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Luna's POV
I was about to go into the bathroom to take a shower when I heard a knock on my door.
"Huh? Who would it be?" My brows furrowed.
I don't remember telling Yessa where I live. In fact, I haven't even told her my situation as of the moment.
Then I heard another knock. Though confused, my feet automatically went towards the direction of my front door.
I had to curse internally when I realized that the door doesn't have a peephole. I swing the door open and my eyes were greeted by a wonderful human being.
Nope, not Mr. Abs-the-man-of-my-dreams but my cousin, Jiro, his eyes smiling.
I return the smile that he's giving.
"Are you not going to let me in?" he cheekily asked.
I lift my left eyebrow, "I don't believe we're that close yet but sure, make yourself comfortable." I told him as I swing my door wide open.
"When did you move? Hold that, I mean, when did you come back?" he asked as he comfortably sat on my couch.
"How did you know I was away?"
"We don't see each other but we're still cousins, of course, I'd know." he shrugged. "I guess I still cared, regardless of what happened or hmmmmm…" I looked at him, his eyes are no longer smiling. "Or I was just guilty, I don't know." he looked so serious I can recognize the sincerity written all over his face.
Somehow, I felt ashamed of myself. After what happened, I totally forgot about him. Though we were so close when we were younger, after that incident, I just blocked him out of my system.
I hated him too much that I forgot that we're family. My heart got a little heavy.
Right Luna. You were selfish.
"I've been meaning to tell you that I'm sorry but I can't seem to find a chance," he added. He was obviously nervous as his hands play with the hem of his shirt. "Before I knew it, it has been what, ten years?"
I laughed at what he said. "You tell me."
I can't believe we let ten years past being bitter with each other.
I was lying when I said I can’t remember how things went south between us. I do. I just don’t want to acknowledge it.
"You know, if you actually listened to me about that Lara being a total psycho, everything might have been different." I was pretty sure he caught the bitterness in my voice.
"I know. But it was already late. I can't believe that incident created such a big misunderstanding. It's a shame." he said while he shakes his head.
"I guess we can bury the past behind right?"
He looked at me. "To our new beginning?" he said as he spread his arms asking for a hug which I returned.
"I never realized that I missed you so much, Jiro." My eyes started to tear up. I looked at him and saw him wiping his tears as well.
"Our mom would be happy once they heard that we made up."
"Speaking of your mom, I thought I heard that you were all abroad? I mean, Aunt and uncle are so I presumed that you are as well so what are you doing here?" I slightly pushed him away and snatched the remote control and switched the television on.
"I was but I went back years ago. I don't like it there."
I look at him and he was already fiddling with his phone.
I laughed a little when I realized something.
"What?" he asked.
"At least you're now taller than me. But if I actually wear something with heels, that, I'm not sure of." I said and chuckled. He threw a pillow at me which I dodged before I went to the direction of the bathroom.
"Hey Jiro! I'll just take a quick shower." I told him. "And don't eat anything in my refrigerator, you dumbass!" I snickered when I saw him went to the kitchen. He just smirked at me.
"Whatever." I heard him mutter.
I rolled my eyes and went into the bathroom to do my business.
I was already showering when I heard some noise outside. I shrugged as I remember that Jiro was in the living room. Old habits die hard I guess. he is still clumsy as ever.
Once done, it's when I realized that I forgot to bring my change of clothes nor a towel. I grunt a little. I haven't even fully unpacked my stuff.
I slightly opened the bathroom door and called for his name.
"Jiro, can you get my towel inside my bedroom? I forgot to bring one. It was on my bed." I screamed as I put my hands out on the small space on the door.
I heard something ruffle before I felt a soft fabric landed on my hands. "Thanks."
I quickly dried my hair and covered my body, the soft fabric covering the curves that I've been hiding. I just smiled when I noticed the tan lines on my shoulder. I get a little proud every time I see the marks that I get for every rendezvous that I have. I pay one last look at my reflection in the mirror before I opened the bathroom door.
I tugged the hem of the towel. It was too short it was hanging lowly just three inches above my knees. It was a good thing it was just Jiro that's outside. He's my cousin anyway.
Once I stepped outside the bathroom, I was startled when I a loud voice covered the silence. Well, except for the sound of Sponge Bob coming from the television.
"Do you always just allow guys enter your room?!!!"
My eyes landed on Devon who was standing just a beside Jiro whose eyes are glued to the television, not minding the scene between me and his friend.
I had to cover my chest in embarrassment. Though a towel was covering my body, I was caught off-guard by the intimidating look on his eyes.
He looked like he was pissed-off.
"I'm sorry, what?" I stated, clueless why he was actually acting like that.
He walked to my direction, I had to step back a little. But I forgot I just came out of shower so my back is now pressed at the bathroom door.
"What are you doing?" my voice came out a whisper.
He stopped just a step closer to my face.
I gulped.
The mere sight of his perfect face makes my heart beat a thousand times faster. I'm afraid that if this continue, I'd probably be admitted on the hospital, I'm not even joking. That's how strong his effect on me is.
Stop, mister. Before I grab your neck and start kissing you. I had to scold myself for thinking perversely.
Well, you can't blame me, huh.
"You forgot your phone," he said as he extended his hand. My eyes landed on his hand, my phone at the top of his palm.
"Ohhhh," I said as I quickly grab my phone from his hands. My body shivered from the sudden contact.
"You shouldn't be letting any guy come inside your room, especially if you're alone." his voice stern, I swear all the hairs from the back of my neck all stood up. "And is about to shower," he added.
I immediately looked down not able to handle the strong gaze that he is giving me.
It's funny how I was so confident earlier but just a few second of his stare feels like my whole body is being paralyzed.
I just realized how beautiful his eyes are. I feel like he's staring right through me and I'm not sure if I like that. I feel like he's trying to read my mind and know my secrets.
I almost jump in surprise when I felt him tuck a few strands of my hair which are hanging loosely right beside my face. My face blushed as I realized how I looked. I'm almost half-naked standing in front of him, the same way he was standing in front of me in just a towel earlier.
"Are you both going to re-enact your scene earlier?" I heard my cousin from beside. "Because if you would, please tell me because I will go out. I don't want to see the both of you being all too intimate. It's weird."
"Oh God." I don't know if my cheeks can go any redder.
"Shut up Jiro! Why are you even here?" he said as he turned around. He looked pissed if I may point it out.
"Why? Are you jealous that I'm here?" my heart started beating like crazy.
Fuck, what the hell is he trying to do?
I know I had been openly admitting how I like Devon but I still have a few shame left in my system.
"Tssss," Devon snickered.
He looked back to me and shooed me inside my room. "What, are you not changing?" he asked a little pissed.
And then I noticed how his eyes landed on my lips while he bit his own.
Shit. Is he going to kiss me?

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