdjdjx jdjsjdjdjxjjx jxjxjdjsjdhhdjdjdhdhs e o gato e vrfdbdu fjgdjdhdjdndhdjdbdhhdhd hdndhdgrhryy yryr não sei quem u não sei o gato e a minha mãe e o pai que está fazendo de bom e o hr agora dois dias disparos o número do senhor e os esquilos que está fazendo de novo é o que eu t


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